Tonight my heart is going out to our fellow human beings in Japan. What they are going through is pure devastation. Here we worry about houses going into foreclosure, there their homes are gone forever, here we worry about an injury or illness in our family over there whole families are gone forever. Putting our lives into perspective brings me back to a reality filled with gratitude and appreciation. I realize I have nothing to complain about considering what our dear friends along the Pacific are enduring. Life can be so hard at times, almost unbearable but when we in North America have so much it only brings me a huge sigh of gratitude for my life, my family and my friends. I pray for all of those affected by this horrible earthquake and tsunami. May God be with you all at this time, and grant your loved ones peace.
I honestly think it is time we quit complaining about what we don't have in our lives but begin being very thankful for what we do have. Quit blaming everyone for our problems, accept responsibility for where we are and be so very thankful that we are just where we are suppose to be. Help our neighbours, love our families, accept their faults ...... we all have them. Work together to make a more beautiful place to live for our children and grandchildren. Accept everyone no matter their color, politics or religion. So many people need our love, understanding and prayers. I cannot understand for the life of me why Charlie Sheen is on every channel on TV when provinces and states are in such turmoil. We just have to get our act together my friends, we need each other, we are all one. No one is any better or any worse than another, let us pull together and help each other. We all need love and a connection to each other. No better time than now to start doing the right thing.
I have just returned from Weight Watchers, I am down 14 pounds....woo hoo! I really don't have a lot more to loose, I am happy with the size I am but I will continue to go every Monday night with my friend who is doing very well. I am so happy for her well for both of us really.
For the first time in weeks we were above zero today. The sun was shining and I went for a walk. It felt absolutely wonderful. The sun shining on my face, seeing all the kids out playing and everyone I met on my walk was in such a good mood. I think the sunshine does that for us. I am happy tonight, content and so thankful for the life I lead. I am surrounded by so many people I love, I have a warm and comfortable home and I can afford to eat whatever I want to. Finally I feel great, no pain, no bruises not even a cold. My family and friends are doing well. Our weather is finally warming and showing signs of Spring. Life is good and I pray you all are appreciating all that your life provides for you and your families.
Sending you all big hugs and many, many prayers......God Bless....:-)
Oh Bernie... I am so sorry to hear about YOUR losses...and your fall and injury. I hope that you heal quickly.
It is a very sad time for so many. I guess that all we can do is send prayers, good wishes and charity.
Big hugs sent your way!
Hi Bernie - What a meaningful post you've written. The tragedy in Japan is unfathomable. I feel the same as you do. We do have so much to be grateful for and I'm sure so many other bloggers will agree as well. I hope that you're feeling better now. it sounds like there's a little more spring in your step these days. Good for you! "Faith and Begorrah, I hope that the luck of the Irish will be with you...Tis me that be raising a glass of Guiness and toasting my friend, Bernie, who is living a wee bit down the road. Happy St Patrick's Day to you from the likes of me."
Sweet Bernie,
You have written it all so well about putting things in perspective about life and the people in Japan ... such devastation. And Charlie Sheen ...he is just disgusting!!
Congrats on your weight loss and above 0 degrees today? I don't see how you even get out with it that cold!
I am glad you have healed from your fall and have no more bruises.
Spring will be here before long :)
I am always glad to see you have posted.
Take care of yourself!
Love and Hugs,
Hi Bernie, so glad you have posted and with such wisdom. I think it is so horrible in Japan. such loss and such devastation. .. Congratulations on your weight loss. so good to hear no pain for you. your a love and I have missed you. so glad you are doing so well. hugs to described your walk like mine, everyone was so happy too. take care, love ya, c
You are so right, Bernie...sometimes our problems get us down....and then we see someone with so much more to deal with! This winter has seemed so especially long with more problems than usual in my life too. Then something like Japan happens to put it all into perspective. I am so sad to hear that you have had a rough time lately.
You are spunky though and have risen above in appreciating better weather and congrats on the weight loss! I need to do that too, so will springboard off you to start!
We'll just be happy with a new start in spring!
Hi Bernie,
It is so good to hear from you and that you are doing well. I agree with everything that you said Bernie. We just don't know what can happen tomorrow so we must learn to enjoy each day to it's fullest and be grateful for it!
It's difficult for some people to do this. I try very hard to keep a positive attitude by telling myself that things can always be worse!
I'm so proud of your weight loss, you sound very determined, that's wonderful!
Spring has sprung here and we have many plants poking through and budding right now. The grass is also greening up much to Jakes dismay!!!!
Good to here from you Bernie, God bless you! Love Di ♥
Hi Bernie, long time no see your blog. I agree wholeheartedly that we should stop complaining and accept more responsibility. But human nature being what it is, it will be a long time coming. I hate it when I hear someone say 'they' should do it ... when in fact the moaners could just as well 'do it' themselves.
all i can say is Amen...sorry for your losses though and glad to hear you finally got some better temperatures, still a lot of white stuff around here, but it's coming along and before i know it i will be complaining about the heat and mosquito LOL
What you've said here is SO true. I'm happy to hear the "sun" is shining again for you.
A part of my world is blank when you don't post.
Congratulations on your weight loss! That's about what I have to lose before the heat of summer. You're an inspiration to me in so many ways.
Good morning Bernie, it's good to be having my morning coffee here again with you, being so appreciative of such peaceful moments is such a contrast to the happenings in Japan. I blog with two Japanese ladies, who both live farther inland and are safe, but so down-hearted. To save energy, no matter how small, one is not blogging and leaving her computer off, "small drops turn into showers" is how she puts it.
Glad you are feeling better Bernie. Will e-mail soon.
It's incredible what has happened over there. Let's hope the reactors don't blow.
We are having a few nice days here as well. We deserve it. :)
Bernie, it is so good to read your post. First of all, I missed reading them so this one brought me a lot ofjoy. But the biggest reason that I loved it is that you covered some very important topics. It is so easy to get ourselves caught up in negativity. Your post, reminding us of all that we have to be grateful, is wonderful and timely.
I loved how you closed it by saying that you were happy last night. Than brought a smile to my face.
I also went for a walk yesterday - it was so beautiful, I did not want to return indoors!
Have a wonderful day Bernie. Love and hugs to you.
You are so right, if we wait for good news to post we probably never would. I do so enjoy your posts as they are personal and welcoming. Wishing you a grand day!!! Cathy
bernie, so good to see you...i agree with everything you said...things like this remind us how small we really are but we can not lose hope....or love of others...god bless you as well...
Dear Bernie, Good to see you posting again. Yes, we all have so much to be thankful for.
Life is good for me and I thank God for his blessings.
So good to "see" you. I love your honesty and 'tell-it-like-it-is' approach. Your wisdom is a force to be reckoned with. Hallelujah!!
Loving you always
I am so sorry that you had that fall, Bernie and that you are obviously hurt by your losses. It is OK to let your feelings out.
The Japanese crisis is terrible and obviously very close to our hearts in this family. However, bearing other peoples catastrophes doesn't mean we are not hurting too with our own burdens. We can be empathetic towards others when we have suffered, that is true.
You are such a kind person and I hope you feel better soon.
Well done with your weight loss. i am struggling!
Maggie X
Nuts in May
It's good to hear from you, Bernie! Your post was filled with wisdom as usual :)
I'm sorry to hear about your losses, Bernie. It's very hard to lose friends and you are in my prayers.
Congrats on the weight loss! I wish I could say the same but I think I need to be more firm with myself (lol).
No more falling, Bernie, okay?
So good to hear from you, Bernie. Yes, the tragedy still unfolding in Japan does put life in perspective, doesn't it? I read and see scenes of the horror they're facing and realize that we must give thanks for our own lives as all can change so quickly. I'm glad your weather is getting warmer so you can be out and about, Bernie. Stay well.
Thank you so much for your post today, and the reminder of how much we do have to be thankful for if we just look. Congratulations on the weight loss! I need to get my spirit back into it again and really put the push on. Keep it up!
So true and such wise words. It is not really complaining when you are recanting things that happen in your life. Even if they are sad sharing them is very therapeutic. You do share and then you pick up and move along. All of us that love know some day we will need to share a sadness and you will be there to listen. Blessings
so good to hear from you Bernie! congrats on the weight loss :)
My heart is with you and those who are suffering in Japan such a tragedy.
Take care and look forward to hearing from you soond..
It certainly does put things into perspective and we have a lot to be grateful for. Charlie Sheen is on the news over here too, I didn't really know who he was, but I don't waste any time watching or reading about people like that. Got no time for people hell bent on wrecking their own life when so many others are desperately clinging on and would give anything to claw it back again. Well done you on your weight loss, it's a good feeling xx
"I honestly think it is time we quit complaining about what we don't have in our lives..."
What! And miss all that fun?
Oh, Bernie, I DO NOT envy you that cold weather, although I do envy you your lost poundage. I gain and lose the same five over and over and over.
Beautiful sentiments, Bernie. And I'm going to try to live by them.
I've been so down lately with all the ugly/bad/sad/tragic events that take place in this world.
It is good to sit back and appreciate all that is good in our world too.
And I agree about Charlie Sheen, I shake my head in wonder at him, and I never understood why they made a show about such a character, and they made his flaws seem like cute attributes, and then I can't understand why that same character acts out in 'real' life in much the same manner as the show and then they find it not so funny and they fire him.
I did hear on the news today that he was doing a fund-raiser for Japan. So I'm sure there is good in him.
And, anyway, I haven't lead a pristine life, I can't be his judge.
But it is a wonder what makes for news these days.
I guess he's a distraction anyway.
I'm glad you have some sun. Our snow has melted away, and we've had a few nice days here and there, so it makes me happy and hopeful for Spring.
And we have our new granddaughter making her debut on March 31, so that's something to really look forward to!
Congratulations on the weight loss!
Good for you!
It's nice hearing from you again, Bernie.
Take care.
Love to you,
Wise words for a wonderfully wise lady. The problems going on around the world really do make me realize how lucky we are over here.
Congrats on the continued weight loss. That is such an achievement. You go, girl- doesn't it feel good to see that lower scale number when you know you've worked so hard to make it happen?!?
Things sound good on your end. I am so glad to hear it. It sounds like Spring is blooming in your life as well as in nature! Much love to you- so glad to see you back.
Hi Bernie,
It's so nice to see you Blogging again and to hear you are well.
I joined a gym once to lose weight. It didn't work. I did not lose one ounce of weigth. I didn't realise I had to go there for exercise as well !!!
God bless you Bernie.
I've been visiting your blog since I saw your comments on mine, and I also am so sorry to hear about your fall, your friends passing on at such a young age, and all the rest.
But I congratulate you on your weight loss. I've lost ten pounds since I started on this road a couple of months back, and I also am feeling much healthier.
Just started following you too. Hugs and smiles!
This couldn't have been said better.
I listened last night to the complaints of co-workers about their various aches and pains, and thought this very thing. One friend, in particular, a hypochondriac if there ever was one, actually interrupted our discussion about the Japanese devastation to tell of her experience in a very minor earthquake and how she fell and hurt her knee.
Can you believe it??!!
As we do when tragedies of such magnitude present themselves, we must pull together as people, as a nation, and reach out to those in need.
Short story, I promise:
My daughter teaches first grade and told her kids some of what was happening. Other teachers couldn't believe she had done so, but as she explained, unless they'd been living under a rock, they'd already heard all about it on TV and radio anyway. Afterwards, she said two children removed their shoes and asked her to send them to Japanese children. One child offered her lunch money. And another went off into a corner and prayed.
Our children have so much more empathy than many adults; we should all try to emulate them.
I almost missed your post - it kind of slipped to the end of my links because so many were posting something. So good to hear from you but so sorry to hear about the losses of dear friends. It's really been a winter for funerals for us too. Glad to hear you are mending from your fall.
You are so right about the tragedy in Japan - it is hard to wrap one's head around it. I just can't grasp it. I've heard the seniors say that it reminds them of the World War.
It was so good to have the sunshine yesterday - just don't drown in the puddles, lol! Getting much better after a week of sinus cold.
God is good! I can't wait for spring to really show up and I hope and pray she stays until July at least before summer comes for a visit!
Bernie, there is something so wonderful about feeling the warm sun on your face, isn't there? Walking is so refreshing and helps to get the old cob webs out. Congratulations on being able to "move forward" and on being able to enjoy your family and friends with such a positive outlook. Good for you!!! There are days when even the baby steps forward are difficult. Keep taking care of yourself and keep sparkling! You inspire me to sparkle. =D
It's a heartfelt post, Bernie. I guess we should consider our selves the lucky ones, no matter how tough it gets sometimes. At least we are not struck by disaster. But there is much silent suffering in the world and we should not close our eyes to that. It happens in our immediate surroundings, close to our homes. Congratulations on your weightloss. You're doing great.
I decided the same thing about waiting until it was all good news...This was a wonderful post...I am thinking about starting back to WW this week....
Hi Bernie,
Good to see your post!
Despite what goes on you always have a positive outlook on life! What a wonderful way to be!
You are a very special lady!
Take care.
Keep Smiling!
Bernie, you are so inspiring and I'm happy to know you!
May life bless you, always!
Such a heartfelt post!!!
Oh, congrats on the weight loss!
Margie :)
Bernie, I could not have said it better. I too am so filled with gratitude for my life and the blessing I get to enjoy every day. I am ashamed to complain of little aches and pains when I see so much devastation. CONGRATS! that is a great accomplishment to shed 14 lbs already! GOOD FOR YOU and I am so happy for you. When I slowing lost 18 lbs last year my wardrobe completely died! hehehe I have tons of nice pants I can't wear anymore...LOL but I am determined to keep it that way! Thank you for your beautiful thoughts!
Oh yes, the one-two-three punch of tragedy that has hit Japan does put things in perspective for a lot of us.
Hi Bernie, So glad you are feeling good and a big congratulations on your Weight Watchers success! That's terrific.
Like yo,u I am so sick of Charlie Sheen and overpaid, spoiled celebrities I could scream. There are so many more important concerns in the world right now. Sheesh.
Keep feeling good and I hope the temps continue to improve. xo jj
Hi Bernie....everything you said about true..Life is really hard at times...sometimes too hard. Congrats on your weight loss...just in time for the warmer weather. Hugs to you...stay well....
glad you are back, and we are here to listen :) We all know youd listen to us.
Missed Ya
Great post and well said!
Thank you for stopping by my blog Bernie. Have a great Holy Week. And I will certainly pray for Sheila. May she be with the good Lord now. And Charlie Sheen is about the worst cultural rot that can exist. many blessings to you and your family.
Indeed, such a meaningful post!
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