Today there are so many people filled with anger, tension and hostility. It is time for the harsh words to stop and for everyone to breathe. Inciting people to hurt one another is wrong, using language like liar, hate, killer is wrong. Violence solves nothing. It is a shame that those who have the power of a microphone can do so much damage with their words. Words can and do hurt.
I am not qualified to say who is right or wrong but I am qualified as a human being to encourage others to leave hate out of any equation, it is time to think of others as well as yourself and it is time for forgiveness not revenge. This is the season of Lent, with all that was done to Our Father did he speak evil of others, incite others to hurt or he asked his Father to forgive them. He sat an example for all of us...... now it is time for us to follow.
When I received this e-mail this morning I thought the timing was perfect and I wanted to share with all of you.
A story by a girl.
"When I was a little girl, my mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner
every now and then. And I remember one night in particular when she had made
Breakfast after a long, hard day at work. On that evening so long ago, my
Mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage, and extremely burned toast in front of
my dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed! Yet all my dad did was
reach for his toast, smile at my mom, and ask me how my day was at school. I
don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him
smear butter and jelly on that toast and eat every bite!
When I got up from the table that evening, I remember hearing my mom
apologize to my dad for burning the toast, and I'll never forget what he
said: 'Baby, I love burned toast.'
Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and I asked him if he
really liked his toast burned. He wrapped me in his arms and said, 'Debbie,
your Momma put in a hard day at work today and she's real tired. And
besides-a little burnt toast never hurt anyone!' You know, life is full of
imperfect things.....and imperfect people. I'm not the best housekeeper or
What I've learned over the years is that learning to accept each other's
faults - and choosing to celebrate each other's differences - is one of
the most important keys to creating a healthy, growing, and lasting
And that's my prayer for you today. That you will learn to take the good,
the bad, and the ugly parts of your life and lay them at the feet of GOD.
because in the end, he's the only one who will be able to give you a
relationship where burnt toast isn't a deal-breaker! We could extend this to
any relationship in fact - as understanding is the base of any
relationship, be it a husband-wife or parent-child or friendship"
I know you all carry love and kindness in your hearts, please share it with others at this time when it is so badly needed. I love and respect you all.
God Bless........many, many hugs :-)
I have received e-mails stating they were unable to comment, I am not sure what happened but it appears to be okay now. If you have any problems commenting please do no hesitate to e-mail me. Thanks everyone....:-) Hugs
Covnitkepr1 left the following comment and I have copy and pasted it to this post as my comment section was not working....
Didn't see a comments section after "Time to Breathe" so came to this one on "Serenity". Nice story of the burnt toast and a lesson to be learned by it. You have good words of wisdom which I can use from time to time. I'm supporting this blog by becoming a "follower"
The comment section is working now I told you in an e-mail, I wish all Government Leaders, Company CEO's, Newsmen, and anyone else in the public eye...were required to read your Blog. Seems they could learn from you, Bernie!
hey there...i am feeling much the same as you hurts my heart to see the hate this has stirred up and there is wisdom in your story...
Wanda, thank you for letting me know. Someone tried to hack into my neighbor was able to pick up what had happened and fixed it for me, I also changed my password. I am very concerned with what is happening right now and that it may get out of hand. Where are the adults in this situation, I have seen children better behaved and more mature...big hugs to Alivia......:-) Hugs
I totally agree my sweet friend, bless you.
Brian, thank you. Let's pray cooler heads will prevail and this will settle down.....:-) Hugs
Denise, I so wish all people had a heart as beautiful and wise as yours......:-) Hugs
Bernie, you are so wise..what good is hate and ranting over things we have no control over. Life is too short to waste it in anger. Things usually do have a way of working out..this is not the first conflict our government has had, & we can rest assured it won't be the last..but that's not where our peace and joy comes from.
Glenda so very true, I support free speech 100% but I have no time or energy for hate speech, they are entirely different things.
Bless you my friend.....:-) Hugs
I try to focus on the positive and find it in abundance daily. I'm surprised when others have so much anger and so many negative emotions. Perhaps, I am just more fortunate - if that's the case, I hope I can pass some of the good along. Thank you, Bernie, for your inspiring point of view.
Can this be required reading for all elected officials and so called "teen idols"? Some of their music just seethes with words of anger.
Barb, we need more people doing just what you do....I love to focus on the positive and normally stay away from negatives and negative people but these past few days have been bothering me and I felt I had to speak up, I feel so much better doing so. Be well my dear friend.......:-0 Hugs
vkt....oh I don't think I am qualified to be required reading but I so want everyone to take a step back and learn to appreciate all the good that surrounds them be done with rhetoric...I agree with what you say about the young people's music....the world is really going through a rough time right now ..........:-) Hugs
You are so right, Bernie....
I personally know Congressman Stupak from Michigan and he is one of the ones that had hateful phone calls and threats come in and the one they called "baby killer" IN CONGRESS during his speech about the healthcare is just awful how people are acting out their anger.
It astounds me.
Thanks for the reminder to everyone to go on, despite differences in opinion...but with respect and love for fellow man/woman.
Joan, as I watched the vote I felt so bad for Congressman Stupak, he had worked so hard to do the right thing for his State as well as his moral conscience.....I really felt bad for him....this whole situation is so sad, lets pray cooler heads prevail.....:-) Hugs
Wise advice and said in such a gentle way!! You are a blessing!
Karin, thank you. I tried very hard to be fair with my thoughts, I am truly frightened at what is happening in North America today and after hearing Ann Coulter on TV at noon something just made me write about it. We are such a beautiful country and we do not need someone like her trying to cause havoc here, not.a.good.thing
........:-) Hugs
It is sad, I do think it is important for the media to touch base on these negative energies, but I am an optomist and would like to think it really is just a select few, uneducated small group...
sigh. if only everyone had a heart of gold as yours
B, I agree, too much anger in this world,
Kay I too feel it is a small media group.....let's pray they lighten up so no one actually gets hurts. I so worry about everyone......Hugs
Renee....what do you think we can do to change all this anger. Our lives are so short and I would love to leave this world a better place somehow....:-) Hugs
Bernie...maybe it was my diebetic eyes playing tricks on me. Anyway, I'm back and so I don't repeat myself let me just say that we can hate the sin but love the sinner.
I lost my first blog to spammers. Trying to build up a following again. Some people are just meaner than snakes I guess.
Bernie, look my blog over and consider following. You'd be an asset.
This will all simmer down eventually. Health care was once controversial here -- at least when it started in Saskatchewan.
I wish the whole world could read this post. Thank you for writing it.
"I love and respect you all."
If only love and respect were as highly regarded as anger and hate. Excellent post, Bernie. Burned toast. Such kindness.
Covtnikepr1, I am sorry but I tried to copy and paste a couple of comments but it doesn't work well this way so just quit while I was ahead.
I welcome your following my friend and will be over shortly.
I agree, we can hate the sin but love the sinner......:-) Hugs
A/C I agree, but I don't remember people's lives being threatened or such harsh language. I do remember how there were strong feelings of pros and cons but there was a sense of respect througout our debate although it was many years ago........:-) Hugs
Ah Becky, thank you. I only want people to be safe, I love a good debate and respect all points of view but I do not like violence.
..........:-) Hugs
Civitkepr1, I am so sorry, I tried to copy your message to the proper post but messed it up. I guess that is what happens when one gets involved with highly charged emotions......:-) Hugs
Julie I am praying love and respect will come from everyone to everyone. We don't have to be proud Democrats or proud Republicans or even proud Americans or Canadians but it is very important to be proud human beings. Why is it so hard just to love and respect each other. I am sure your mom would have pearls of wisdom to share with us all....Hugs
Way too much hate going around right now, it's quite frightening!
Thank you for sharng that email, Bernie.
Hope you have been having a good week!
Very busy one for me!
Hugs to you!
Margie :)
Margie, our world is so much better when it is filled with love. I have no room for hate in my life.
Take care my friend.....:-) Hugs
What a wonderful post. You are right there is too much anger out there and if we all took time to think about this and maybe do one little thing to change it the world would be a better place.
Hugs x
Liz, I am so glad you understand what I am trying to say. I only want people to see the good, reach for a common thread and work together with common ground.....people are so angry today and my heart is heavy with their pain.......:-) Hugs
Very Nice Bernie! :) This is an inspirational story!
wow. this is beautiful. thank you so much for shaing it...and the title just helps me let go...not be so intense....thank you.....sarah
i love that sweet little story....
have a wonderful weekend dear bernie.
Ms Bernie, You are one of the most genuinely honest and kind person that I have probably ever met. Your comments are always read over and over. From a humanistic viewpoint I have not one differences of opinion. Over the years I have fought many battles for people that did not have the resources to fight for themselves. Sometimes I make my post short and sharp to generate thoughts. I feel that I need to write a long explaination and invite selected people to read my thoughts. It burdens my being to think I would seeemingly intentionally hurt someones feelings with my rantings.
Nice story! if all people are like that father then maybe the world will be free of hate and war and only be filled with love and understanding but sadly only few are like this.
This is a great post Bernie. Thank you.
Keep well and God bless you.
Gaurav, how are is the new job?.......:-) Hugs
Sarah, Thank you and I honestly believe if we all just breathe tensions will leave......:-) Hugs
Hi Chas, am really enjoying your new blog.........:-) Hugs
gnroz, thank you so much for your kind are the only blogger I have even talked politics with and even though we disagree on my issues we have always shown respect for each other. You are very important to me.......:-) Hugs
mie, I like to think that there are many fathers like the one in my story......we just have to believe my friend......:-) Hugs
Victor, thank you. I only write what is in my heart....all do not agree with me and thats okay.
.......:-) Hugs
Oh Bernie, m'dear lady, did I ever need this post. I have been too scared to blog hop for days, and the things I was getting in my email were really scaring me and burdening my heart, but I ventured over here (knowing it'd be a safe haven) and saw this beautiful post and such kind words for all. I do feel like I can breathe now, thank you!
Holly I am so sorry that you have had a bad experience, so many have told me the same thing. I feel if we stay together and support each other this too shall pass....give hate and anger no time in our hearts. Only want love and kindness in my heart, home and on my blog.......:-) Hugs
I have gotten in today but did not try yesterday. What is going on around here. Sad that some people have so little time on their hands that they have to make matters worse for others.
wonderful post. I love it.
Garnet, thank you sweetie. I believe the good will always surpass the bad.....let them throw their arrows and we will deflect them........have a great weekend.
.......:-) Hugs
Bernie, thanks for asking my opinion. Here's what I think. First, you couldn't have written less offensively, which is probably why you haven't received a single negative comment--unless it was the one that was deleted. This leads me to wonder if (a) someone really did try to hack into your blog, and (b) whether the hacker did so because of this particular post.
In any event, you're back in control, so I wouldn't give it another thought.
Such a lovely story! If only everyone had the kind consideration that father had. I try my best to be gracious and forgiving, but sometimes it's difficult.
Thank you for stopping by to leave a comment on my blog post today.
Snow, thank you and I think you may be right.....I try not to hurt anyone's feelings but I am also true to myself and express my feelings on my blog. I do appreciate your opinion so very much.....:-) Hugs
Lee, it was my pleasure to read your blog today, please come back and visit again....:-) Hugs
Hi, Bernie! I thought you had just turned the comments off so you could get some rest :) I get sick of the hatemongering, too. It never stops. I wish they could all see how much God loves them and I pray for healing of the world. I have taught my daughter not to use words like hate, liar, etc...she hears them at school all the time. You'd be surprised at some of the things even kids say to each other sometimes. God bless you, Bernie! Hugs and prayers being sent your way :)
Thanks for your nice comments on my posts. I think the song I had was No One by Alicia Keys.
I enjoy reading your blog also. I used to make breakfast for dinner for my boys. They loved it.
Have a good weekend.
Mary as a parent that is all you can do....and then trust God to do the rest. Have a great weekend...Hugs
Sandy, thank you I really love that song.
Have a great weekend.....:-) Hugs
Hi Bernie,
Thank you so much for your kind comments about my book on my Blog post "Fr Ignatius in London". It's so kind and generous of you to pass on my book to your family to read. Bernie, I have replied to your comment on my Blog. You may wish to tell your readers on your Blog what you thought of the book.
It is nice and lovely people just like you Bernie who encourage me to go on writing. Thank you. I very much appreciate it. May God bless you always for being such a lovely person.
That was a lovely post and filled with such wisdom.
Nuts in May
Very nicely done with kindness and generosity!!! You, gentle lady, have said what so many of us are feeling and yet you put it so eloquently!!! Thank you sooooo much! Cathy
Hello Bernie Madam!!!
I came here through my friends blogs(Jackie and Janine).
I am truly blessed by your words of wisdom in your blog.What a kind heart and passion you are having for the present day humanity on this earth.I just couldn't leave your blissful blog without dropping a comment.
As you rightly said we should accept positives and discard negatives of people on this planet. "Bad" people are not really so bad, in fact they come to us in order to give us the gift(positives) of forgiveness and wisdom.
The problem that I can see is that:"there are many more people trying to meet the right person than to become the right person."
Oh!!What a lengthy comment? I'm so sorry.
Regards to you.
Wonderful, amazing thoughts and beautiful blog. Thanks so much for visiting mine and thanks for the encouragement.
Bernie, this brought tears to my eyes. Thank you sharing this and I'm going to read this to my Sunday School class tomorrow!
Victor I will give a shout out of your book for sure....So many could and should enjoy it.
Have a great day my friend...:-) Hugs
Maggie, I hope you are feeling well today, thank you for your kind words......:-) Hugs
Cathy, thank you. I do feel most people feel this way and I pray every day that all people will learn from love.....:-) Hugs
Yadav, thank you for visiting and living such a lovely comment. You are welcome here anytime....Hugs
Sheri, thank you and please don't give up blogging just yet. It does take time to find your niche but you will find it and those people will become important to you....
........:-) Hugs
Deborah, it is a perfect story for your Sunday School Class...have a great day......:-) Hugs
I gave you an award on my blog, come and check it out!
Maha, thank you very much. Have a wonderful weekend....:-) Hugs
Such a nice story, Bernie! May we all be able to get beyond the burnt toast and treat one another as we should!
Vicki, thank you and I am so happy you found me....:-) Hugs
You have so much love in your heart; the love that comes from loving God. It flows freely from you.
Don't you wish that all of us could be like Jesus? That we could teach everyone how to love like Him?
I love the story about your Daddy. My husband is the same way. I always get lost in what I'm doing and stuff gets sort of burned. He says he likes it crunchy. He came in one night and the kitchen was so thick with smoke I couldn't seem him. He helped me clean the smoke from all the cabinets and ceiling, and then he ate his smoky dinner.
You have a heart like Jesus...
Thanks B, Isnt that cookbook cool, I am so glad Jacob likes to cook .Im gonna get him a binder and print all those up, I have added Home Economics into his schooling .
Joey thank you for your kind words, the story was not about my father sweetie, it was e-mailed to me by a friend and I shared it for everyone to see we can love each other and all things under any circumstances........:-) Hugs
Bernie I have to say it again... You are AMAZING. I strive hard to be the person that my grandmother can say she is proud of, to me that is the most important thing ever.
That's a great story. Thanks for sharing it.
Bernie - this is my first visit to your blog and I am remiss in having taken so long to get here.
God bless you!
ED, there is no doubt in my mind that your Granny is proud of you. That is why she loves to spend so much time with you.....:-) Hugs
Beth, have a beautiful Holy week and Happy Easter.....:-) Hugs
Fran, thank you for your visit please do come back anytime.
........:-) Hugs
I cringe when I hear all the horrible things being said, the damage being done, etc.,etc. What message are we sending to our young ones? We are all in this together and we must all work together to bring goodness to light.
Ah Cheryl this is so true, it will settle down in time I am sure, lets hope the damage between friends and family can be repaired
........:-) Hugs
Renee, I think making Jacob a cookbook of his own is a great idea....:-) Hugs
Simply beautiful thoughts penned by one of the loveliest ladies I know!!! Thank you, Bernie! Love you so much! Janine XO
Janine, thank you sweetie. I loved your new painting (the little boy jumping in the water with his tongue hanging out) I thought it was just precious.....:-) Hugs
Such a simple message that has such a huge meaning. Thank you for the reminder.
Lily, so very true sweetie, such a simple message of kindness to be shared with everyone....:-) Hugs
i love this story. so sweet. thank you for your words and sharing this story.
Ann Marie, thank you for your kind days. Have a great day....:-) Hugs
Very wise post, Bernie! Thank you for it.
Hello Bernie
After eading your posts I find theres always something to mull over - always something to think about and reflect on
Good Bad and Ugly have all played a part in my life and yes, there are times when I have to take notice of them all - 'cose they are all a part of me - and without them I am nothing
Take care
Paul, thank you my friend....Hugs
Cathy I think all of us are made up of the good, bad and ugly...sometimes I just have to work a bit harder to keep the good coming from within....:-) Hugs
This post is wonderful
Yes we need to learn to accept one another with burnt breads & sweet hearts
Shimo, thank you and wouldn't it be wonderful if we all learned to not only eat but share our burned toast......:-) hugs
Oh my! I am deeply touched. Thank you so so so much Bernie for sharing it with us. It tugged a chord inside!
We really must forgive the little things that won't matter 10 years down the line. A burnt toast won't even matter after an hour! An evening could have been spoilt had the husband not understood his wife.
God bless you! A lesson well learnt
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