What a surprise I had when I came home from Mass. Shiloh had to have been working hard the full hour and ten minutes I was away. She left no room untouched. Oh she was bad but she is so smart. The house looked as though it had just been through an earthquake. Everything was on the floor, cushions, ornaments, pillows off the beds, matts chewed, sandals chewed even the cord on my towel warmer. She managed to pull the registers up from the floor....oh yes she did and she even managed to pull the drawer out from one of my end tables.. Thank heaven she had put cushions down first or I am sure more damage would of been done. Well I really scolded her all the time I was picking up, cleaning and vacuuming. By the time I sat down she looked so sad and sat across the room from me, I couldn't handle those big eyes looking so sad so I got up and gave her a treat. I know I need to learn somethings about dogs, never leave them alone or if you do put her in a kennel or at least close all the doors so they can't wreck everything in their path........or next time I will dog sit her at her house, yup that is what I will do. The funny thing about all this is that even after all the ups and downs, cleaning and shouting I really missed her when they took her home. Can you believe it? Maybe it is time I got my own dog..........on second thought NO WAY!
Hope you all enjoy the first day of summer, sending big hugs to all of you, God Bless...........:-)
You wouldn't think that such an innocent looking dog could get up to so much mischief!
Maybe dog sitting in her own home would be the answer next time.
I expect that she thought that she had moved home after such a short time with Fallon.
Lovely post.
Maggie X
Nuts in May
Oh Bernie, I was with you every step of the way while reading your post. Poor confused Shiloh being left in a 'strange' house and poor Bernie having to put things right. I felt your frustration and the turn-around mood where you couldn't resist those doggy eyes. Been there and would go there again if I could. Owning your own dog is different to minding someone else's. You train them to your way of life. Happy Summer, Bernie.
Shiloh is pretty ...plus pretty destructive! That must have been some shock, Bernie, to walk in and find your home in such disarray! Hope it wasn't your new summer sandals that were chewed!
oh my on the house wrecking...cute pups but...we had a dog once...about 14 years ago...he lasted a week...he ate the kitchen table...
What a little mischief maker Shiloh is! So much energy and curiosity. But how wonderful for you to have her around all weekend for company.She looks positively lovely I often wish that I had a dog = despite their rambunctiousness, they make for wonderful companions. And they are great for exercising. I remember a Weight Watcher leader in Vancouver telling us that more dogs lose weight on Weight Watchers than anyone because of the number of walks they get taken on!
Have a wonderful day Bernie! In your now clean and tidy home! xoxoxo
I guess she was a bit young and also in a strange place to be left alone. Not that I know anything about dogs, mind you.
Hi Bernie
Shiloh is beautiful but she was a bit of a rascal, huh?
I know just how you felt when she got away as I have been there with Jake.
Such a sinking feeling in your heart!
Thank goodness she came back home!
Jake has never torn the house up like Shiloh did but he did a good amount of chewing up shoes when he was a puppy.
What a weekend you had Shiloh!
Bet you were exhausted when you got back to your place!
Well, saw this post and wanted to comment before I get ready for work.
Have a good day, my friend.
PS. I booked my flight for Nova Scotia yesterday, going in Sept.
sorry to read about the damage....maybe when Shiloh is more secure things will get better. Sounds like she had a lot of change in the last few weeks, new people, new home etc.
Does it sound like i'm making excuses for her ? LOL
I do know about the shock of coming home to damage after leaving a dog home alone... fortunately they all grew out of it and yes kennels became part of the furniture until i could trust them. Our fist dog (a golden) ate a couch :O
Shilo is beautiful BTW
I can't have any dogs or cats in the apartment complex where I live, Bernie, but I too love them. I would have a cat in a minute, but it's also nice not to have to worry about them.
Now Shiloh needs to go to good doggie school! :-)
She is so pretty ...hard to believe such a pretty girl would cause so much mess! lol
She looks beautiful and harmless. Good actress hein?
God bless.
HI BERNIE - oh my, that Shiloh is too cute and so full of trouble!. She gave you a "run for your money" , ey? :-) You are a good Aunt and a true animal lover. 'Happy Summer'
Love to you my friend
Oh no you don't. Yes they are cute and all but I can't go anywhere because I have no one to walk these little dogs which need to be walked more often than big dogs!
Fortunately they don't chew on anything but their own toys but they are just like having a couple of kids. You would lose your freedom Bernie! Love Di ♥
Shiloh must still be a pup to have gotten into so much mischief. It's better to lock her into one room where she can't do much damage the next time. And get her lots of rawhide bones to chew on. She probably didn't like being left alone too.
Get an older dog if you're serious about getting one. They will be very grateful for a good home.
Puppies that go home can be very nice. I miss having a dog around, but so don't want to go through that puppy stage and training. I enjoy when my granddog comes to visit. He greets me warmly. I have a box of dog toys and chews to occupy him. He'll sit with me. Then he goes home. Nice, too.
Oh Bernie she looks so lovely but I know what you mean about destruction. I had a dog many, many years ago that ate my sofa. Yep both cushions...all over the floor and when I went upstairs she had eaten the padding off the headboard on my bed!! She ended up outside in a kennel during the day :0)
Shiloh is adorable! Dogs can get into so much in so little time. If you had a dog of your own it would be different. We kept our "grandpuppy" a couple of weeks ago for a week and I was so glad when she went home. We were not on each other's schedules and it is time consuming. We have our schedule with Honey and it is much easier. I will never forget the first full day we got Honey she dug out of her pen and I was furious with her. I chased that dog all over the neighborhood! She hasn't done it since and I hope she never will. She just was unsure of her surroundings and her new owner :) She lives the "life" now and is one happy puppy!
Oh Bernie! You must not have known whether to laugh or cry! Still, I have to say - that Shiloh is one cute dog!! Maybe you're right about dogsitting her at her own house next time though :) Hugs!!!
Errrr....I have to admit I giggled a bit while reading this. My dog Zeb was like this when he was young!
Who knew those expressive eyes and that adorable face could hide a little demon?! It sounds like you both had a very exciting weekend! You definitely should "babysit" her at her house next time! Hope the sandals that got munched on weren't those cute new ones you just bought.
Hope you have a quieter week and have time to get your place back in order:-)
Ah, Shiloh is such a cutie, but what fun she must have had while you were out, turning the house upside-down! I too can be swayed by those adorable "puppy dog eyes" and usually end up giving treats to the dogs. I must say though I have never had any trouble with making messes...just taking up the bed at night, as if Buddy owns it himself!
We get sentimental sometimes too and do the ooh and aaah thing over a cat or a dog but it is just better overall that we not have a pet.
It would be too distressing for us if we had come home to a disaster like you found.
If I were you I would only dog sit at their house. Especially being new to Fallon and her dad and their house, it was too too much for Shiloh.
ah, this takes me back to when i got my dog and he chewed up the cushion into shreds so that it looked like snow covering the floor when i came home:)
have a great weekend.
Oh, Bernie...
Remember when you told me about puppies...
I've missed you so much.
Love and blessing to you.
You are GOOD, Bernie. The mess would have been a deal breaker for me. Glad things worked out and Fallon has her dog back.
have a relaxing Sunday. You sure deserve it :-)
Bernie, oh I could sense your pain here. Shilo is very nice looking and I see how you could fall in love....you know the puppy Rosey that I have now she loves to chew the flower petals off my plants and then runs away.....but then will turn and look at me like,,,what, what did I do, chase me, come on you know you want to. here Cinner, here Cinner!
Thanks Bernie for all the kind wishes. I am home reccovering and had the best of news. The Lois Hole Building is beautiful inside....have a great week, hugs to you.
That's how dogs will always outsmart us, they are far too cute!! I love your positivity Bernie, after all that destruction you still missed Shiloh.
Hope you are doing well my friend, it's been a long time. X
Oh I felt your pain there Bernie - little Shiloh is so cute, it's hard to stay mad for long!! I have my own little Shiloh here in the form of Archie - I could write my own version of 'Marley and Me' - he is a monkey and a real master of destruction!!!!
p.s. Shiloh looks so muchlie my old dog Suzy who passed away 2 years ago at Christmas - same colour everything - still miss her to this day! We used to have to be careful if she was out in the hills in case Farmers thought she was a fox!!
They actually like their kennels. They feel safe. It's ok to kennel them when you're not able to watch them.
She looks adorable.
Oh, my goodness! Poor Bernie! And I think it's so sweet that you actually miss her even after the disaster you found that she had made! I'd definitely opt for a crate if she ever stays with you again.
I dog-sit for my sister when they go away, and Speedy is lots of work, and he's a little demon-dog but I miss him too when he finally goes home, so I know how you feel.
'Sorry you had the mess to contend with but glad you enjoyed the company.
Love to you,
Wow Bernie,
That must have been an ordeal for you. Not all dogs are destructive though. Sounds like Shiloh has some anger issues...lol!
I think I lucked out with Molly, she chewed a few things when she was a little puppy, but now she does not touch anything accept her toys.
Shiloh sounds absolutely adorable! And a handful! But adorable! :-)
what an adventure!!!
dogs are a blessing and a pain :)
hope you are enjoying your summer ~
ours is busy. and i am sure that is a good thing.
love you.
I must have been away when you posted this, Bernie. Hopefully, they have a portable kennel for Shiloh - dogs are better when they're confined, esp in a strange place. Hope nothing was permanently damaged. You are an old softie - she probably thought she was being given a treat for the house renovations she did! Hope you're enjoying summer, Bernie!
Oh dear! After everything Shiloh did, you must have a great exercise, putting everything back where it belonged! Cute post! I could imagine everything :-)
sweet, bless you, so long, how have you been?
thanks for visiting me.
Hi Bernie ...
Hope you are having a good week!
It's raining here tonight and I'm loving it!
Jeff is away in Denver for work and it's a little lonely with him gone.
But, Jake is right by my side.
Dogs are such comfort!
Well, just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you!
Good night and sweet dreams!
Yes, the little darlings are just like babies and children. My dog has done a few things, too, that have caused my husband to get angry. DH has yet to turn over a chair cushion in our family room to discover the ripped fabric that Layla tore. Hmmm...should I tell him, or let him discover it. :)
Just checking in, it's been a while... Hugs to you :)
Missed this one. I was just thinking I haven't heard from you lately so came to find out. Oh, my. I guess I just don't have such a "heart" for pets as you do, Bernie. Stories like this don't encourage me to want one much either :)
Hi Bernie :)
Shiloh is a pretty girl..I bet she was just upset about being left..
I hope you are having a wonderful summer and that everything is wonderful there in Canada:) We are under excessive heat warnings here..have been all week. I hope it lets up soon. Hope you are staying cool..
Love and hugs, Jerelene
Hi Bernie, it's been a while since we've heard from you. Is everything okay? I hope you are healthy and well and that you are only suffering from the heat and nothing else. Please give a sign of life.
You did have quite a doggy adventure there! - Just wondering how you are - probably so busy enjoying all those wonderful and hot summer days - oh, wait - we've had lots of rain and temp down to 8 yesterday morning! Anyways, trusting that no news is good news! Be blessed!
Hello Bernie. I find myself always coming here to your blog....you have always been a friend indeed. What a sweet photo of Shiloh. I can only imagine your fright when Shiloh got away and you thought you had 'lost' her...What a ball of mischief she is....BUT, she has those eyes, eh. What a dogsitting adventure you had...and a lovely way to share it with us. Love to you, Bernie....
Shiloh may have had separation anxiety. Dogs do get it. She may have felt abandoned by her owner then by you. she is not destructive so much as anxious about being abandoned again.
just droppin' by to say hi! Haven't seen anything on your blog lately and I'm hoping all is ok. I hope you are feeling well and are out doing fun summer things.
Think of you often and hope you know you are always in my prayers.
I was just thinking of you and stopped by to say hello! I loved reading your posts and catching up a bit. I hope you are well and happy!
Hugs sent your way.
just read about your surgery over at Nora's and wanted to tell you speedy recovery and all the best ♥
Oh, my...so innocent looking and so destructive. High strung dogs do not like to be left alone and that is why some have to be put in a crate even if you leave them alone for a few hours. Valerie is right. Hope you are having a great summer.
Hi Bernie
Did you have surgery>? I must have missed more than I realized. I hope you are o.k. now.
About the dog. If you really want a dog you should get one like I did. A golden retriever about 1 year old, all trained and a lover like you wouldn't believe. Has never destroyed a thing from day l. We happened upon Dodger with God's help I am sure, but there are golden rehab places in our state where you can get older dogs and I am sure you must hae places like that in Canada. You have too soft a heart to train a puppy. You have to be a real tough disciplinarian and not let those big brown eyes get to you. It is better for the dog and you.
Need to read some more of your older posts to catch up. I will.
Just checking in again... I hope you are well :) xx
Enjoyed the tale..... woes and all....
Haven't been around to visit in ages.... I was looking at some of my older postings and saw your comment on one of them.... so I had your link handy!
Hope you've had a good summer thus far. We're supposedly in for a few hot ones --- yippee -- I've been waiting for it to be so hot that we'd truly delight in an icy drink on the back deck.
Bernie, I'll see you in October.
Taking a break from blogging as so busy now and getting ready for my trip to Nova Scotia, I'm so excited!
Be well my friend!
Enjoy the rest of your summer.
Hope to see you back to blogging when I return.
Love to you.
Margie :)
Hi Bernie - Just thinking of you and hoping all is well and that you're enjoying the lovely days of summer now. Sunshine Always - Sheila
That is so funny...not that you had the mess but how you dealt with it.
If she was a rescue, I am sure she has separation issues. Glad just like a young child to me.
Glad you enjoyed it.
Bernie- just checking in to say hi and let you know I'm thinking of you ans hope you are well.Hope your summer went well and that we see you blogging again soon. We miss you!
Hello Bernie, I've seen a comment of yours on another blog, so that tells me that you're still a part of our little blogging world.
See you when you get back to posting. :)
Sure is quiet around here. Hope all's well, Bernie.
Leaving a little hug....missing my friend. Love you Bernie....
Leaving a little hug....missing my friend. Love you Bernie....
Bernie- missing you and praying all is ok in your world and with you. Think of you daily. Hope to see you back here soon.
Love ya!!!
This made me smile Bernie...sounds like the dog could use some doggie school lessons on manners. LOL You were so patient, I would have wanted to kill the dog if she did that much damage, but of course I love animals and would have been like you. LOL Haven't heard from you in a while, how are you feeling?? Are you not blogging much anymore? I still blog, but have had no time to read other people's blogs much, I just catch up now and then which is why I am just now reading this blogpost. Stay in touch and know that I think of you often.
thinking of you , sending hugs
I hope and pray you are well Bernie.
God bless.
Just stopping by to say hi and hope you are Ok Bernie. Hugs ~ Eddie
hope you had a great thanksgiving. dog sitting is fun. young dogs are a handful. yes, i can believe shiloh was missed:)
Bernie - just checking in to see if you've been tapping the keyboard lately! Am relieved to hear you are ok and hope to see you back here very soon.
Dec. 3, 2011
I wanted to say hello to you again, my friend. As this Christmas approaches, I wanted you to know that you are always in my thoughts.
Much love,
'Don't know if you'll see this, but I just wanted to stop by to thank you for visiting me and for your comments. I haven't been on Facebook much so I don't know what you're up to lately. 'Hope all is well!
And I hope you don't mind that I email you 'forwards' once in awhile. I know how one can get deluged with them sometimes!
Take care, Bernie.
Love and Prayers,
Bernie - I just had to stop by to say hello and thank you for all the comments you leave on my blog. It always warms my heart when I see a comment waiting for me there.
As you know my main purpose is to post pics for Grandmama in Montreal so she gets to see the grands every day, but it is so nice to know someone else is enjoying them too.
Thanks for being a faithful blog friend.
Love and Hugs
Bernie, wishing you a wonderful Christmas full of love, peace and much joy!
It's a winter wonderland here!
Hugs and love
Merry Christmas, Bernie and God Bless ~ Eddie x
December 25, 2011
Hi Bernie...
I wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas. I hope that you have a blessed one.
Merry Christmas to you and your family Bernie :) Do write me a mail telling me how you are. No recent posts from you, and I really hope you're doing well. Loads of love to you :)
merry christmas, bernie:)
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