Today as I was at Mass I began to think of my life and all the things I have lived through...the good.the bad.the ugly. Realizing that I will 63 in a couple of months I thought to myself "am I where I wanted to be" by this time in my life?
It was a beautiful Spring day here in Morinville, very windy but sunny and I found myself wishing I had walked to church instead of driving. I suddenly had the urge to walk and to I drove home and headed out for a walk.
I don't think I had ever given much thought to who I wanted to be when I grew up, I just assumed I would be a wife, mother and part of a community who had the same likes and dislikes as I did. No I didn't set the bar very high for myself did I, but the sad part is I didn't even meet this bar.
If I had made a list many years ago I am sure it would of been much different than the list I mentally made today. Mentally my list became crystal clear as I walked among the beautiful budding trees and fresh smell of Spring. I would of wanted to be the best wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend I could be. On my list I would have been kind, caring and most important non-judgemental. Sounds good doesn't it......I also realized that it is much easier to talk the talk then to walk the walk. I have become so impatient with people who speak differently than I do or believe differently or who I feel have just got it wrong. Who am I to say I am right and they are wrong....note to self: do.not.judge.others. No I do not want to lower my standards, morals or beliefs but I want to strengthen my resolve to love and understand others while standing up for those less fortunate.
Perhaps it is the Easter Season and Lent coming to an end for another year or it being Holy Week that had me deep in thought today, it doesn't matter. I only know I have so much to improve about myself so here is my list:
a) Do not judge others
b) Recognize I have much to learn....I do not know everything
c) Love always, as in turn the other cheek
d) Never laugh at others expense....remember they have feelings too
e) Appreciate everything and everyone that I have in my life
f) Never gossip/respect others always......treat others as I want to be treated
g) Always help those less fortunate - be happy that I am able too
I realized today that I have people in my life that love me no matter what I say or do. They are called family and friends. I am so thankful for so many things in my life but I am most thankful for my Faith. With Faith comes hope, hope for peace for my family, my friends and my country. Peace comes with a price, that price is called Forgiveness, without Forgiveness there can be no peace I give thanks tonight for my beautiful day of prayer, meditation and my heart which right now is filled with love, understanding and to live this way every day will be my challenge.
God Bless...........and many, many hugs......:-)