As I watched my beautiful niece open her gifts from me a "Guess" purse and a favorite perfume from Chanel, called Chance and I saw her sweet face filled with such joy and appreciation. I knew I had done the right thing. She was worth it and more. I loved watching my great nephew, Dylan, pushing all the buttons on his tow truck, fire engine, cement truck as well as many other cars and trucks. He laughed in glee as he made each vehicle move forward, backward and sideways with his remote controls. His giggles and laughter were infectious, I laughed out loud at his expression of joy.. I watched as my real life angel, Olivia, push the buttons of her angel teddy bear as it played a golden violin and watched as its wings changed into reds, greens and blues. Each chord change brought a change of color as it played the most beautiful of all Christmas hymns Silent Night. It was perfect, the morning was perfect and I more than anyone realized and appreciated the pure love of family. My nephew Greg knows my love of true stories so he chose a book I loved, he choose a movie I would enjoy and something we both love I shared with him......chocolate, As much as we were different the more we were alike, as in candy, stories, movies and just being together. What a wonderful day we had together.
I watched my niece Fallon as she accepted the last piece of jewellery my true love gave me before he passed away. I wanted her to have the beautiful opal and London Blue topaz ring Woody had given me. It was important she share in our love, also her beautiful eyes lit up when I gave her the earrings a dear friend brought me as a gift after visiting her beloved India. It was important she receive these pieces as I gave them, with "love". All those who know me know how special my niece Fallon is to me. She has filled my life and heart with so much joy.
Last night Fallon and I went to see the move War Horse, I loved it and although I would never have thought it to be a movie of Fallon's choice she tells me she really enjoyed it.
Today Fallon has gone shopping with her best friend Christina, they do this every year. She is happy.
Today I thank God for these little people in my life, for a nephew who understands me and for my family. My brothers, sisters and nieces and nephews....2012 I will be moving back to New Brunswick. I will miss my little people, but for now I am just going to enjoy them. God is good, life is good and my heart is so full of love and goodness for everyone. Hope you all had a great Christmas and wishing you all that is good for a wonderful 2012 .......tons of prayers and many hugs always.......:-)