Saturday, August 1, 2009

WOW....What a Storm

Hello my friends, we had a hot, humid day today. I loved it and tonight the thunder rolled in and the skies opened up.....what a downpour. Our electricity went out for a short time but before long everything was flicking at me. It took me about 5 minutes to set all the clocks again and I had to smile as I thought just how many clocks should one person have?

I was suppose to go to a BBQ tonight but my friend postponed it due to the weather. She only has a small place and was planning on having everyone outside on her deck.
I was pleased that she put it off as I was in the middle of a good book and didn't want to drive into the city especially with the rain coming down so hard.

My day was quiet, and peaceful. My tooth is so much better that I hardly noticed it at all today. I changed my bedding and did a load of laundry, tidied up the house and went out for a few groceries. I love driving this car. It is a bit bigger than mine and drives so smooth....ah maybe I will trade, a girl can always dream can't she?

I am reading Resilience by Elizabeth Edwards....she is one smart lady and I have to admit I admire her courage in the face of not one to sit around and feel sorry for herself but a real doer, she does have the luxury of money but it only reinforces to me how money can't buy health or happiness. I also realize as I read about her life how much I appreciate my own life. Oh I have had my ups and downs as does everyone but I don't think I would change a thing. Life is good, love is better. This book also made me realize that one should not put all their eggs in one basket but should have many interest and relationships in life. I really feel its important that woman keep their friendships and interest as well as be wife and mothers. So many put everything into their families and homes, that is wonderful but I think marriage is much more interesting when a little independence is involved, even a hobby can add much to the conversation between family and friends. I'm not sure its healthy to always be at the beck and call of only one much can happen if that person lets one down, or leaves or gets sick even. No, I am more convinced than ever that one should have more than one reason to exist in life....but I do respect the right of others to feel as only they can.

I had a great day today my friends, managed to catch up on some rest, did a little housework, watched a football game, read a book.....gosh as I read what I did I can see why I am feeling so content tonight. Sometimes I think a hard days work would be the death of me.....only kidding as I love a relaxing day as well as a full one.

Take care my friends.......Good Nigh and God Bless


  1. Your day sounds just wonderful. Contentment is great gain, lady! It is all in the heart and soul of things. Even something ordinary like a chore can bring us a moment's pleasure or even a joy.. i know that one too. ;) Not too often..but i do get it!

  2. First, I want to say how much I enjoy hearing Bette Midler's "One True Friend" as I read your posts. It is so every single post.
    I'm glad that you were able to read...even though the BBQ was called off. Reading is something that I enjoy doing. I don't do enough of it, but once I am engrossed in a good book, I am there...entirely there. You sound like you had a full and blessed day...a relaxing one, in spite of the storm, and I am always happy to hear that you are content, my friend. Love to you,my friend....

  3. I too love the sound of a storm, when I was more of an idiot than I am now, I used to drive to the sea wall, and sit in the car and watch it out at sea. Danger never entered my wooly head!
    Love Granny

  4. Contentment! The key to your whole day! Thanks Be to God!!! Have a grand day today! Cathy

  5. Good morning Bernie...when we get to our age, we need no excuse for having a a lazy carefree day...although my husband searches for small jobs to do for his satisfaction...I can be still and not feel guilty one bit...that comes from having been a mom...mothers are constantly on call in their life, even on vacations...which proves your point...women need their own personal interests to fullfill themselves and maybe even short vacations alone! :)
    Glad you are rested and feeling better...good that the antibiotics are working...Herhusband and 2 friends just had root canal work done.
    Take care and enjoy the day Bernie,

  6. I'm glad you had a nice day, and I'm glad your barbecue plans were put off, sometimes things work out perfect!

    I'm so sorry I somehow missed one of your posts! When I was reading here about your tooth I had no idea what you were talking about so I had to go back and read. I'm glad it's feeling a little better. And I'm so sorry about your plants! What a disappointment, more in human nature than loss of plants too! I haven't read everyone's comments yet I'll go back and do that now.
    I don't know why blogger does that, in fact, I don't rely on blogger anymore to tell me when someone has posted new, I just go to the blog, but the only new posts blogger brought me to was here and those beautiful pictures you posted. Oh well, at least I'm caught up now.

    I hope you do keep posting pictures. I love that! It feels so nice when people share their lives, whether it's through words and stories, or pictures of their surroundings, and especially pictures of loved ones. I really am very interested in everyone and it makes me feel closer and helps to picture things in my mind.

    Okay, enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  7. Good Morning Bernie!
    It was funny to me you talking about that book. I have been thinking at lot lately as Katie is entering high school,about what I am going to do when she leaves home. Empty nest! We do have a lot of activities in our church which I would like to get more involved with and I will have more time then. But I can't help thinking that there has to be something else. Well I have a few more years to explore the possiblities! But you are right about not putting all of one's eggs into one basket!

  8. That book sounds interesting. I like the music, you have playing on your blog.

    Thanks for the comment on my chairs. It was actually fun. I have watched a lot of HGTV, and YouTube videos,before I dared tried it.

    Have a good day, God Bless,

  9. Hi Silver, you sound wonderful. How is the purging going? It can be a chore but I always feel better when I have finished or accompolished a goal. Have a wonderful day....:-) Hugs

  10. Hello Jackie, I first heard this song on Wanda's blog and then remembered it...I love it and it seemed appropriate when I was showing pictures of my friends. I am a book alcholic, right now I have 3 on the go and I do enjoy my reading time.
    I was glad our BBQ was postponed, I really needed a quiet day and now can look forward to getting back into my routine all rested up.
    Have a great day my friend...Hugs

  11. Granny, I have always loved storms. Like you when I was younger I use to sit in the car and watch the lightening, now I even cozy in when a snowstorm hits. I could never live in a place where there is only one season, I always love the changes and my favorite season is coming up, love that time of year. Have a great day....:-) Hugs

  12. Oh yes contentment is such a blessing and one we all can achieve with little effort...Wishing you a wonderful day as well my friend....:-) Hugs

  13. Eileen, I am not sure what happens in blogland either...sometimes my comments disappear, sometimes I am not notified when my favorite bloggers only seems to happen once in a while thank heavens...great to hear from you anytime and hope your pool party goes well today.....:-) Hugs

  14. Oh Wanda, you can read my mind, as I am thinking of a long weekend in the Fall, of going to the mountains by myself. Just some quiet time when the leaves are turning colors....hadn't even told anyone that I was thinking about it.
    My tooth is feeling very normal this morning, I only had to take one pain killer yesterday and so far today I haven't needed any, I still have 3 days of antibiotics left and they don't agree with me very well but I know its important to finish them so I will.
    Have a great day my friend...Hugs

  15. Hi Diana, it will be a change for you when Katie goes off to build her own life and it does take some adjusting but you also will find so many wonderful opportunities to find out who "Diana" really is and feed your soul with all the things you enjoy doing for yourself. I have found so much comfort and peace in my life since being on my own...I came to realize I was doing so many things for others and that I enjoyed watching them be happy and still do but now I am able to do things for myself and see my own happiness and contentment grow. Independence is a good thing but I still need my family and friends in my life to be completely happy, its a balance I think....have a wonderful day Diana.....L-) Hugs

  16. Sandy the book is interesting and really shows a woman's heart...thanks for popping over and do visit again soon....Hugs

  17. I really enjoyed hearing about your day, Bernie, so good to have you back! One of the best parts was hearing that your tooth was not hurting.

    There are so many needed and good things to do in this world that one should always have those kinds of outside interests because they reflect back and make us better people too.

    Love the rain and storms and always have, but not to travel in,s o it was ggod that your plans got cancelled.

    Sad to say, you have now made me realize ANOTHER addiction I have (does it never end?) and that is books. How I love to read, but you can run out of space for the books!

    blessings and hugs,


  18. Hi Marcy, yes I did have a lovely day yesterday and hopefully another one today. Just finished my shower and getting ready for Mass.
    Oh Marcy how the books can mulitply, I have given tons away and they still keep building up around me.....will be time to donate to the library soon, I usually do it every Fall and Spring.
    Have a great day my friend...Hugs

  19. Hi Bernie-

    The tears are falling as I listened to that amazing song - "one true friend"....

    Anyway, sounds like you had a great day, cleaning, reading, and your tooth is better. :-)

    So good to hear.

    Love to you]

  20. Hi Gail, I so look forward to your comments...I did have a relaxing day and it looks like another one today...I think I have caught up on my rest and yes my tooth is so much better....have a great day my friend.....:-) Hugs

  21. I salute you for thinking the way you did and want to thank you for sharing a thought so full of insight with each of us. I agree so much with you that there has to be more than one reason for living. If that one reason let's you down, there is still something else to keep you going. You wrote it SO simply and beautifully! I will always keep these words of yours in mind :-) Take care :-)

  22. Hey Bernie,
    While you were gone, we had a doosey of a storm. The CN Tower was struck by lightening, and parts of the new Art Museum, came down on top of cars...there were huge trees snapped in half all over the city! The sky was black as night at 7 pm and lightning was coming strait down every few seconds, and it poured, hail the size of golf balls in some places. I was working at Taste of Edmonton when it happened and thought all the tents were going to blow away. It was an amazing sight, it gave me an adreneline rush! Glad you are back and it was good seeing you all tanned and happy. I saw you driving away in your Ford something...looks like a nice car, and it suited you. Lets get together soon. ((((HUGS))))

  23. Hi again Bernie-

    I wanted to share a little cute tid bit with you. I know you said you are going to the dentist on Tuesday to begin a root canal.
    When I found a new dentist a few years back I brought in a picture of myself when i was THREE!!! Yes, three years old. I was a cutie in the picture too, long braids, rosy cheeks, bright blue eyes. adorable. :-) I told the dentist that the cute little girl in the picture was the person whose teeth he was working on and not to see me the big adult but to only envision her, the little three year old!! The picture is on the front of my file, always!! How fun is that?? I am a real baby when it comes to dentists.
    I thought you would appreciate this lil story.

    Love to you

  24. Hi Terri, thats what happens when you are at the beach for two weeks, I didn't get any news. That storm sounds fantastic, hope no one was hurt....I just got in from Mass and its so dark and steamy outside, also hear thunder far off so it looks like another storm brewing.
    Great seeing you too, the car rental is a Fusion 2010, at least that is what it says on the key chain and I love it, drives so nice but I can only enjoy it for a week then get my little yellow bug back...have a great day...:-) Hugs

  25. Hi Gail, this is a cute story, I am not a fan of dentist either but what can one do when the pain is there. It is so much better now though, I kind of hope he pulls it instead of the root canal but may have no say in it. Thanks for sharing my friend....:-) Hugs

  26. Hi Stillness, its you I salute my friend, for one so young you are very wise. I agree so much in friendships, they are so wonderful and I find woman support each other and understand the feelings we all me its so important to have many interest, hobbies, friends and families as we all get let down at times, its nice to draw on other resources for sure...have a great day...Hugs

  27. Hi Bernie,
    I'm having a relaxation day, too. I'm catching up on some blogs and taking peeks at my beautiful back garden now and then. Last night temps reached the low 30's again, so I'm trying to enjoy the garden's color, texture, and shape while it lasts! My husband is off biking with a friend. There's a message on my machine from little Amanda(6), so I'll call and chat with her soon.
    The sun is shining, the breeze is blowing and the sky is blue. Maybe I'll sit on the back deck awhile and read the Sunday NYTimes. Solitude is precious and renewing.
    Glad your tooth is not hurting anymore.

  28. Hi Barb, your day sounds heavenly. It is very hot and steamy here now and we have just had a horrid thunder/lightening storm and heavy rains. I have just had a nap and am enjoying catching up on my blogs, emails and telephone friends. Keep enjoying your day especially your phone chat with Amanda....:-) Hugs

  29. Glad you had a chance to "catch up on your rest"! I'm doing that a little bit this afternoon. Two of our grandchildren were here, I worked serving at the food tent at our Harlan Days event Saturday afternoon, and I had to substitute leading the worship team in church this morning. It's been busy. Now I'm blogging and reading, too!

  30. We have had a lot of company over the last few weeks, and I could relate to your post...all that laughter and love from your friends is like a cleansing of the soul. It refreshes you and fulfills you...but it also, for some reason exhausts you a bit. It feels great to have some down time to yourself after all of it.
    It is like your soul is filled and needs time to sink into the rest of us.

  31. Joan, you are so right...I had a wonderful vacation and my spirit and soul are so full of love and appreciation but my body was quite weary from all the travel and time change. Great to sleep in my own bed again...Many hugs to you my friend.....:-)
