Dear Friends
Today as I was at Mass I began to think of my life and all the things I have lived through...the good.the bad.the ugly. Realizing that I will 63 in a couple of months I thought to myself "am I where I wanted to be" by this time in my life?
It was a beautiful Spring day here in Morinville, very windy but sunny and I found myself wishing I had walked to church instead of driving. I suddenly had the urge to walk and to I drove home and headed out for a walk.
I don't think I had ever given much thought to who I wanted to be when I grew up, I just assumed I would be a wife, mother and part of a community who had the same likes and dislikes as I did. No I didn't set the bar very high for myself did I, but the sad part is I didn't even meet this bar.
If I had made a list many years ago I am sure it would of been much different than the list I mentally made today. Mentally my list became crystal clear as I walked among the beautiful budding trees and fresh smell of Spring. I would of wanted to be the best wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend I could be. On my list I would have been kind, caring and most important non-judgemental. Sounds good doesn't it......I also realized that it is much easier to talk the talk then to walk the walk. I have become so impatient with people who speak differently than I do or believe differently or who I feel have just got it wrong. Who am I to say I am right and they are wrong....note to self: do.not.judge.others. No I do not want to lower my standards, morals or beliefs but I want to strengthen my resolve to love and understand others while standing up for those less fortunate.
Perhaps it is the Easter Season and Lent coming to an end for another year or it being Holy Week that had me deep in thought today, it doesn't matter. I only know I have so much to improve about myself so here is my list:
a) Do not judge others
b) Recognize I have much to learn....I do not know everything
c) Love always, as in turn the other cheek
d) Never laugh at others expense....remember they have feelings too
e) Appreciate everything and everyone that I have in my life
f) Never gossip/respect others always......treat others as I want to be treated
g) Always help those less fortunate - be happy that I am able too
I realized today that I have people in my life that love me no matter what I say or do. They are called family and friends. I am so thankful for so many things in my life but I am most thankful for my Faith. With Faith comes hope, hope for peace for my family, my friends and my country. Peace comes with a price, that price is called Forgiveness, without Forgiveness there can be no peace I give thanks tonight for my beautiful day of prayer, meditation and my heart which right now is filled with love, understanding and to live this way every day will be my challenge.
God Bless...........and many, many hugs......:-)
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Happy Birthday Wanda
Happy Birthday my dear sweet friend. Because of your encouragement I have found a whole new world existed...."blogging," because of you I realized there truly are no strangers in my life only friends I have yet to meet, and because of you I have learned that the words Silent and Listen have the same letters in them and they are your favorite words, which by the way describe you perfectly.
You have shared your wonderful family, your home and the beautiful land where you live with all of us. With each of your post and comments I see the love you feel for your family, nature and friends. It could be a heart shaped rock, a delicious recipe or a visit from one of God's amazing creatures, your photo's show how you appreciate them all. The pictures of your grandchildren are so heartwarming and I love knowing how close you are to each of them.
In your quiet way you have shown all of us what can be accomplished with a smile and a heart full of love. Thank you for being my friend. Love you bunches and know that I am wishing you a very Happy Birthday....may it be your best day ever. Big Hugs to Alivia.......:-)
Dear friends if you get a moment please pop over to Moments of Mine and wish a lovely lady Happy Birthday.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Time To Breathe
Dear Friends,
Today there are so many people filled with anger, tension and hostility. It is time for the harsh words to stop and for everyone to breathe. Inciting people to hurt one another is wrong, using language like liar, hate, killer is wrong. Violence solves nothing. It is a shame that those who have the power of a microphone can do so much damage with their words. Words can and do hurt.
I am not qualified to say who is right or wrong but I am qualified as a human being to encourage others to leave hate out of any equation, it is time to think of others as well as yourself and it is time for forgiveness not revenge. This is the season of Lent, with all that was done to Our Father did he speak evil of others, incite others to hurt or he asked his Father to forgive them. He sat an example for all of us...... now it is time for us to follow.
When I received this e-mail this morning I thought the timing was perfect and I wanted to share with all of you.
A story by a girl.
"When I was a little girl, my mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner
every now and then. And I remember one night in particular when she had made
Breakfast after a long, hard day at work. On that evening so long ago, my
Mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage, and extremely burned toast in front of
my dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed! Yet all my dad did was
reach for his toast, smile at my mom, and ask me how my day was at school. I
don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him
smear butter and jelly on that toast and eat every bite!
When I got up from the table that evening, I remember hearing my mom
apologize to my dad for burning the toast, and I'll never forget what he
said: 'Baby, I love burned toast.'
Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and I asked him if he
really liked his toast burned. He wrapped me in his arms and said, 'Debbie,
your Momma put in a hard day at work today and she's real tired. And
besides-a little burnt toast never hurt anyone!' You know, life is full of
imperfect things.....and imperfect people. I'm not the best housekeeper or
What I've learned over the years is that learning to accept each other's
faults - and choosing to celebrate each other's differences - is one of
the most important keys to creating a healthy, growing, and lasting
And that's my prayer for you today. That you will learn to take the good,
the bad, and the ugly parts of your life and lay them at the feet of GOD.
because in the end, he's the only one who will be able to give you a
relationship where burnt toast isn't a deal-breaker! We could extend this to
any relationship in fact - as understanding is the base of any
relationship, be it a husband-wife or parent-child or friendship"
I know you all carry love and kindness in your hearts, please share it with others at this time when it is so badly needed. I love and respect you all.
God Bless........many, many hugs :-)
Today there are so many people filled with anger, tension and hostility. It is time for the harsh words to stop and for everyone to breathe. Inciting people to hurt one another is wrong, using language like liar, hate, killer is wrong. Violence solves nothing. It is a shame that those who have the power of a microphone can do so much damage with their words. Words can and do hurt.
I am not qualified to say who is right or wrong but I am qualified as a human being to encourage others to leave hate out of any equation, it is time to think of others as well as yourself and it is time for forgiveness not revenge. This is the season of Lent, with all that was done to Our Father did he speak evil of others, incite others to hurt or he asked his Father to forgive them. He sat an example for all of us...... now it is time for us to follow.
When I received this e-mail this morning I thought the timing was perfect and I wanted to share with all of you.
A story by a girl.
"When I was a little girl, my mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner
every now and then. And I remember one night in particular when she had made
Breakfast after a long, hard day at work. On that evening so long ago, my
Mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage, and extremely burned toast in front of
my dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed! Yet all my dad did was
reach for his toast, smile at my mom, and ask me how my day was at school. I
don't remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him
smear butter and jelly on that toast and eat every bite!
When I got up from the table that evening, I remember hearing my mom
apologize to my dad for burning the toast, and I'll never forget what he
said: 'Baby, I love burned toast.'
Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and I asked him if he
really liked his toast burned. He wrapped me in his arms and said, 'Debbie,
your Momma put in a hard day at work today and she's real tired. And
besides-a little burnt toast never hurt anyone!' You know, life is full of
imperfect things.....and imperfect people. I'm not the best housekeeper or
What I've learned over the years is that learning to accept each other's
faults - and choosing to celebrate each other's differences - is one of
the most important keys to creating a healthy, growing, and lasting
And that's my prayer for you today. That you will learn to take the good,
the bad, and the ugly parts of your life and lay them at the feet of GOD.
because in the end, he's the only one who will be able to give you a
relationship where burnt toast isn't a deal-breaker! We could extend this to
any relationship in fact - as understanding is the base of any
relationship, be it a husband-wife or parent-child or friendship"
I know you all carry love and kindness in your hearts, please share it with others at this time when it is so badly needed. I love and respect you all.
God Bless........many, many hugs :-)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Dear Friends,
I have had a day of pure bliss. It was filled with love and all things beautiful. My spirit has been renewed and I am ready to face the coming week with energy and hope.
I wish you all good health, joy and happiness in the days ahead. May you all be blessed with calm, relaxation and much love. I pray that your days will be constructive and that we all make a point of doing something, even one thing to make someones week just a little bit brighter. It doesn't have to cost money, heck a kind word of encouragement is priceless. Open a door for someone, pick up an item that fell accidentally from someones arms, then enjoy the smile and thank you receive from that grateful person, let someone into your line of traffic. You could offer to drive a senior to a medical appointment, visit a sick friend or call someone who you haven't heard from in a while......there are many ways we can help one another.......let's just do it.
One of my dear blog friends said this week that I had a way of making everyone I talked to feel that they were very special to me, the truth is they are......when I meet someone for the first time right away I see that common thread between us, this is what I focus on, nurture and develop. I choose to respect any differences we may have, trying to never judge or be critical. After all, I wouldn't want them to judge or criticize me. I learned a long time ago no one is ever 100% right or ever 100% wrong. I have learned more by making mistakes or by being wrong than I ever have in being right or thinking I am right. Have a wonderful week my friends.
I am not sure what is happening in blogville but many of our friends are having serious health issues and I ask that you remember them in your prayers....Shauna, Denise, Lisa, Ron, Alle, Maggie, Harry, Maria, Nora and Lily are just a few of my blog friends whose burdens are and prayers to them all.
Good Night, God Bless.........many, many hugs
Friday, March 19, 2010
What a Difference a Phone Call Can Make
Dear Friends,
Today began ......... not great! First it was snowing, the wind was brutal and it really was cold. Then someone I love very much misused my trust and of course having my feelings hurt didn't help my mood very much. It has just been one of those weeks. You know one of those times that anything that could possibly go wrong....did....yes that has been my week.... until tonight. Tonight my friend Annie called and we talked and laughed for over an hour. Annie lives in Nova Scotia, like me she is retired and is really enjoying this time of her life. She is so funny, and always can find something good in any situation no matter how bad it may seem. I really needed an "Annie" call tonight.
Meet Annie, this picture was taken when I was home last summer. She always comes to New Brunswick when Terry and I go home......she wants to see how much weight we have gained during the year.....LOL (I know she is reading this) Annie and I became friends in Grade 8, and have been friends ever since, in fact Annie and I are just two of a group of old school friends who I am happy to say are still friends after almost 50 years. You can think it if you want but we don't feel old at all. We have too much fun....her husband will attest to that as he was laughing very hard just hearing us laugh so hard on the phone tonight.
Here are 5 things about my closest friends you just may not know;
1. They love God, Nature and each other
2. They are loyal, loving, caring
3. They love to laugh and do so often especially when sharing a bottle of wine
4. They love Sports especially Golf
5. They are always there for each other, will travel many miles in any circumstance to help and support one another (we have done this many times for one another)
I have to say when Annie and I finished our phone call the world seemed like a brighter and better place, yes my world had been made right again. It is amazing just how much joy a phone call can bring, and turn a bad week into the best week ever.
I wish you all a wonderful friend like our Annie, especially when having a rough week as I had.
Good Night, God Bless.........and many, many hugs :-)
Today began ......... not great! First it was snowing, the wind was brutal and it really was cold. Then someone I love very much misused my trust and of course having my feelings hurt didn't help my mood very much. It has just been one of those weeks. You know one of those times that anything that could possibly go wrong....did....yes that has been my week.... until tonight. Tonight my friend Annie called and we talked and laughed for over an hour. Annie lives in Nova Scotia, like me she is retired and is really enjoying this time of her life. She is so funny, and always can find something good in any situation no matter how bad it may seem. I really needed an "Annie" call tonight.
Meet Annie, this picture was taken when I was home last summer. She always comes to New Brunswick when Terry and I go home......she wants to see how much weight we have gained during the year.....LOL (I know she is reading this) Annie and I became friends in Grade 8, and have been friends ever since, in fact Annie and I are just two of a group of old school friends who I am happy to say are still friends after almost 50 years. You can think it if you want but we don't feel old at all. We have too much fun....her husband will attest to that as he was laughing very hard just hearing us laugh so hard on the phone tonight.
Here are 5 things about my closest friends you just may not know;
1. They love God, Nature and each other
2. They are loyal, loving, caring
3. They love to laugh and do so often especially when sharing a bottle of wine
4. They love Sports especially Golf
5. They are always there for each other, will travel many miles in any circumstance to help and support one another (we have done this many times for one another)
I have to say when Annie and I finished our phone call the world seemed like a brighter and better place, yes my world had been made right again. It is amazing just how much joy a phone call can bring, and turn a bad week into the best week ever.
I wish you all a wonderful friend like our Annie, especially when having a rough week as I had.
Good Night, God Bless.........and many, many hugs :-)
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Happy St. Patrick's Day my friends, now don't forget to be wear'in something green unless you want to get pinched......and I am sure there is somebody just waiting to find someone not wearin' the green. There is a name for these people who like to pinch others but it is not a very nice one.
As for me I am wearing a green sweater and serving corn beef and cabbage for dinner. You know my ancestors (father's people) originated from Northern Ireland, Sligo area and I like knowing this. I only wish the Irish were known for more elaborate food than corn beef and cabbage or potatoes. Well I know they like their whiskey and love to dance and sing wonderful story like songs. I happen to love their music as well.
In 2008 my sister Sheila and I visited Ireland and I loved it. We stayed in Dublin and I found the people to be friendly, funny and very kind. We traveled by train to Sligo County to visit where our ancestors left many years ago only to arrive in Canada. I did not get the information I wanted but I plan to go back and really put some effort into learning more of our ancestry. I found myself enjoying the beautiful green fields, their cemeteries...yes I enjoyed reading the names and dates on the headstones. In fact there was nothing about Ireland I didn't like, well except it did rain quite a lady on the tour bus was asked if she brought her umbrella and she said "of course I have but instead of everyone carrying an umbrella perhaps a huge umbrella should be put over Ireland itself then we all could enjoy it" She was so cute and we all laughed at her honesty, actually I think she was onto something myself. It was wonderful just knowing my feet were touching the ground that my very own relatives had touched many years ago. There is something to be said about knowing our past, some how the older I get the more I appreciate all those who have come before me and the more I want to learn about them. Yes learning more about my ancestors is a project I want to start very soon.
Have a wonderful St. Patrick's Day my friends....God Bless.......:-) Hugs
As for me I am wearing a green sweater and serving corn beef and cabbage for dinner. You know my ancestors (father's people) originated from Northern Ireland, Sligo area and I like knowing this. I only wish the Irish were known for more elaborate food than corn beef and cabbage or potatoes. Well I know they like their whiskey and love to dance and sing wonderful story like songs. I happen to love their music as well.
In 2008 my sister Sheila and I visited Ireland and I loved it. We stayed in Dublin and I found the people to be friendly, funny and very kind. We traveled by train to Sligo County to visit where our ancestors left many years ago only to arrive in Canada. I did not get the information I wanted but I plan to go back and really put some effort into learning more of our ancestry. I found myself enjoying the beautiful green fields, their cemeteries...yes I enjoyed reading the names and dates on the headstones. In fact there was nothing about Ireland I didn't like, well except it did rain quite a lady on the tour bus was asked if she brought her umbrella and she said "of course I have but instead of everyone carrying an umbrella perhaps a huge umbrella should be put over Ireland itself then we all could enjoy it" She was so cute and we all laughed at her honesty, actually I think she was onto something myself. It was wonderful just knowing my feet were touching the ground that my very own relatives had touched many years ago. There is something to be said about knowing our past, some how the older I get the more I appreciate all those who have come before me and the more I want to learn about them. Yes learning more about my ancestors is a project I want to start very soon.
Have a wonderful St. Patrick's Day my friends....God Bless.......:-) Hugs
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Time To Move Forward......Again
"The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassions, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen." > Elisabeth Kübler Ross
Dear Friends,
I do hope this post finds you all well and enjoying the Spring like weather we have been experiencing in Alberta. It has been lovely.
It has been a heavy duty week, filled with emotions of every sort. I have survived and have started moving forward.....again.
I had family staying with me a few days this week but they left last night and as much as I love my family and enjoy their visits I have to say I am really enjoying the quiet of my home tonight. It is so peaceful and I am so thankful for my many blessings.
I have missed you all and though I have tried to visit most of your blogs I realize it was a hit and miss for me this past week.......I had way too many distractions.
Jackie's memorial was lovely and I know she would of been very pleased. Her husband is not doing very well at all and we all are concerned for him, her daughters have been wonderful. They seem to have matured into beautiful women through all of this pain. I am so proud of them.
I do hope you all have a wonderful Sunday and I look forward to catching up with all of you over the next few days.
Thank you all for your loving words of support. They uplifted me in many ways especially knowing how much you you all.
Good night, God Bless..........many, many Hugs :-)
Dear Friends,
I do hope this post finds you all well and enjoying the Spring like weather we have been experiencing in Alberta. It has been lovely.
It has been a heavy duty week, filled with emotions of every sort. I have survived and have started moving forward.....again.
I had family staying with me a few days this week but they left last night and as much as I love my family and enjoy their visits I have to say I am really enjoying the quiet of my home tonight. It is so peaceful and I am so thankful for my many blessings.
I have missed you all and though I have tried to visit most of your blogs I realize it was a hit and miss for me this past week.......I had way too many distractions.
Jackie's memorial was lovely and I know she would of been very pleased. Her husband is not doing very well at all and we all are concerned for him, her daughters have been wonderful. They seem to have matured into beautiful women through all of this pain. I am so proud of them.
I do hope you all have a wonderful Sunday and I look forward to catching up with all of you over the next few days.
Thank you all for your loving words of support. They uplifted me in many ways especially knowing how much you you all.
Good night, God Bless..........many, many Hugs :-)
Sunday, March 7, 2010
My Friend Jackie Has Gone Home
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Dearest Friend
My dear friend
Today as I watched you sleeping I felt totally numb. It was so surreal to me and my heart was breaking for you or perhaps it was breaking for me.
We have been friends for over ten years. During this time we have worked side by side as co-workers, sharing lunches, helping each other to meet deadlines, shared stories of our families, laughed and cried together and always we encouraged each other through everything. I am the oldest so you looked to me for guidance and understanding and I tried to never let you down.
Later on we became neighbours when you and your family moved a few doors down from me. You cared for me the year after I had battled cancer and for that year each evening brought over a hot meal, you knew I wouldn't bother cooking for myself and you wanted me healthy so I would continue working. Your kindness and friendship was and is one of the best memories I hold in my heart. You kept my spirits high after my sisters had returned home and I had to live again on my own.
Today as I sit in your living room, I am remembering the day we chose the paint color for these walls and picked out the drapes now closed against the Spring sunshine, you were so happy then, full of life..... this was the first house you and your husband had purchased and would now call home.
I find it hard to understand what is going on around me now. The bed you sleep in is foreign to me in this room, the oxygen tank you breathe from, the many bottles of medication beside you and the tubes now a part of you are all so strange to me. I keep thinking of the words you spoke before you drifted off to sleep. I asked you if you were frightened and you said "no, I am to tired to feel anything." You have just come home after spending nearly 2 months in hospital. This is where you begged to come, you hated being in the hospital away from your family.
Your husband and daughters are at work, they seem to think you will be better soon and their lives will be back to normal. They only speak of when your better, but somehow I don't feel you will get any better than you are right now. No one speaks of your illness so it is hard for me to know what to do for you, what to say to you. You are unable to sit aside your bed, unable to even go to the washroom. As we looked at each other we both knew without speaking that this is not a good situation. Oh how I wish you would tell me what you are thinking, how you are truly feeling and more than anything I want to know why you don't talk to your family about what is happening, perhaps you have and this is the way you all want it to be.
Well my friend I want to tell you how much I love you, how much your friendship means to me and how I hold you in my heart and prayers always. Perhaps your family are right, you will get better and this dark sick room will once again become the bright living room it once was. Perhaps we will laugh together and share our days chatting over a cup of coffee......the way it use to be. Until this happens please know that you will be forever my friend and I will always stand beside you just as I sit beside you this afternoon. Welcome home my dearest friend, may God Bless you and the angels protect you as you journey through this horrible illness. I love you.
I began this post last night but was too tired to finish it so waited until this afternoon. As I read it over I realize I still feel the same and don't want to change my message to my dear friend. I ask you all to continue your prayers for her. I will update you all on her situation regularly as I see her almost daily.
I want to thank my dear blogger friend Cindy who helped me give my blog a fresh new look. Cindy your e-mail this morning was wonderful, so clear and easy for me to follow. I love the new look and love you for helping me achieve it. Oh I am so blessed with such wonderful blogger friends.
Have a wonderful day my friends, God Bless and ....... many, many hugs.
Today as I watched you sleeping I felt totally numb. It was so surreal to me and my heart was breaking for you or perhaps it was breaking for me.
We have been friends for over ten years. During this time we have worked side by side as co-workers, sharing lunches, helping each other to meet deadlines, shared stories of our families, laughed and cried together and always we encouraged each other through everything. I am the oldest so you looked to me for guidance and understanding and I tried to never let you down.
Later on we became neighbours when you and your family moved a few doors down from me. You cared for me the year after I had battled cancer and for that year each evening brought over a hot meal, you knew I wouldn't bother cooking for myself and you wanted me healthy so I would continue working. Your kindness and friendship was and is one of the best memories I hold in my heart. You kept my spirits high after my sisters had returned home and I had to live again on my own.
Today as I sit in your living room, I am remembering the day we chose the paint color for these walls and picked out the drapes now closed against the Spring sunshine, you were so happy then, full of life..... this was the first house you and your husband had purchased and would now call home.
I find it hard to understand what is going on around me now. The bed you sleep in is foreign to me in this room, the oxygen tank you breathe from, the many bottles of medication beside you and the tubes now a part of you are all so strange to me. I keep thinking of the words you spoke before you drifted off to sleep. I asked you if you were frightened and you said "no, I am to tired to feel anything." You have just come home after spending nearly 2 months in hospital. This is where you begged to come, you hated being in the hospital away from your family.
Your husband and daughters are at work, they seem to think you will be better soon and their lives will be back to normal. They only speak of when your better, but somehow I don't feel you will get any better than you are right now. No one speaks of your illness so it is hard for me to know what to do for you, what to say to you. You are unable to sit aside your bed, unable to even go to the washroom. As we looked at each other we both knew without speaking that this is not a good situation. Oh how I wish you would tell me what you are thinking, how you are truly feeling and more than anything I want to know why you don't talk to your family about what is happening, perhaps you have and this is the way you all want it to be.
Well my friend I want to tell you how much I love you, how much your friendship means to me and how I hold you in my heart and prayers always. Perhaps your family are right, you will get better and this dark sick room will once again become the bright living room it once was. Perhaps we will laugh together and share our days chatting over a cup of coffee......the way it use to be. Until this happens please know that you will be forever my friend and I will always stand beside you just as I sit beside you this afternoon. Welcome home my dearest friend, may God Bless you and the angels protect you as you journey through this horrible illness. I love you.
I began this post last night but was too tired to finish it so waited until this afternoon. As I read it over I realize I still feel the same and don't want to change my message to my dear friend. I ask you all to continue your prayers for her. I will update you all on her situation regularly as I see her almost daily.
I want to thank my dear blogger friend Cindy who helped me give my blog a fresh new look. Cindy your e-mail this morning was wonderful, so clear and easy for me to follow. I love the new look and love you for helping me achieve it. Oh I am so blessed with such wonderful blogger friends.
Have a wonderful day my friends, God Bless and ....... many, many hugs.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Welcome March
Dear March
The anticipation of your arrival has been met with great relief as you came in as meek as a lamb instead of a lion. When I awoke this morning the sun was shinning, the air clean and crisp and the hope you brought with you felt endless. Like an old friend I rushed to open my door to you, opened my windows so each room could feel your wonderful presence. I am so happy to see you again, it seems forever since I wrote my name next to yours.
This afternoon I spent walking on your melting snow, following the tiny rivers of water as it made its way through slopes and crevices of our sidewalks. I rushed home from an appointment so I could spend even more time with you before the sun went down. So welcome back and may you remain meek and mild for the few weeks you are have not always been so pleasant to live with.
Enjoy this wonderful month of March my friends, it is a sign of so many wonderful things to come....St. Patrick's Day, Easter and oh yes......Spring.
God Bless you all.........many, many hugs:-)