During the past couple of weeks as I lay freezing in cold sweats, delirious from high temperatures I had many hours to reflect on not only what was happening in my life but in every one's life and I realized just how much times were changing. Some of these changes are for the better and some not so much. It is time we all evaluated our lives, what we have accomplished and what we want to accomplish. It is time we branch out, come out of our boxes, closets and even our comfort zones.
So many of us live under the rules and conditions our parents taught us, nothing wrong with that for their time, this is a new time. A time for new rules and conditions. I believe we can can change from our youth era brainwashing and still honor our parents and keep our principals as we continue to grow.
The past couple of weeks I watched ads, listened to pundits all filled with messages to bring good people down, demonize and purposely hurt. I don't know about you guys but my parents had solid principals but they didn't teach me these things, well not intentionally. I know if I had chosen to marry outside their (my) faith I risked the chance of being disowned. They weren't mean parents, this is what they knew and were taught. There should never be legislation to force people to follow any churches rules. Churches should be responsible for growing their own members. The Pope nor Billy Graham gets to pick who goes to heaven, that is between us (individual) and God. Freedom of Religion means freedom of everyone/for everyone be it Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Hindu or Muslim etc. Who do we think we are to criticize others for believing differently than we do. On reflection I believe we have to take responsibility for our own souls, if we are worried about others then live your life by setting an example. That works!
Let people choose who they marry - don't legislate it! People come at me all the time when I say this especially quoting Scripture. I am a Christian, I listen to others, I read the Bible and on this subject my interpretation is obviously different than some of you. I am so tired of those telling me I am not a true Christian because I don't agree with them. Why? I don't say you are not Christians because you don't interpret the same as I do. I think this is called judging, and in my opinion it is wrong to judge anyone. What happens in people's bedroom is not the governments business anymore than it is mine or yours. Stay out of people's bedrooms!
Pro life versus Pro choice. I don't know why but people have taken this issue and have made it so hard. As Taylor Swift's song goes (sorta -) I would never, never, ever have an abortion. Couldn't do it, wouldn't do it but that doesn't give me the right to go to my neighbor and tell her she must not let her 13 year old daughter have an abortion, no it is their circumstance, their choice, none of us know what may have happened or be happening in another's life and until we do we cannot and must not choose for anyone else. It amazes me how some people want to force a woman to never choose abortion as it is the beginning of life yet find it so easy to give a needle to end a life. If anyone thinks a woman makes the decision of abortion without thought, heartache and tears then they haven't talked to anyone who has made this choice. They have the hard part, we need to reach out and help these women, love them, be there for them whatever they choose, love without conditions.
Now I come to guns, for the life of me I don't understand why anyone wants a gun. Again I would never ever have one in my house. That is my thought, my choice. Others feel differently and that is their choice. I don't believe to have or have not a gun should be legislated. As long as mothers and fathers believe in the safety and necessity of having guns then there will always be guns in homes. I find it frightening that mentally ill people have access to such weapons. I still don't believe I should tell someone or anyone if they can own or shoot a gun. I am glad that our RCMP, police and other protectors are armed but I am also glad to feel my neighbour's home is gunless as mine is. To me the fact that people feel unsafe in their own homes, or even feel the necessity to carry a gun in their purses or on their person is very sad. Is it common sense over paranoia?
You know there was a time when I was smug and content in knowing I was blessed because I was born a Catholic, spoke English and was a White woman living in a beautiful country like Canada. I had it made, didn't I? Well I was blessed with all of these things but others are blessed just as much as me. They may be a different color, go to a different church or not go to church, believe differently on issues, yes these beautiful people are just as blessed as I am because God loves them just as much as he loves me.
There will always be people who think the world owes them something, after all they didn't asked to be born. These are the people who need us the most. By example we can show them that a hand up is different than a hand out. I realize that we don't live in a perfect world, there are no perfect people nor will there ever be but I also
I bet we all are hoping I don't get seriously ill again but for different reasons.......lol
I wish you all joy, health, love and abundance..........big hugs and many prayers always.