Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I Don't Do Windows Just Blinds

After sleeping almost 24 hours a day for the past 4 days I was awake early this morning feeling well rested and pretty good. I was up showered, laundry done and biscuits in the oven by 10 am......may not seem like much to you all but normally I am just coming downstairs, still in my housecoat, groping for my coffee as I try and focus on my daily newspaper at this time. I really don't get moving until lunch time oh but not today.

I had a "Diana" day, I cleaned my refrigerator, stove... well I shouldn't brag about that as it's a self cleaning oven, vacuumed, dusted and even cleaned my blinds. Oh the house is sparkling. I then cooked liver and onions for supper.....and it tasted great. Not something I could eat all the time but once or twice a year is fine.

This afternoon I was blessed with a visit from a good friend bearing Christmas gifts, we shared a glass of wine and had a wonderful visit.

Tonight my sister from New Brunswick called and we chatted for over an hour, she is doing really well and is going to Florida for vacation in March. If I get my passport renewed in time I just may join her. It was so good to talk with her, we last spoke at Christmas but there were so many of us she had to speak too we didn't chat very long but made up for it tonight. How blessed are those who have easy today to appreciate all the goodness in my life.

This was my day, productive and filled with love, family and friends. Most will probably find my day a bit boring but after a rough week I loved it. Tomorrow, if my cold is even better I am hoping to visit with my friend Tiffany, her mother, Miss Molli and Jayke her new baby boy, I don't want to give them any germs........ahhhh life is good.

Good Night and God Bless......and many, many hugs.


  1. Hi Bernie sweetie...
    I am so happy to hear you are feeling a little bit better sweetie. It is no fun to be sick. Your body needed that rest tho, and don't try to much to fast, or you will be right back where you started.

    I left a little bowl of chicken noodle soup, some tissues and a spoonful of lovin for you on my blog. You stop by and pick it up. You will be feeling better in no time. I promise.

    Love ya sweetie. Country hugs and so much love...Sherry

  2. Hi Bernie, what are you for you for feeling better, I always love getting that burst of energy. so glad you are feeling better and yes there is nothing like sisters and that connection that for most of us is right there. Have fun with your friends and little one. Take care.

  3. Hello Bernie, I loved visiting and seeing how your day went and so glad to hear that you are feeling well enough to do SO much around the house. AH blinds are the worst! I try to NOT do blinds until I can't stand the dust any more! I just can't imagine why they were ever invented! I even sell them! They are a HUGE seller those darn 2 and 3 inch blinds! I do have a great secret to cleaning them! Have a wonderful day! lindalu

  4. Yes, you certainly seemed energetic. You did a lot to make up while you were sick. Glad you are feeling better dear one!

  5. Your day didn't sound boring to me, Bernie. You did a lot that you wanted to do, talked to friends and family, enjoyed a good meal... what else can life offer. I love your new award, it's very pretty.

  6. any,many hugs for you too Bernie! I'm here with my morning coffee and the beginning of a snowstorm, school has been closed! My g/kids are most likely happy! Dylan was here last night needing help with his math homework...Angles, the 90-180-360 kind! He got it.

    I did take a walk yesterday, will blog about it later. A trip to Florida, with your sister in March would be nice for you...but meanwhile enjoy your visit with Tiffany. Stay warm!

  7. Well I like the idea of when someone cleans, it being called a Diana Day!
    I will have to remember that for a future holiday name!
    Glad that you woke up feeling so well Bernie and that you were able to have a GOOD conversation with your sis. I think you should go to Florida in march, it would be fun.
    I love liver and onions but I rarely make them for just myself. Frank used to eat it with me but he's been moved out for 14 years now. Maybe I will make them one day and have him over for lunch!
    Don't over do Bernie!
    Love Di

  8. Hi Bernie,
    Life is good! I so agree with you!
    March is nice month to come to Florida. By then it is usually warm. Yeah! Where in Florida is you sister going?
    Have a wonderful day.
    Take care.

  9. Boring? Are you kidding me? You did in one day more than I do in a week! So glad you're feeling better, and that your spirits are so high.

  10. Could you spare a tired Easterner, who was up by 4:30 this AM, about six of those hours?

  11. Hi Bernie-

    "YAY" your day and evenings sound wonderful and so full of life's goodness - friends, wine, food, family, gifts, feeling better, oh my - it is all so good to read about and not boring at all. :-)

    Love to you my friend

  12. Sherry, thank you for the soup, tissues and especially the love.. it is received with love...have a wonderful day.....:-) Hugs

  13. Hi cinner, oh I can't imagine a world without my sisters in it..
    It is good to feel good for sure and I always feel better when the house is tidy.....:-) Hugs

  14. Oh Linda, please share your secret on how to clean blinds, they took me forever yesterday to clean, one slat at a time.
    I do feel better, still a little way to go yet but I'm getting there for sure.....:-) Hugs

  15. JBR...I usually have tons of energy, still not quite there yet but I love feeling better...Hugs

  16. Val thank you. I love the award as well... Cathy from A Bit of the Blarney gave it to me and I was so very proud. I did have a good day yesterday and always appreciate those kind of days when they come along. I hope you have a wonderful day today......:-) Hugs

  17. Good Morning Wanda, I hope you are inside by the fire with HH while it is snowing outside....the weather has been so weird.
    I had forgot all about that kind of Math (angles) until you mentioned it....been so long since I've used anything but a calculator. I am glad they are still teaching it though. How is Dylan's cold? I'm still sniffling this morning but that headache and sore throat is gone...yay
    It is -31 right now, I will wait until it warms up before I go out and I want to call Tiffany to be sure I won't be bringing the new baby andy germs.
    I am looking forward to your post on your walk, I know it will be a good one. Have a safe and warm day my friend......:-) Hugs

  18. I think Diana is a great holiday name and I always think of you when I am doing a big clean. I actually enjoy it as long as nothing is are you doing sweetie?
    I love liver & onions every once in a while I will get a craving for it and that's when I enjoy them most.
    If I get my passport sorted I will go with my sister, she is so much fun and so funny, you would really like her Di.
    Have a great day my friend, luv you
    .....:-) Hugs

  19. Hi Anne, my brother stays at a place called The Villages, hey if I fly down and close by perhaps we could meet for coffee...would really enjoy that.
    Have a great day.......:-) Hugs

  20. Linda I so love those kind of days, not planned just doing what I felt like and the end result was a sparkling clean house. It was good to be able to move around again....I so hate not feeling well and it seems I have my share of illnesses. I hope you have a wonderful day my friend....:-) Hugs

  21. A/C I wouldn't be able to function on the amount of sleep you get. Don't know how you do it and you manage to keep up so well with your grandchildren, luv it. Have a great day A/C.....:-) Hugs

  22. Hi Gail, how is your cold? Yes I really enjoyed my day yesterday, not quite as chipper today but am still doing well. Hope you have a wonderful day sweetie....:-) Hugs

  23. Wanda, forgot to give my big hug to Alivia but I'm sure you will give it to her for me....Luv ya and big hugs to Alivia....:-)

  24. You have been energetic! Hope you feel really well very soon, Bernie.
    Would be good to get to Florida but I hear the weather is much cooler there too.
    You are so lucky to have a sister. I love my bro but it would have been good to have a sister too.
    I am enjoying feeling more energetic! Find myself having a little nap about 3 pm though. Strange!

    Thanks for your helpful comments. X

    Nuts in May

  25. Hi Maggie, so glad to hear you are feeling better....I also love my brothers, one I am especially close to but my sisters and I do have a special bond....stay well my friend, luv you....:-) Hugs

  26. It sounds like a perfect day and one that most of us would enjoy instead of having to work. Hope you feel well enough to visit your friedn tomorrow.

  27. Hi Liz, I did have a good day. I have just left your blog and it still looks as Scotland is receiving a lot of snow.....I hope you are enjoying "snow days"...Hugs

  28. Hi Bernie, That Diana has a way of getting into our psyches! Well, at least now your house glows. Did your wine taste better after cleaning - Di tells me it does...

    My son absolutely loves liver and onions - unfortunately, the only one (besides me) who does, so I don't make it. Maybe you could invite him the next time?

  29. sounds like you had a wonderful day. i have not had liver and onions in forever...i really must. perhaps that passport will work out. i lived in florida for 3 years and loved it. thanks for brightening the day a bit. smiles.

  30. Hi Brian, oh you must try liver and onions was so good!

    I hope you had a wonderful day and wishing you an even better weekend. .....:-) Hugs

  31. Hi Barb, Diana thinks we should name a holiday after her....LOL

    You and any member of your family are more than welcome at my home anytime...liver & onions for us and your son and whatever the others want we will have.....oh I like the thought of that. I would love to have a blogger reunion with all the villagers. Don't you think that would be fun.

    Have a great day, luv ya....:-)Hugs

  32. Oh, Bernie, your day sounds great to me!
    And I always think of Di too when I get the urge to clean! And just before I start any big project I say a little prayer that I can 'channel some of Diana'!
    I am the exact opposite of Diana, I am a procrastinator and use any excuse not to clean!

    Liver and onions! I haven't had that in years and years, but I am making a point to have it this weekend! Oh that aroma!

    I'm glad you had a nice visit with your friend and another one to look forward to! And I hope things work out for you to go to Florida with your sister, sounds like lots of fun!

    I had to laugh at Linda with the blinds! And I want to know her secret for cleaning them. I have old-fashioned wooden blinds in the living room, but the chore of cleaning them doesn't bother me so much, I just use the attachments on the vacuum and it goes pretty quick.
    But the vinyl mini blinds in the bathroom upstairs are more of a pain!

    So glad to hear you are feeling better and have so much energy!
    Love, love, love to you!,

  33. That is SUCH good news that you are recovering so quickly!
    If you get the chance to go to Florida, DO IT! They are in a cold spell, but it never lasts very long. I know you will love going there and being with your sister. I am hoping for you that you can do it. You will have the trip of a lifetime.

  34. Hi Eileen, if you get Linda's secret let me know, I have asked her but haven't heard back.
    I am feeling better thank you God and in another couple of days hopefully the last of this horrible cold will be gone. Big hugs to Jayden and Mia, luv you.:-)

  35. Joan another couple of days and I will over this cold....all is well my friend. I am going to try and work out my passport next week. My brother is there now and he is freezing but goes every winter and knows it will warm up soon. Love your pictures, they are beautiful, love you.......:-) Hugs

  36. my favorite kind of day...spent leisurely with family and food involved but just enough checked off the list to enjoy it all =)

  37. Lisa, it was a good day and I enjoyed every moment of it....Hugs

  38. So nice to hear that you are feeling much better. My goodness, all the cleaning you did has put me to shame! I guess I had best get on it and pronto. I don't like doing blinds at fact I cannot remember the last time I did them-oops! Take care.

  39. Oh I don't like cleaning blinds at all but they do have to be done for sure....have a great weekend my friend.....:-) Hugs

  40. It's not a boring day Bernie. Good health is the biggest gift life gives us. I am so glad you shared your feel good day with each of us. To be able to achieve so much after being ill is no small feat! I am glad you are well again :D Loads of love and hugs :)

  41. Wow, Bernie! You sure were busy that day! I hate doing blinds, I'd rather do windows :) I'm glad you are feeling better, I'm sending a hug to you, too :) You are in my prayers.

  42. Mary, thank you for your prayers, they are the best gift ever, and I hate cleaning blinds but they had to be done.......:-) Hugs
