Saturday, November 10, 2012


It has been a long two weeks for me - I have been very ill. I am feeling better now

During the past couple of weeks as I lay freezing in cold sweats, delirious from high temperatures I had many hours to reflect on not only what was happening in my life but in every one's life and I realized just how much times were changing. Some of these changes are for the better and some not so much. It is time we all evaluated our lives, what we have accomplished and what we want to accomplish. It is time we branch out, come out of our boxes, closets and even our comfort zones.

So many of us live under the rules and conditions our parents taught us, nothing wrong with that for their time, this is a new time. A time for new rules and conditions. I believe we can can change from our youth era brainwashing and still honor our parents and keep our principals as we continue to grow.

The past couple of weeks I watched ads, listened to pundits all filled with messages to bring good people down, demonize and purposely hurt. I don't know about you guys but my parents had solid principals but they didn't teach me these things, well not intentionally. I know if I had chosen to marry outside their (my) faith I risked the chance of being disowned. They weren't mean parents, this is what they knew and were taught. There should never be legislation to force people to follow any churches rules. Churches should be responsible for growing their own members. The Pope nor Billy Graham gets to pick who goes to heaven, that is between us (individual) and God. Freedom of Religion means freedom of everyone/for everyone be it Catholic,  Protestant, Jewish, Hindu or Muslim etc. Who do we think we are to criticize others for believing differently than we do. On reflection I believe we have to take responsibility for our own souls, if we are worried about others then live your life by setting an example. That works!

Let people choose who they marry - don't legislate it! People come at me all the time when I say this especially quoting Scripture. I am a Christian, I listen to others, I read the Bible and on this subject my interpretation is obviously different than some of you. I am so tired of those telling me I am not a true Christian because I don't agree with them. Why? I don't say you are not Christians because you don't interpret the same as I do. I think this is called judging, and in my opinion it is wrong to judge anyone. What happens in people's bedroom is not the governments business anymore than it is mine or yours. Stay out of people's bedrooms!

Pro life versus Pro choice. I don't know why but people have taken this issue and have made it so hard. As Taylor Swift's song goes (sorta -) I would never, never, ever have an abortion. Couldn't do it, wouldn't do it but that doesn't give me the right to go to my neighbor and tell her she must not let her 13 year old daughter have an abortion, no it is their circumstance, their choice, none of us know what may have happened or be happening in another's life and until we do we cannot and must not choose for anyone else. It amazes me how some people want to force a woman to never choose abortion as it is the beginning of life yet find it so easy to give a needle to end a life. If anyone thinks a woman makes the decision of abortion without thought, heartache and tears then they haven't talked to anyone who has made this choice. They have the hard part, we need to reach out and help these women, love them, be there for them whatever they choose,  love without conditions.

Now I come to guns, for the life of me I don't understand why anyone wants a gun. Again I would never ever have one in my house. That is my thought, my choice. Others feel differently and that is their choice. I don't believe to have or have not a gun should be legislated. As long as mothers and fathers believe in the safety and necessity of having guns then there will always be guns in homes. I find it frightening that mentally ill people have access to such weapons. I still don't believe I should tell someone or anyone if they can own or shoot a gun. I am glad that our RCMP, police and other protectors are armed but I am also glad to feel my neighbour's home is gunless as mine is. To me the fact that people feel unsafe in their own homes, or even feel the necessity to carry a gun in their purses or on their person is very sad. Is it common sense over paranoia?

You know there was a time when I was smug and content in knowing I was blessed because I was born a Catholic, spoke English and was a White woman living in a beautiful country like Canada. I had it made, didn't I? Well I was blessed with all of these things but others are blessed just as much as me. They may be a different color, go to a different church or not go to church, believe differently on issues, yes these beautiful people are just as blessed as I am because God loves them just as much as he loves me.

There will always be people who think the world owes them something, after all they didn't asked to be born. These are the people who need us the most. By example we can show them that a hand up is different than a hand out. I realize that we don't live in a perfect world, there are no perfect people nor will there ever be but I also realize no believe that we all can be a little bit better than we are. We can look for the positive and love those who are different than we are, and if we can't wrap ourselves around others ways, then at least offer a smile. Don't ever, ever take away the hope of those who do not look like or believe as you do.

I bet we all are hoping I don't get seriously ill again but for different

I wish you all joy, health, love and abundance..........big hugs and many prayers always.


  1. Very well said! :) I too want to be know as a christian that doesn't judge others!

  2. Bernie... You are such a sweet soul. You've hit the nail on the head here. You usually do, sick or not. Hoping that you stay well. This world needs sweet souls like you!


  3. smiles...i am glad you are feeling better...and we resonate on many of your feelings here...i think many times as well we can get so focused on one issue and allow that to color our overall view of a party or you had some deep thoughts for someone sick...smiles..

  4. First, I'm thankful you are feeling well enough to post, Bernie. Didn't know you were ill; I would have been so worried, but would have sent good and positive thoughts and prayers your way. Second, I agree totally with all you've said. Life is too short to be anything other than open-minded, forgiving and grateful.

  5. Wanda, your opinion of all my blog friends means so much to me. I really put myself out there and I love that you "get it" I miss you my friendm your grandchildren are growing up before my eyes. Sending big hugs to Miss Alivia, xo

  6. Oh Brian, I really was sick and I decided I wasn't going to die without people knowing who I really was, not all feel as you do. Thank you for understanding, sending big hugs always, xo

  7. I think you've just about nailed it right down the line. I didn't know you were ill. You've hid it well. All the best.

  8. Wendy thank you, I have always wanted to please people now it is time to be true to myself. (will take my chances when I meet the big guy upstairs) Big hugs my friend, always, xo

  9. Cherrie, I am sure you are known as a Christian who doesn't judge. Life isn't easy for sure but being kind is more important than being right, big hugs, xo

  10. AC when on lives alone and don't want to worry family or friends, one learns to ride the storm. I did have a friend who brought soup and checked in every day. I guess it made me realize that trying to please others and be like everyone else is too heavy a load for me to carry, want to be true to myself and all those I love and care about......big hugs always

  11. Corvuscovet12 - thank you, so please you understand...big hugs

  12. As always, your heart is in the right place and I think it is good that you speak up and say what's on your mind. It is a very brave thing to do and I respect you for it. More of us should. There are obviously enough people who agree with you. xox

  13. Bernie...I'm so very sorry that you've been sick. You should have let me know. I would have sent you some "Southern Homemade Chicken Soup"...good for whatever ails you. :)) (Actually, I prefer potato soup.)
    I've been under the weather myself, my friend. We should have kept in touch and we could have leaned on each other's shoulders through all of this.
    As you continue to feel better and get better, know that I'm thinking of you and I am sending you warm smiles and hugs. Thank you for asking about Mama's health. She is such a fighter and is not giving up this good fight. :)) She talks to our Lord several times a day. She has Him, and He will sustain her through whatever might come her way.
    Sending you a special get well/stay well hug. Continue to take care of you!
    Hugs and love,

  14. Hello Irene, I thought it was important for those who know me know how I feel, it wasn't for them really, it was for me. I spent so much of my life trying to be what people wanted me to be, I have decided they either like me or they don't and its okay. They have to be true to themselves too.
    Love you, xo

  15. Oh, Bernie, what a fine post. I'm sorry to hear that you've been sick and am amazed that you had the energy to gather your thoughts and state them so elegantly. And of course I agree with almost all of your points (we do have guns -- living in the country and on a farm as we do, we tend to see them as tools -seldom used but sometimes indispensable -- the rabid fox, the aged dog that fell off the porch and was screaming in pain with a broken back --

    But the main thing, as you say, is that these are decisions we make for ourselves -- and should not be trying to impose on others.

  16. Bernie, so glad you are feeling better and all I can say is "WOW"
    I am in agreement with all you have written here!
    Well stated , my friend!

    Now, stay well, okay, that is an order ...LOL

    Love ya ...

    Margie xo

  17. Vicki thank you, your opinion is important to me. I do agree that when one lives on a farm or in the rural country areas a gun is a necessity......big hugs, xo

  18. Hi Margie, I am really trying to stay well honest. Saw a new picture of Rose tonight and she is beautiful.....big hugs my friend, xo

  19. Jackie, I thought you had sent me an e-mail, didn't realize you had commented on my blog. What a wonderful friend you are, I do hope your mum is doing okay. Sending big hugs always, xo

  20. I had no idea you had been so poorly, Bernie, and hope that you are now safely on the mend. I wish more people could read your post, you would be an inspiration to many. You are such a good person, it is a privilege to follow you. Take extra care of yourself, my dear friend. Hugs from me.

  21. So sorry to hear you were ill Bernie. And look, I can now access your blog and comment.

    I so enjoyed your blog commentary. I find that my faith is evolving, too. Things I used to take such a hard line stance against are changing. I am feeling more compassion and tolerance towards my "neighbors". I have been involved with a group of women doing a Bible study on immigration and my heart has been pierced!

    Hugs & love your way.

  22. OH BERNIE - so so sorry you were so ill. ANd I agree with this post 100%. I am too weak to write much more from whatever hit me hard last night.
    Love you my friend

  23. Val, I am on the mend now thank you. Thank you for your kind words. I am trying to figure out how to remove my verification word. I know how frustrating those can be. Love ya, xo

  24. Tamara, so glad you were able to access my blog. I am still trying to figure out things since they changed everything on me. I think we all re-evaluate our center core as we get older. We should, we have so much more experience. I believe God would want us to, xo

  25. Oh Gail, I am so sorry you are sick I know what that is about. Please get well soon, sending you virtual soup. I do hope you get better soon, xo

  26. I am so sorry to hear you were so sick, but I am very happy to learn you are on the mend. It sounds nasty! Anyway, your post today is right on target, all the way. I am sending you a virtual poppy for Remembrance Day! Blessings, dear Bernie. :-)

  27. I really hope you are feeling better.
    People should *Live and Let Live*. We shouldn't judge. Only God knows the *big Picture*.
    Life is too short to be bitter when others aren't the same as us. Don't let people rile you. You are a great person.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  28. I never want you to be sick again, Bernie, but your message rings true to me. So many beliefs, opinions, and differences. Who's to judge which is wrong or right? I believe if there would be less judgement there would be less hatred and fewer wars. Take care of yourself my friend. I think of you often, wondering how you are.

  29. DJan thank you for your good wishes and kind words. I am on the mend and happy for it. Big hugs always my friend, xo

  30. Ah Maggie, thank you. I am who I am, and though others may not agree with me I will always respect their decision to disagree. Hope you are feeling well Maggie, think of you so often. Sending big hugs, xo

  31. Barb, so very good to hear from you. I don't ever want to be that sick again either.....not fun! Hope you are feeling well and enjoying those beautiful grandchildren. Thank you for your kind words, xo

  32. So glad to hear that you are feeling better. Oh!, yes life is too short to not be open-minded, forgiving and grateful. I am with you on that,Bernie.

  33. Thank you Anne, I don't know why it took me so long to learn to live my life always respecting other opinions, the narrow minded route in my opinion is so self rightous. Hope you are well and enjoying the sunshine. It has warmed up a bit here.....hugs

  34. First of all: I hate that you were sick,,and VERY glad you are feeling better.

    Second (and on and on). I agree...totally

    I own guns, but see your point.

    The answer: that everyone could understand and follow your above outline..
    thanks, Glenn

  35. Oh Glnroz I love that you get it, so many have yet to understand we have to take responsability for what is happening in our own lives, seams they are too busy in everyone's life. It is good to feel better my friend, hope you and your family are well...big hugs

  36. Wonderful post. Blessings to you Bernie.

  37. Bernie! I am so sorry to know you've been unwell, but am so relieved to know you're better now! Hadn't seen activity on your page for a very long time and then for sometime I couldn't even access your page. I am so glad to be with you virtually again.

    You are so spot on with all the issues you've raised. I wish I could take a print out and show it to my parents :P

    I have nothing to add to it. You've written it all so beautifully.

    I wish you good health, comfort, peace and happiness. Loads of love!

  38. Oh Bernie I am so sorry to here that you have been so ill. I pray that you are on an upward healing time.
    And it was so good to listen to your thoughts as I have always respected them and you!
    One of the reasons that I love our Pastor so much is that he never focuses on the bad or the things we've done or haven't done in our lives but instead he ALWAYS focuses on why we are here, and the sacrifice that our Lord has made for the forgiveness of our sins. We are taught that we are all sinners but the good news is that we ARE forgiven. Showing love, kindness, respect to others is very important but a simple thing such as having faith is all we really need.
    As I have made mistakes in the past, I am also secure in the knowledge that I have been forgiven. My guilt is my punishment as God does not punish.
    I also know that we were never promised that our lives would be perfect, but we have the opportunity to keep on trying to make it better and ultimately we are the only ones that can make that choice.
    Get well soon Bernie, Love you. Di ♥

  39. Long time no see, Bernie, but in blogland that doesn't matter! Love 'n' hugs and hope you're hale and hearty now. :)

  40. happy thanksgiving to you as well bernie! i hope you have a wonderful holiday...smiles

  41. Hi Sweetie...don't faint but I am actually here reading your blog...I have had such a busy last year that I didn't blog much and I also didn't read anyone else's slowly trying to get back into it...and your blog is one of the first I headed to to get caught up. Sorry to hear you were sick and am hoping by now you are well and in the swing of things again. If you get the chance during this busy holiday season, I would love to get an email from you to catch me up on your life. I smiled and thought of you this month because I got out the Snuggie again. We are happy and healthy (except I fell down my front steps a week ago and am bruised, but no broken bones I don't think..just sore, sore sore!) Happy to have my little grandson across the street now, he is 2 1/2 and adorable and my little buddy! Write soon, miss you my friend!! xxoo

  42. Have a happy, peaceful Christmas Bernie.

  43. merry christmas to you as well bernie...smiles...hope yours is filled with warmth and light

  44.'s almost the end of 2012...and a new year approaches.
    I wanted to stop by your blog again and wish you a prosperous and happy new year. I hope that you are doing well. Thinking of you and wanted to let you know.
    Hugs and love,

  45. Hoping you had a Merry Christmas and wish you a Happy New Year.
    Maggie x

    Nuts in May

  46. Sorry you have been unwell, Bernie, and I hope and pray you are now much better.

    I agree with all you say in your post - it is so easy to be judgmental and no-one has all the answers, right or wrong, to the Bible, so interpretations cannot be forced on anyone. However one day we shall be capable of understanding everything - God's entire plan for us, our salvation, our wonderful future face to face with The Lord and all whom we love. But that will not be here - it will be in our glorious future home where we shall live for ever - in Heaven.

    But meanwhile, back on Earth, I wish you a very Happy 2013 - and a very healthy one for you Bernie. Hugs ~ Eddie

  47. Hope you're doing Ok Bernie! Haven't heard from you in quite a well. I hope this finds you in the best of health and spirits! Take care ..

  48. Hello Bernie. It's been a while. I hope you're well.

  49. Hi Bernie,
    Checking in to see how you are. I do hope you are better and you are in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless ~ Eddie x

  50. Hey Bernie, just checking in on you, it's been a while (formerly Eternally Distracted). I hope that you are well. I've missed you

  51. I hope when you are settled in your new home in Moncton that you will come back to Blogland.
    You are missed.

    Love you.

  52. Hello Bernie, I saw your blog name on someone else's blog and realized that I have not stopped by in quite a while. I hope you are well and happy.

    I admire your passion for the well-being and peace of all people.

    Take care :)

  53. Hi Bernie - calling in to see if you are OK. Love and hugs ~ Eddie x

  54. Bernie, I think it is time for you to post again. Need some photos of your new home and life.

  55. You are missed in Blogland, dear friend.

    Sending love & hugs

  56. Bernie, I'm so sorry you have been sick but what wonderful reflections have emerged from your illness. If only there were more like you -- secure enough in their personal beliefs not to force them on others!

    Good health to you, my friend! xox -- Vicki

  57. Been ages but am checking in, hope your well I miss your posts dear. Hugs
