Monday, December 14, 2009

Almost A World Record.....Brrrrrrr

Hello my friends, I wasn't going to post anymore on the cold weather we have been having but since we almost broke a world record yesterday I just had to tell you. Now doesn't everyone talk about the weather when there is nothing else to say.

This morning at the Edmonton International Airport the thermometer read -59 with the wind-chill. I know it is hard to believe eh!. I live in Morinville, north of the airport and my thermometer showed -48 but it doesn't show the wind-chill factor, or at least I don't think it does.

I went outside for approximately 10 minutes to clean my car off and almost froze, I had dressed to go out in a long faux fur coat and hat. I wore mittens and my UGGS and the only part of me that wasn't cold were my feet. I thought my fingertips were going to fall it is suppose to warm up beginning on Wednesday and then on Friday they are calling for plus 1 and rain. Hard to believe the weather will turn around that fast but oh I am so hoping it will. In Edmonton they found a man on his front lawn frozen to close yet so far away. We still are in the wind-chill warning area and are being told to stay inside.

This is a picture of Highway 2, on December 4th the day of the blizzard. This is the highway I use to go into the city. I don't plan on going into the city until the weekend and I am so looking forward to it as I am getting a bit of cabin fever.

It is still suppose to be cold tomorrow but I am going to teach our course as it is held here in Morinville. I was speaking with Danielle earlier and she is not sure any of our patients will be there as some of them travel the back roads to Morinville and they are not in very good shape.

God Bless my friends and please stay warm.....many, many Hugs.....:-)



    That picture of the Highway looks like the Tundra. Brrrrrrr is right. And when you say -48 is that Farenheit? We don't have any where near those frigid temps. I will be praying for a warm up for you. Meanwhile, stay home and stay warm.
    Love to you

  2. I would say this is unbelievable but we lived in Minnesota for a year and they had a really bad cold spell (even for Minnesota it was COLD), -65 with the wind chill! It actually hurt to breathe outside! I couldn't take in a breath without it hurting my insides!
    Oh, I really feel for you. I remember I was expecting my second son, and one Sunday morning I was walking to church (Ray was home with our oldest baby boy) and I slipped and fell on the always-present ice! That was it for me, I then hibernated for the rest of the winter. It was horrible. Needless to say we moved back to New York before the next winter rolled around.
    I really am a homebody, but that was ridiculous! I felt like I might as well be living in a deserted cabin in the Yukon!

    I will say a prayer that you get a much-deserved weather break!
    Stay warm! And BE CAREFUL out there!
    Love to you,

  3. Oh, dear. That IS cold. Our temps were actually mild today--upper 40's. I had some errands to run - delivered cookies from our Sunday cookie exchange to some of the "shut-ins", etc. Take care of yourself, Bernie. My prayers are for all of you up there. Especially those who have to be outside for whatever reasons....

  4. Hi Bernie - I can sympathize. We just had our plumber here - in the worst of our cold spell, our furnace didn't seem to be keeping up! It was down to 55 in the bedroom. We were walking around inside with our coats and gloves on. If you don't have to travel, staying in the warmth of your home is the best policy. Aren't UGGS the best? I have a pair and they keep my feet toasty. (Maybe we should get UGG gloves, too!)

  5. Gail once it reaches -40, Farenheit and Celsius are the same....and I have no choice but to stay in, I did enjoy cleaning my car today but oh was I cold......:-) Hugs

  6. Eileen, I am a homebody as well, but it has been almost 2 weeks of this Arctic Freeze and I am yearning to get outside or go somewhere.....what is it like in NY
    My brother and SIL are leaving next week to go to NY for Christmas with their daughter. I plan on visiting her one day and take in a play, hope we can meet for coffee then......:-) Hugs

  7. Rebecca, every night I think of the street people in Edmonton and pray. It is the longest cold I have ever remembered....I am inside as we speak by the fire, our electricity keeps going off and on and I am forever resetting clocks around here.....:-) Hugs

  8. Barb, the electricity went out in a part of Edmonton yesterday for 12 hours and the people put mattresses by their fireplace and slept on them. Many had frozen pipes and are working today to repair the sad really, fortunately my elelctricity goes on and off but not long enough to freeze any pipes thank heaven. Suppose to break this week and I am so looking forward to it..Hugs

  9. Hi Bernie...what a picture, can't tell what's highway and what's not!
    Richard has been keeping me informed about your record breaking cold weather. It was horribly cold here last week, but today I was sleeping the porch and putting up some lights without even a sweater, and since Richard has a fire in the stove, he had to open a window downstairs because it was getting too warm. It's suppose to get back to being cold, 20 or so tomorrow night. Strange weather.

    Be carefull going out tomorrow; I should go finish some shopping myself while it's nice.

    Take care,
    Luv, Wanda

  10. Just be careful driving in that cold and nasty weather Bernie. Not even cabin fever is worth taking chances.
    Love Di

  11. Well Bernie I think that is weather work writing about. I guess I have nothing to complain about. It has never able been that cold here, of course. Hope things break for you soon.

  12. Wanda, I am so glad you are not in such a deep freeze as we are, I ran out of milk today and am getting low on bread....I need supplies. Oh and Wanda our big snow storm occured in New Brunswick not Alberta in 1992, that was the biggest snow fall I remember but this is the longest freeze I remember....will get out tomorrow as long as my car starts, I tried starting it tonight but it didn't even turn over....I have now plugged it in so I can drive to our course tomorrow.... big hugs to Alivia:-) Hugs to you my friend.

  13. Hello Diana, I just feel so good when I hear from you whether it be by comment or e-mail. It is still so very cold here but I will be careful, it is very important to me be attend our course tomorrow...these people are very sspecial to me....I won't drive into the city until the weather is better I are always in my heart sweet friend, luv you......:-) Hugs

  14. Peggy, since I haven't been out of the house I really don't have anything to talk about except the is soooo cold but there is a light at the end of the tunnel my friend, starting on Wednesday and I can hardly wait. Take care Peggy.....:-) Hugs

  15. Coming from a place of all year round summer, i could see how easy one can get frozen to death on the front lawn!! Do bundle up, my dear, dear darling!!


  16. Oh Silver I feel so bad for his is so very cold here Silver enjoy your warm climate my friend....:-) Hugs

  17. Bernie...Now THAT's cold! I can't even begin to imagine how cold that is.
    The photograph speaks volumes!!!
    Please, stay inside and stay warm and take care of yourself...please.
    (I won't tell you that I have our air conditioner on right now...It was sooo hot and humid when I got home from work.)
    I'm thinking of you and hoping that it warms up verrrrrry soon.
    Love to you,

  18. Good Lord but that is cold! How does anyone stay warm enough to even warm up the car? :-0 Brrrrrr - we get into the single digits here and everyone calls out of work,pipes break and schools close! I got a chill just reading your post. Please stay warm and be safe when you go out.

  19. Jackie, I can't imagine the air conditioning on at all in fact I don't even think I could look at a bowl of ice cream....only 2 days before it breaks.....yes!

    I am doing very well but am looking forward to going outside soon for sure. Take care and have a great Tuesday......:-) Hugs

  20. Quieten, no school buses were running today but schools were left open in case parents had to go into work.....I don't think many children would of gone really for it is far too dangerous.
    How are you and George doing, so glad you are not experiencing this horrible weather.....:-) hugs

  21. Hi, Bernie, it's been cold here for a few days, but today was much milder. I hope the weather is nice for your relatives.
    When are you planning on coming to New York? And where abouts would you be staying?
    I would LOVE to meet in the city! That would be grand!

    Wouldn't it be great if we could all do a 'meet and greet' together?!
    It will definitely go on my "If I Win The Lottery" list!

    Okay, I'm late now with my prayers, I gotta run or I will fall asleep before I'm done!
    Love you!

  22. Hi Eileen, I have not made definite plans for NY but I would like to go within the year. My niece and her husband live close to Central Park as they walk there a lot, they only moved to that area this summer (it's close to wherever they work and downtown) I have their new address downstairs. Oh yes we would have a reunion for sure if I won the lottery but I think we would have to have it near Wanda's as she doesn't like to travel and I couldn't have a reunion without her....When I book my trip I will let you know and we can meet in the City for sure...big hugs to Jayden...:-)

  23. Goodness, Bernie, I hope you stay inside and are toasty warm. The weather looks horrible. I wouldn't venture out unless it is essential. I don't drink much milk but I have canned evaporated milk, from Costco, on hand, always, for my fact, a friend tells me my garage has more groceries than stores in third world countries!


  24. Bernie, That is an amazing picture, my brother was on that road just before they closed it. Good luck with your car starting. Stay safe and warm. I like you can hardly wait for it to break....soon. Big hug.

  25. Hi Carmen I use milk on my cereal each morning but today I did a bit of baking so the milk is all gone now but I will pick some up at the grocery store tomorrow when I am out at my course.....My cupboards are stocked but I am getting low on fresh fruit etc.
    Take care my friend.....:-) Hugs

  26. cinner, this place has been like a Stephen King novel....horrible.
    Glad your brother is safe and I hear you are having it very cold as well. Stay warm my friend.
    ......:-) Hugs

  27. My goodness. Stay warm and stay home. At least until they get that road cleared. Looks rather treacherous.

    -58? I can't even imagine - and I'm from Minnesota originally.

  28. Oh my. I would not even attempt venturing out in that! Wise idea that you did not dear. Blessings and warm hugs....

  29. Yeah, I just saw something on TWN (online version) about it being the coldest place, at least for a day or two, I guess. It's crazy, I tell ya.

  30. Oooo Bernie, sending lots of WARM hugs. I hope the news about rising temperatures is correct. I guess I'd better stop complaining about our mediocre weather. Thinking of you. More Hugs.

    'My Christmas Reading'

  31. PS... hubs sends commiserations.

  32. Bernie, if you could get to the Airport, hop over to a flight that is coming to India. It's isn't even close to that cold! The cold must cause a lot of problems as far as your arthritis is concerned! Please keep warm and keep a heating pad close at hand. Stay indoors Bernie. The climate change is causing havoc on the world weather, with unusual weather conditions the world over! Take care of yourself

  33. Our weather has been crazy here too but we are fortunate that the really cold days had no snow, but on the slightly warmer days there has been lots of bone chilling rain, but I guess it is tropical compared to what you are having.

    Many years ago, when Mario and I lived in Alaska, it did get down to -79 degrees but it's a dry cold which only means you die quickly and dry if you're not careful!!

    Please be careful, dear friend.

    blessings and warm you up hugs,


  34. Julie, some say when it's cold it's cold and it doesn't matter what the temperature is....not me this has been going on far to long and I need a break......:-) Hugs

  35. Just Be Real - I am going out in a couple of hours to do my volunteer work and I am actually looking forward to....been inside far to long......:-) Hugs

  36. A/C it is the worse I have lived in ever......:-) Hugs

  37. Hi Val, oh yes it is bad and I am on my way over to read your Christmas Reading.....:-) Hugs

  38. Val....please say thank you to hubs ...... :-) Hugs

  39. Stillness - this weather has been very hard on my arthritis and I have a heating pad on most of the time along with a fire and of course my snuggie.....:-) Hugs

  40. Marcy I think I would rather the snow at this time of year than the rain, don't even mind the cold but oh this wind is horrible, cuts through like a knife....will be out this afternoon.......:-) Hugs

  41. Hi Bernie,
    That picture of the roads looks quite scary to drive on. I remember so well, driving on roads like that when I lived in cold country. It is no fun! It never got that cold, but it was COLD! I am sending you lots and lots of warm!
    Stay warm and drink more of that hot chocolate with marshmellows.

  42. Bernie.... Don't go out unless you really...really...have to.

  43. Anne, it is suppose to warm up here tomorrow.....let's hope..Hugs

  44. Wendy I was out this afternoon and it is still really cold but it is looking good for tomorrow....Hugs

  45. Wow Bernie! I feel for you!!
    We have cold too here but not like that yet. Some winters it gets way below zero for weeks and then gets back up in the 20's and 30's. We always wait for "the January thaw" which means it might get in the 30's for a few days in a row. ha
    Today we had sun and in the teens. I am still a homebody when it gets this cold and need to find a routine where I do inside projects to keep me busy. I made a cleaning list last year of room by room and do deeeep cleaning, which I need to start after Christmas.
    Keep busy, read some good books by the fire and keep blogging, your blogger friends will keep your heart warm.
    luv ya!

  46. oh, brrr! it's been -4 here, with windchills of -20. doug has been walking the dogs in the morning and leaving me at home but i think this morning it's my turn.

    uggs are great. good warm gloves are hard to find. stay warm!

  47. Joan it has warmed up today, we are now at -22.....I just have to go for supplies. It was so cold here and everything was frozen solid, not a fun time but I was blessed to be warm and cosy inside. Have a wonderful day my friend......:-) Hugs

  48. laurie, would love a pair of UGG gloves, I don't think I have seen them has warmed up today and I am going outside for fresh air......:-) Hugs

  49. Oh, are much braver than I!!!! I wouldn't go out in that for the world!!!!! Please do be careful...stay warm...and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers!!! Love you~Janine XO

  50. Now THAT"S what I call a snowy day! Here in the UK, we only need half an inch for it to make the newspaper's headlines! Are we nesh or what! (nesh ...From Old English hnesce (“soft”), cognate with Dutch nesch )
    Keep safe and warm Bernie.
    Love Granny

  51. Janine, it is much warmer today, thankfully.....and I am not that brave as I have been drinking hot chocolate by the fire while reading most of the freezing days.. have not ventured too far..
    .....:-) Hugs

  52. Hi Granny, my sister in Scotland says when they get half an inch of snow the whole village shuts down. I had to chuckle at that as we call that snow flurries. I am warm and safe Granny.....:-) hugs

  53. Oh Bernie...
    My gosh sweetie. I don't miss that nasty weather at all. Where we lived in Oklahoma the drifts would blow so high you couldn't open your door sometimes. There was ice and snow, I hated it. That is one of the reasons I love it here in Phoenix. The WEATHER. I hate to brag, but we are expecting 75 degree day today. Just perfect. I love this winter weather here. I'll bottle some sunshine up and send it your way.

    Please stay in and stay warm. No traveling on this nasty highway either. Doesn't look like anyone was making it up or down that hill.

    Country hugs and much love, Sherry

  54. Sherry, our weather has broke and it has warmed up though they are calling for feezing rain and light snow later.....I managed to get out and catch up on a few things the past few days, I need all the four seasons as I love each new thing they offer....just couldn't live without nature's beautiful signs even the freezing harsh weather....I guess it's what I am used too......:-) Hugs

  55. Bernie...I wanted to come back over to your blog and see if it has warmed up in your area. I see that there has been a break...but freezing rain doesn't sound too much better to me. Please, be careful...take good care of yourself and know that I'm thinking about you. Many smiles...warmest ones to you, my friend.

  56. I'm reading this a few days later - the 18th - and it was -3 when I got home from work today!! That was some deep freeze we had - wasn't out for 3 days myself!

  57. Jackie it has warmed up very much, and though we are having freezing rain overnight the sun is suppose to be out tomorrow afternoon but a cold spell is coming in the first of the week. I am doing fine Jackie, have been really busy getting caught up on everything. Have a great weekend....:-) hugs

  58. Hi Karin, it really has warmed up from a few days ago, the wind is still cold though and it has just started raining here in Morinville, I can here it on my window. Glad you were home safe and sound during the deep freeze. Have a great weekend....:-) Hugs

  59. Missing you on your blog, but found you here! Very busy and active :)
    Sitting with a cup of hot cocoa and the heating pad sounds like what I would be doing in your "boots".

    We have a skiff of snow on the ground today. I'm glad my husband got the tree limbs cleared, and the arbor and trellis repaired before REAL snow comes.

    I "hear" you re. the arthritic aggravations that come with the weather. Sure wish it weren't so.

    Take good care of yourself and use wisdom in your winter wanderings :)

    Warmest wishes to you

  60. Hi Rebecca, so sorry for not posting but I have just been so busy. I had so much to do after the weather broke but today it is snowing again so perhaps I will post later tonight. Take care my dear friend......:-) Hugs
