Hello my friends, I have been able to keep up with most of your post and comments but unfortunately haven't made time to post. That is okay as I much prefer to read your post anyway.
I have had family and friends visiting the past couple of weekends and hoping to enjoy my friends granddaughter this weekend. I also have the opportunity to go to Calgary this weekend so I will see what happens. It is either feast or famine with me, I am on the go constantly or at a complete stop. I am happy to say I am feeling well and my immune system has been acting normal. What a difference life is when we have our health........so much more energy, I love it!
Last night I was out to dinner with my friend Kathy, we do this every year as our birthdays are only a couple of days apart. She looks wonderful, and this year she became a grandmother for the first time. I have been so disappointed that the Provincial Health Care System has stopped our Living with Chronic Pain and Terminal Illness course......I so enjoyed my time with these people. Anyway Kathy was telling me there may be another course I can volunteer at and she will check it out. The only problem is, it is to be held at the Cross Cancer Hospital and it is a 45 minute drive for me, I don't mind during the good weather months but do not like driving the highway in the winter. I also don't like to make a commitment and not be able to keep it....we will see.
I spoke to my cousin Bobby this morning.......you know my cousin I told you about a few months back. He has terminal cancer. I wish I could say I found him well but I didn't. I hardly recognized his voice, he recognized mine and we were able to talk for 20 minutes. I love his attitude, he knows what is happening and he has accepted it. He is on morphine and another pain tablet each day and does not feel any pain. He has no energy and lacks appetite. They don't know why his voice is so bad, perhaps it is because he has so much fluid around his lungs. Bob and I are the same age and as cousins grew up together. It is sad but I feel better about his illness after speaking with him. He is so strong and has prepared himself for what lies ahead of him as much as he can, he is close too his children and siblings and his wife is a real trooper. I don't know why some people have to have it so much harder than others, I'm not sure there is even a reason but I do know he is only going through what we all will eventually, perhaps not cancer but it will be something. I only pray I have his grace.
Terry and I had a wonderful time together. We accomplished everything on my list, talked through open bedroom doors until after midnight and she even made me a large pot of soup before she went home. Love my best friend! She is coming in again to stay over night June 8th. It is with her and her husband I have the chance to go to Calgary with this weekend.
I have the wood sitting on my deck, all I need now is for "someone" to show up and replace and paint the boards. I'll paint it myself if he repairs it for me. I want to be able to set my deck up, I love having my coffee out there each morning. I won't be planting anything until after the Full Moon which is soon.
Hoping you are all well, God Bless......and many, many hugs.
appreciating our health sure is easier after interacting with, or reading about, someone who is ill. i remember my father dying, and uncle. we do see how things aren't fair in this lifetime. as you see so clearly, death and illness is an opportunity to reaffirm our own life.
ReplyDeleteWell, Bernie, I've enjoyed your visits and encouragement on my posts. Glad to hear that you're doing well and are enjoying your family.
ReplyDeleteReading your note about your cousin brought me back to my mother's last few months of life here. She, too, was a trooper. Her voice began to get raspy and breathing, very difficult.
I was looking through my photos yesterday and saw the ones of when she and I made jelly the summer before she left us. It was only a month after that when she passed on.
I miss her, at any given moment of each day but I know without a doubt that she's praising our God in freedom now ♥
Love to you, Miss Bernie.
sounds like you got a good friend there...sorry to hear bobby is in a bad way...hope that deck gets done...love to sit on mine as well...
ReplyDeleteHAPPY belated BIRTHDAY! Hope you had a wonderful day and wish you many exciting adventures with the Lord in the year up ahead. I'm totally with you - I prefer reading other peeps blogs to writing my own, lol! Enjoy our sunshine!
ReplyDeleteGlad you are feeling better,enjoy,enjoy because none of us know what tomorrow might bring.((hugs)).
ReplyDeleteEd, you have said exactly as I feel......:-) hugs
ReplyDeleteSad about your cousin Bobby. I know we all must die but some people don't get much time. I am glad to hear he is not in pain at this time.
ReplyDeleteYes, get that deck fixed! A deck is so fun.
I hope you have better luck with your plantings than I had with mine! I think I planted at the wrong time!
Heather, my mom has been gone 15 years and not a day goes by that I don't think of her, I have never stopped missing her. Sending many hugs to you dear friend...:-) Hugs
ReplyDeleteHi Brian, I am blessed with wonderful friends and family, I am hoping the deck is done soon as well, we have such short summers as it is, I'd like to enjoy it before snow hits again....:-)Hugs
ReplyDeleteKarin, so happy to see you here, hope all is going well for you my friend.......:-) Hugs
ReplyDeleteOh Aims this is so true. I love feeling well and having tons of energy, life is so good.....Hugs
ReplyDeleteHolly perhaps you planted a bit too early, I know here in Alberta we still had frost 2 nights ago.
ReplyDeleteI am going to set my deck up this weekend even if he doesn't show up. When he does I will move things around for his work....Hugs
Hello Bernie,
ReplyDeleteI've been catching up on your posts and am happy to read that you are so positive through all that goes on in your life. Truly, there is always something to give thanks for.
Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog. I always appreciate visitors.
Praise God that you are doing well my friend. You are definitely a busy bee. I love you.
ReplyDeleteMy you have been busy! I can't say much as I've been very busy too. Whoever said that summertime was slower and lazier must have had servants!
ReplyDeleteIt is very sad to hear about your cousin Bobby. It amazes me how some terminally ill people handle it so well. I admire his courage.
Would you just be visiting with your friend if you go to Calgary? If so I do hope you have a wonderful time Bernie. It sounds as though you could use a bit of relaxation time!
Love Di ♥
I'm so sorry about your cousin, and I have all those same questions myself, but I'm so happy for him that he has been able to find some peace.
ReplyDeleteMy Dad was like that too, and it really is a gift to those you leave behind.
I will be praying for him and for your family.
I remember when I was little the nuns taught us in school to pray for a happy death, and back then I thought they were crazy because I never thought anyone could have a happy death, but I realize now what those nuns were talking about.
You sound like you were very busy, and I love hearing about your friendships and how much they enrich your life. This was a beautiful post.
Have a wonderful time with your friends on your weekend away!
And I hope your weather warms up soon and you'll be out enjoying your deck again!
Love to you,
Hi Bernie! Glad to hear that you are feeling well and have been so busy with family and friends!
ReplyDeleteYou are still getting frost there? Brrr! It's been hot here. One day was 97. Frost sounds good:)
I'll pray for your cousin.
Well Bernie it sounds like your life is full right now which is such a blessing! Friends are the best and I love each one of my friends. Keep us up on all your adventures! I will keep my fingers crossed that you get your deck in order and repair so that you can enjoy some time out there in good weather! hugs...and smiles...linda
ReplyDeleteHaha. Got confused there for a sec. I thought I was reading my blogger from The Netherlands. I thought, "Holy Cow! Calgary for the weekend." Then I double checked. It's actually not all that far fetched since she wants to immigrate to Canada, specifically Alberta.
ReplyDeleteI can hear the joy in your voice and am SO HAPPY you are feeling good again, Bernie!
ReplyDeleteMy daughter, Nick and baby Nicholas left this morning to go back to Florida, so my heart is heavy...but we had a wonderful visit. And if I sniff the blanket he was laying on, I can still smell the newborn smell of him...ha
Back to routine, we planted the veggie garden and mowed the lawn today, and will try and get out in the woods later this week for some more photography..
Wishing you a wonderful summer and keep in touch....LOVE YOU!
Oh, Bernie...I'm so very, very sorry about your cousin...I will keep him in my prayers! But I AM thankful that you are feeling so much better!!! Hip, hip hooray!!! You are such a wonderful friend I want every happiness in the world for you!! Glad you had such a wonderful time with Terry! Love you much, Janine XOXO
ReplyDeleteBernie, I am glad you are feeling better and are keeping busy. Hopefully you will get to complete your deck this weekend.
ReplyDeleteSending prayers for Bobby and his family. He sounds like a strong man with a wonderful spirit.
Lorrie, I love visiting my blogger friends, it's what keeps me positive.....:-) Hugs
ReplyDeleteAhhhhh Denise you are so sweet, I do hope your hubby and you are doing well, luv you too....:-) Hugs
ReplyDeleteHello Di, yes I have been busy and hopefully I will have some relaxation time this weekend. I do want my deck done though.. Enjoy your weekend sweetie.....:-) Hugs
ReplyDeleteEileen, thank you sweetie, we have known for a while now that he was not doing very well. Honestly he never complained once during the twenty minutes we spoke, he is very accepting.
ReplyDeleteYes there is absolutely such a thing as a happy or good death, I have witnessed the good and the bad. I am praying for a good one for me....LOL
Hugs to Jayden and Mia....:-)
Mary we had frost just the other night but it is warming now.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your prayers for my cousin, he has such grace and is so accepting, so love her....Hugs
Linda, I am very blessed to have wonderful friends and family. They mean everything to me.
ReplyDeleteI too am hoping to have my deck done soon, surely he will show up soon......:-) Hugs
A/C Calgary is a bit far to come from the Netherlands for the weekend, fortunately it is only 2 and half hours from Morinville.
ReplyDeleteDo you have a few Bernie's following you....I have another friend who does, in fact I follow another lady name Bernie, just love her......:-) Hugs
Joan, I know even my blog is an open book. Wanda and you always can read between the lines but I am happy to say I am feeling the best I have been in two months. Ahh life is good.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you had the baby visit, that newborn smell is wonderful. Glad you have his blanket. Love you my friend.......:-) Hugs
Eileen, thank you for prayers for my cousin, he is very much at peace with all this.
ReplyDeleteI loved your vlog on the weekend, your pictures are great as well my creative, talented friend....
..........:-) Hus
Donna, if you only knew how often you and Jennifer are on my mind.
ReplyDeleteI pray for you every day, I know Jennifer's wedding will be absolutely beautiful. I am hoping my deck will be done soon....Hugs
I couldn't be happier to hear about how well you are feeling, Bernie. Sorry to hear about the volunteering, I know how you enjoyed helping. It's admirable that your cousin made you feel better about his health situation. Wish his prognosis was better!
ReplyDeleteHope the deck gets finished in a timely fashion, so you can enjoy it when you return from Calgary!
We had a terrible storm here earlier this evening, power was off for 1 1/2 hours. I was late with blogging! It's after midnight and still raining. I must retire for the night.
Hi Wanda, so glad your storm has passed. I too am hoping the deck is done this weekend, if not I think I'll put it together and then move the furniture as they replace the boards....I am going to pick up my flowers next week. Terry is coming in for a doctor's appointment and we are going to the nursery. It is good to be feeling better and yes my cousin left me with a very peaceful feeling, I think it is because I know he is at peace. Sleep well my friend.......:-) Hugs
ReplyDeleteHi Bernie,
ReplyDeleteJust getting back from our trip and catching up with my comments. First of all I want to say Happy Belated Birthday. I hope you had a good day. So glad to hear that your energy is back.
Have a nice day.
Take care.
It's good to read one of your posts again, Bernie, and to see how busy you are keeping yourself. I'm also sure that you touch the heart of each person you come in contact with. Take good care of yourself. I hope you get the deck ready soon.
I am so pleased your health has picked up. It makes all the difference.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry about your cousin though, that is awful for you but I am glad to hear that they are keeping the pain away.
Hope someone will come and fix those boards on your deck. It is lovely and sunny here.
Maggie X
Nuts in May
That seems to happen for me too Bernie, too much to do or nothing, I am worn out from the wedding festivities and now have to attend 2 graduations this week. It is very hot here and of course needing rain. What an irony the weather is. So sorry about your cousin. I have a priest 1st cousin who is in end stage COPD and he insists on saying Mass every day. He is on O2 constantly and it is painful to hear him speak. Truthfully Vatican II upset me too but I felt I needed to stay positive to be able to teach. I had my grieving period over the changes in private. Love and hugs.
I'm sorry to hear about your cousin. I hope he is able to get some pleasure out of the life he has left.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the patio and the garden.
So glad you're feeling good enough to travel & enjoy time with family and friends...
ReplyDeleteI take it you've not had snow this week? Hope you have a lot of good "deck time" this summer. If I lived closer, I'd send my husband over to paint and get it set up for you!
We've had so much rain and heat that I've not been out on ours as much as I'd like. I'm hopeful for good weather at least some of the time while I'm in Kentucky next week...
Hope your weekend is a pleasant one...
Ann, did you have a good time? Yes I am feeling better and the energy is back......:-) hugs
ReplyDeleteNora, you are kind my friend. I hope you are having a wonderful day......:-) Hugs
ReplyDeleteMaggie, how are you sweetie, yes it is sad about my cousin, he is a good man and has had to be a father figure to his siblings and he did so well....I was hoping he would have this time of his life to enjoy his immediate family, but it is not ment to be. I felt better after speaking with him though as he has accepted everything so well.
ReplyDeleteI am doing fine Maggie, and it feels good to feel goo....:-) Hugs
Peggy, it is sad as we get older and we loose our loved ones, it is bound to happen.
ReplyDeleteSorry about your cousin, these men are setting wonderful examples for us to follow. Be well my friend and I do hope you get rested up.
.......:-) Hugs
Jen, thank you for your kind words, I do hope to be able to have the deck fixed soon as well.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless.......:-) Hugs
Rebecca, thank you sweetie, I wish you lived closer as well, it will work out as it always does. I do hope you found your card, such a hassel which no one needs.....Hugs
ReplyDeleteBernie I am so glad that you've had your best friends company & it won't be long till she visits once again! It certainly sounds like you've been keeping yourself busy too...that's great!
ReplyDeleteI am so terribly sorry that your cousin is walking that terrible path & he sounds like an amazing man too! It has always amazed me how stoic, strong & well adjusted some people are when faced with such a grim diagnosis!
Take Care! Have a great weekend, Kath
ReplyDeleteSo glad you are feeling better :-), and so sad about your cousin. :-(
I enjoy reading about the richness and fullness of your life - it embraces every experience and always is full of love.
Love to you my friend
peace and hope
p.s. My Mom is struggling - and she has moments when she is afraid - it breaks my heart Bernie.
Katherine, thank you. My cousin Bob is a real inspiration to all who know him, he doesn't realize what a wonderful man he is.
ReplyDeleteYes my oldest friend will be back next week and we will have another 2 days together.....:-)Hugs
Gail, I am so sorry to hear your mother is not doing well. I was so hoping she would get better, it is in God's hands.....keeping you, your mother and your family in my heart and prayers......:-) Hugs
ReplyDeleteglad you are in a good place and had some time with a best friend! Amazing how good that does our heart and health!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you are feeling well and enjoying life! Busy is a good place to be!
ReplyDeleteOf course my heart goes out to Bobby and »I`m glad the two of your were able to talk. I`m sure hearing your voice was a great help to him.
ReplyDeleteHas it stopped snowing in Calgary yet
Hi Bernie! thanks so much for stopping in...i'm glad to hear you're feeling better...
ReplyDeletethere's nothing like fighting sickness and trying to live happily each day...
take care! come again...
enjoy your weekend!
ciao bella
creative carmelina
Debbie, thought about you this morning, hope all is settling down for you......:-) Hugs
ReplyDeleteVickie, I much prefer to be busy than not feeling well. I have been blessed with good health lately.
ReplyDelete........:-) Hugs
Barry, how are you feeling today. Bobby goes to a hospital in Hamilton, he says they have been very good and oh yes Barry it was wonderful speaking to him. I try and keep in touch every month, I think I will call more often, as long as he wants to talk I'm here.
ReplyDeleteBig hugs my friend.......:-)
carmelina, I loved what you did with your journal yesterday. Yes I am feeling better.....:-) Hugs
ReplyDeleteJust wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts, dearest Bernie!! Have a wonderful weekend! Love you, Janine XO
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you've had a good week. I can tell by the sound of your "voice." :)
ReplyDeleteYou're a good cousin and loved one to Bobby. God bless him, and you.
EnJoy your weekend!
Glad that you have a lovely time with your friend...
ReplyDeleteGood Luck on everything else.
love your smiles!
hugs back!
my heart aches for your cousin bobby.
ReplyDeletei'm glad to hear that he has a strong support system. i feel so sad for those that have no one. sick or not......
i hope that your birthday was splendid. i hope that you have a great week ahead and can sit and sip coffee on your porch soon.
we are waiting on shauna's oncologist to decide if she will be going to houston, denver, or nashville. we pray that the right one will be chosen.
hugs to you bernie.
Hey there busy bee! It's so great to hear that you are keeping yourself busy... and I am also very glad that you always make time for all of us too - how you manage it all i'll never know. i have to say that I NEVER write another post until I see that you have visited. A post doesn't seem a post until I've recieved your words of wisdom. You're a special lady.
ReplyDeleteYou have some wonderful friends and family. I hope your trip to Calgary materializes and that you have a great time. Your cousin Bobby is such an inspiration. I was with my son-in-law during his months with pancreatic cancer. I learned so much from that experience.
ReplyDeleteIf I were there, and I were able, I would fix and paint it for you.....you have always been good to me, Bernie - thank you!
ReplyDeleteBernie...how nice to spend time with family and friends. You deserve happy times with all of them...and I know they are blessed to be with you.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to Kathy on becoming a grandmother for the first time. It is a joy that is impossible to describe with words. Give her my fondest congratulations.
My heart breaks for Bobby...and for you, Bernie. May God's mercy and grace sustain Bobby. I send you an extra hug right now as I post this. I read the portion about Bobby with tears in my eyes.
I do hope that "Someone" :)) showed up and painted and replaced the boards. You know that if we villagers were close by, it would have been done in a heartbeat!!!
I am so sorry that I missed wishing you a Happy Birthday, my friend. I wish you a belated one now...hoping you know that I am always thinking of you.
Love to you,
thanks for the information
ReplyDeleteJanine, I am sooooo behind with my comments. I had a good weekend sweetie, talk real soon.....Hugs
ReplyDeleteAnita, thank you. I am blessed to have wonderful family members. Prayers for my sweet cousin are so appreciated.....:-) Hugs
ReplyDeleteJingle, I love hugs, give them out every chance I get....LOL
ReplyDeleteBe well my riend......:- Hugs
Chas, hi sweetie. I had a lovely e-mail from your mom, now I know why her daughters are so kind and caring.
ReplyDeleteI had a wonderful birthday Chas, any birthday is good when you get to my age.
Please keep me up to date about Shauna, she crosses my mind several times a day and every time I say a prayer for her and her family. Be well my dear young friend.......:-) Hugs
ED, I am soooo far behind and I don't like being this way. I love keeping up with my friends and comments....hopefully I will be within a couple of days.......:-)
ReplyDeleteTechnoBabe, life can be so hard at times and it seems the most wonderful people are hurting the most....my cousin is a blessing and I so want him to remain pain free........:-) Hugs
ReplyDeleteAnne, oh I wish you were closer as well, between the two of us we could have this deck fixed in a couple of days.....it is so hard when these things come up with no one to help. Oh well it will all work out. Thanks for thinking about me my friend......:-) Hugs
ReplyDeleteJackie, don't worry one second about my birthday. I am so very happy for you and your family. Grandchildren are beautiful gifts from God and I am so very happy for you.
ReplyDeleteHope your mother is doing well, I know you are busy helping everyone in need right now, just know you are in my heart and prayers.....Hugs
ardi, your welcome.
ReplyDeleteAmen to Grace, Bernie! Don't we all wish we could respond to crisis with a bit of acceptance and pluck. I'm so glad you're feeling energetic and well. Time with a treasured friend is a good tonic, I believe. Have fun, Bernie - I'll be waiting to plant until after full moon, too!
ReplyDeleteBarb, my dear friend you are so right.....sharing time with a good friend does improve my outlook a lot. My family and friends are my life.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you are home safe and sound, be well my friend. Sending huge hugs......:-)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I just added my virtual vacation ~ Arizona if you want to check it out.
ReplyDeleteTake Care,
Cheerie, thanks for stopping by. I will be over shortly and thank you.
ReplyDelete.......:-) Hugs
Oh, I am sorry to hear your sad news. If I could have any one wish in the world, it would be to find a cure for cancer. What a dreadful disease.
ReplyDeleteI have a friend who has just finished chemo and radiation for stage 4 cervical cancer. Her attitude is upbeat, but we all fear for her.
Good thoughts and well wishes for you, my friend.
Missethelmaypotter, it is sad when one's life is ending with this horrible disease, like you if I had one wish that is exactly what I would want as well, a cure for all cancers.......:-)Hugs
ReplyDeleteBernie, I am so sorry to hear about your cousin, how very sad. I did not know that your program was cut by our Health Care System, but I have to say nothing surprises me with them anymore. I am glad you had such a nice visit with Terry, enjoy your time in Calgary. I am home now I think for good. Just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you. Big hug my friend. I hope you can sit on your deck soon. It needs to stop raining though. Be well and take care.
ReplyDeleteHi Bernie!
ReplyDeleteJust stopping by with a belated Happy Birthday and a hello!
I hope you are doing well and that things are looking beautiful there in Canada :)
Hugs from me to you...Jerelene
Hi Cinner, thanks for the hug, always can use one.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you are home.....:-) Hugs
Jerlene....so good to hear from you, no it is not nice weather at least her in Alberta, have my heat on today.......:-) Hugs
ReplyDeleteJust here to give you my love and a big hug!!! ~Janine XO
ReplyDeleteI am so happy for you that you are feeling so much better. I am so sorry about your cousin, it does indeed seem unfair what is dealt to some people...
ReplyDeleteThank you Bernie for visiting my blog and for the sweet and kind comment you left me too!
ReplyDeleteI am really loving my haircut and color, and it was a breeze to fix this morning, and I love that! Sandy did a great job on it!
I'm so sorry about Bobby having terminal cancer. It is so sad. I said prayers for him.
Have a great weekend Bernie.
Dear Bernie,
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to hear about Bobby. Your love and tenderness for him shines through to me in your blog.
Yes, you need your deck done so that you can enjoy it. My Live Oak is sick and I'm waiting for the Tree Doctor to visit.
Thank you for reading my blog, and leaving the comments that you do. You just cannot know how much you encourage me... It means so much to me.
Enjoy your friend!!
Take care of yourself,
checking on you...
Happy June!
So sorry to have missed your post and your BIRTHDAY!!! Wishing you well and will be able to visit more often as soon as i get the new computer...soon I hope! Cathy
ReplyDeleteJust to say, "Love you!" ~Janine XO
ReplyDeleteDear Bernie,
Good Evening!
Health is wealth.When health permits,we must reach out the needy.
Happy to know that you are in pink of your health.
you are a blessed soul!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend,
I enjoy reading your posts but much prefer you enjoy your friends and family and good health while you can, Bernie. The older I get the more important those things are to me. I am sorry about your cousin but I am glad he has been able to acceopt. Often during those times we do not know what to say to people such as him but I am sure you know the right words to help him. God bless you.
ReplyDeleteI just found your blog throuh RivkA's Blog.
ReplyDeleteYour blog seems to be very inspiring and thought provoking.
Janine, thank you for stopping by, tomorrow I will be back to a normal routine again and hopefully will get caught up on all my blogging. Love you,.......:-) Hugs
ReplyDeleteThere is the sound of excitement in your post. Lots going on and you seem very up. That's good. I think those who live in cold climates get that thrust come spring. At least it used to work for me.
ReplyDeleteI am busy,
but do remember you..
Happy June!
Great blog again, Bernie. It is always good to read your post as you are so honest and refreshing.
ReplyDeleteWatching a loved one die from something like cancer is never easy. It is a hard thing for us to do. My mom had emphysema and that was a horrible way for her to go too. Very long period of pain and suffering before she finally died. A stroke actually ended her life but she suffered so before that. It was hard.
Glad you enjoyed your visit with your family.