Friday, September 25, 2009

A Short Post

Just a short post tonight my friends, hope you are all well. Our weather has turned into Fall, in fact it's cold!

I wanted to post something cheerful tonight. This is my favorite picture of a real sweet young man. He is married to my friend, Caren's daughter. Remember in an earlier post I told you about her beautiful new home. Yeah, that's the one. Anyway this was taken last Fall when Jay graduated as a Fireman. He now works for the City of Edmonton and I think he is one of their finest. His wife, Tiffany is beautiful and I love her like a daughter. In fact we are missing each other and going to see each other soon.

Honestly we didn't send each other a memo, we just ended up matching!

The antibiotics are playing havoc with my digestive system so I am going to have a very quiet weekend, I want to be in tip top shape when my girlfriends arrive next week. We are all going to Bonnyville for Terry's birthday. I am going to be a good girl, follow doctor's orders and stay quiet.....this arm cannot lift anymore than a tea cup until Monday when I see him again.

I will check in and read post, leave comments but will leave my own posting until Monday night when I know I will be able to tell you all is okay with my arm and these other side effects.

Love you all, have a wonderful weekend.....Good Night, God Bless and many hugs...:-)


  1. Can't think of a better excuse to just relax...sounds delightful, in its own demented way. Take care, you! P.S. you look great! in that photo

  2. Wishing you well and praying for a speedy recovery!!! Do have a quiet, restful weekend. ((Hugs)) Cathy

  3. Good Morning, Bernie,
    The weather turning into fall, It must be so pretty. It still is very hot here as always. I am looking foward to a little coolness,though. Can you bottle up some of that cold air and send it to me?
    I am glad you are going to rest your arm and take care of yourself this weekend.
    Have a good one. Enjoy.
    Take care.

  4. Rest easy this weekend and I hope you feel much better come next week. Take care, you have friends to meet and enjoy.

  5. Good morning Bernie...
    It's raining here again this morning...I hope you slept well and woke to a better day. After I return from having lunch with friends, I am spending the day finishing a book Annette brought, "Shanghi Girls" and starting another one "Not Becoming My Mother". Sounds interesting...I'll let you know.

    Remember you promised not to do "Anything" but rest!

    Smiles always,

  6. HI BERNIE -

    Happy Saturday to you. It is good you are "tucking in" and taking care of YOU. :-) And then you will be in tip top shape for you frolic and play next week. Excellent plan my friend.
    Peace and healing light

  7. Bernie, I am so sorry you're not feeling well. I recently had a round of antibiotics for a sinus infection and it can be terrible. I bet cold weather makes things bad too. Here are you 5 words. cocoon, kiwi,patience,where, jump. You may not feel like doing these for awhile and, of course, that is okay. So love having you for a BB (blogging buddy).

  8. Take time out to recharge the batteries, then your little light will be able to shine twice as brightly!

  9. Hi Bernie, glad you are taking it easy. i love the photo, colors were perfect together. hope you feel better soon. I will stay in touch as much as I can.Hugs.

  10. Kay, ok so I'm dememted but oh I slept so well last night..LOL
    Thank you, its one of my favorite pictures.....have a great weekend my friend......:-) Hugs

  11. Cathy, thank you sweetie, and I am wishing you a wonderful weekend as well........:-) Hugs

  12. Choices, it is so cool this morning, had to turn the furnace on. Enjoy your nice weather my friend....have a great weekend. Hugs to you....:-)

  13. Alice, hello my new friend, it is really cool here this morning, Fall has come in so looking forward to my friends for sure......:-) Hugs

  14. Good Morning Wanda, thought of you this morning when I woke up, I had a wonderful nights sleep....please let me know what you think of those books as I want to pick up a few ..... have read almost all the ones I have in. Enjoy your luncheon my friend.....:-) Hugs

  15. Hi Gail, yes this is my weekend, going to watch my sports, read and rest....easy to do as its very cold here today......:-) Hugs

  16. Peggy, I am the one who is happy to have you as a blogging friend, will do the 5 words on Monday ok.
    Have a great day.......:-) Hugs

  17. jinsky, you are so sweet, now I don't feel guilty for taking the weekend off. I want my light to shine as bright as yours does my friend.......:-) Hugs

  18. cinner, hope you are enjoying your weekend, I will be better soon I know. Enjoy your family my friend, thank you, I do love that picture.
    take care.......:-) Hugs

  19. Good choice, Bernie!
    Relax, take care of yourself, and feel better, you poor thing!
    I remember my Dad always had a hard time whenever he had to take antibiotics, he said he felt chained to the house because he could never be far from the bathroom.
    Good thing you only have to be on them for seven days, enough time to recoup from the havoc they play on your system before your friends arrive.

    Enjoy a quiet weekend.
    Thinking of you and praying for you lots.
    Love you, Eileen

  20. Hi Eileen, I have always been sensitive to medications, doctor gets almost as frustrated as I do. He wants so much to help and I want so much to get better.
    Hopefully this new one will work. Have a great weekend....:-) Hugs

  21. Terri, I published your comment but it didn't appear here. Blogger hasn't been acting very good for me lately.....the baby was 8 months old and so sweet. He is much better now.....I had lunch with Avinash, Colleen and Linda, I am not sure who Barb is? Colleen is doing really well, she is finding it hard financially though. Do you want to join us for lunch at the end of October... we have decided to always keep in touch, it was such fun just being with them again.....:-) Hugs

  22. Oh Bernie just take care of yourself. I will be checking on you here and there. Do drink lots of tea and rest. I received you letter Bernie and was so excited as I have never gotten mail from Canada! I will be responding to you on Monday. I do believe I will have the house to myself then. First time in over two weeks!!!!!!!!!! Love Di

  23. Hi Di, I am okay today, taking it very easy. Glad you got my letter, I think this pen pal thing is very cool.....I know how everyone has been sick so don't worry about writing letters as I don't want you coming down with the same thing.
    Hope your knee is better, the closer it gets to Oct 9th the more nervous I get, I hate the shots but love the relief....have a great weekend......:-) Hugs

  24. Oh, Bernie...I am praying for a speedy recovery!! And I hope that the antibiotics and their side effects settle down!!! Relax, rest, and be well, my friend!!!! All my love~Janine XO

    P.S. My appointments were am moving in a positive direction! Thank you, dear Bernie!

  25. Janine, I too am praying for a speedy recovery as I will need lots of energy to keep up with the girls......I am praying for you every day Janine, I just know in my heart you will be healthy very soon, our world needs more Janine's in it....kindness, gentleness,understanding and loving. All words that describe you my friend.......:-) Hugs

  26. No response necessary! The best one will be reading next week that you are feeling take care and sleep all that you can. Sounds like you have wonderful things to look forward to and give you good reason to be full of self-care this weekend. The sun is finally out again in Indiana....just beautiful weather. We've done some outdoor things and are getting ready for our normal Saturday evening relaxation.

  27. Sure hope all that baby rocking didn't make your arm worse...
    those darn antibiotics are rough on your stomach!
    You are right to take it easy to get better faster.
    Sit in your favorite couch or chair and read a fantastic book that takes you away to a wonderful place. Then take a long warm bath and receive all those blogger {{hugs}} coming your way...including the one I am sending you right now.

  28. must get to feeling better!! Please :)
    What sweet looking up so you can have a good time with your friends next week.
    I'll be praying for your quick recovery...
    With Love, Jerelene

  29. Rebecca, it's been a good day to rest, it is very cool and the wind is 50 klm an hours making it really cold. Thank you for your kind words......:-) Hugs

  30. Joan, I am getting pretty tired of having to take these antibiotics, I'm not sure they do anything for me except to upset my digestive track, then they want me to take them with food and the last thing I have is an really trying to do everything they tell me to be well for my friends next week.......:-) Hugs

  31. Jerelene, it's been pretty rough but I am determined to get well for my are you feeling? Hugs to Sam.....:-)

  32. Antiobiotics made me sicker than the 'illness' they were treating, Bernie....I almost stopped taking them...but I didn't. Finally, however, I did go back to the doctor, and he switched one of them...
    Take care of you....please.

  33. Hi Bernie. Please take good care of yourself. Stay warm and safe and get your strength back.
    I'll miss the warm weather, but, there is something peaceful about Fall. The cooler temps are putting all the growing things to a well deserved sleep after all their hard work growing and propagating. It's a signal for us to slow down and get some rest too, I think.
    Thanks for the Birthday wishes for my mom and sis. <3 from Mar.

  34. Jackie, I agree, the antibiotics are making me sicker than anything else....would love to just throw them out but with my immune system I know I would just be asking for more trouble.....just a few days more and I'll be up and at 'em again. Luv ya......:-) Hugs

  35. Hi Mar, I do hope you aree slowing down as well and getting some rest. I think it's time we both took some "me" time, finish the weekend well my friend...:-) Hugs

  36. Get well soon Bernie! I wish I was there to take care of you! Eat well and I hope you get back to fighting fit my Monday. Rest and take good care of you! Loads of love :)

  37. Good for you, Bernie. Rest and relaxation is definitely what you need. Sorry to hear about the upset digestive system. Tablets are demons sometimes, even while they're doing you good. Have a restful time.

  38. Dear Bernie
    oh, that picture is wonderful.
    Love it.

    Now you take good care of yourself my dear.
    I know it's been tough.
    Sending you lots of hugs!


  39. Thanks Margie, I have been thinking of you all weekend, hope you are feeling better, luv ya, xo

  40. Dear Bernie,
    I so hope that you are feeling better and that you had a wonderful weekend with friends. I prayed for you today after reading your post. Blessings my friend

  41. I hope you had a great weekend, and meanwhile I *love* that photo!

    Good luck especially to Jay; it's hero's work he's doing. I hope you're feeling better by now -- or very soon.

  42. Susan, thank you, both Jay and myself appreciate your kind words. Hugs to the kids......:-)

  43. Brenda, more precious to me than any jewel are prayers and friends who pray for me. Thank you my friend, I so enjoyed your photo's.
    ..........:-) Hugs

  44. i am glad to hear you're goin to turn in early, be a good girl and take good care of yourself.


  45. I couldn't help coming here about noon Monday to try to find out if you're OK & recovered sufficiently to enjoy yourself this week. Oh well. I shall have to be patient a while longer.

  46. Rebecca, I will be well enough to enjoy my friends. They are arriving on Friday - Tues.
    I am about the same but after tomorrow I am not going to take the antibiotics, this will give my system a couple of days to adjust. When my friends fly back next Tuesday I will go back on them. Not to worry I am not about to ruin anyone's fun especially my own. I am so looking forward to seeing them and going to Terry's party........:-) Hugs

  47. Dear Bernie,

    Your posts reflect such neighborliness and love. The warmth of friendship, kindness and faith are felt. Thank you ever so much for what you share.

    Blessings and well being. I too, look forward to your enjoying your visit.

  48. well let's hope that you're better at behaving yourself than I am

  49. Rose Marie, thank you so much for your kind words, I am blessed with very good friends and neighbours. They are a very large part of my life........:-) Hugs

  50. Susan, I am so glad you are getting so much better but no I am not very good at following doctor's orders.....I do try. Will pop over and see how your doing, I am so happy for you and your family that all has worked out so well for you........:-) Hugs

  51. Hope you feel better soon! (((HUGS))) T
