Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Strange Weather

Hello my friends, a strange day of weather today here in Alberta.

I was up early and while drinking my coffee on the deck I decided I was going to work outside today. I started by trimming and pruning plants and shrubs. I have to say my flowers and plants have not recovered from being neglected when I was away. They were coming along so beautifully and I still feel sad when I think of them going without water for so long. The sun was shining, it was beautiful outside and I was enjoying my chores even in my sadness for my garden. I pulled weeds, whipper snipped around the walk way, swept the deck and dusted the deck furniture. It was beginning to look quite nice when the sky suddenly darkened and the wind became quite fierce.

I hurried inside to close the windows and just in time as the sky opened up, it absolutely poured down, then as quickly as it came it left, the sun came out again and it became very hot and humid. I then went out and vacuumed my car and cleaned the car windows. It was absolutely gorgeous out. I loved being outside.

This afternoon I did some laundry and cleaned my bathrooms. Now about 3:30 the sky darkened again and I could see the lightning and hear the thunder. Again I closed the windows as I waited for the storm to pass. This time it was even shorter, the electricity flickered and went off for a few seconds, just long enough for me to have to set all the clocks. Unbelievably the sun came back out and was as hot as it had been all day. Then at 6:30 as I was reading the newspaper the wind came up, day turned to night and the thunder was absolutely deafening. It began to hail and I was even concerned that my windows would be broken or my car damaged. I have never seen it hail then rain so hard. The hail was so big that it looked for a while as it were snowing. The power went off again and this time stayed off for over an hour. It was only 6:30 but it was so dark I was unable to see the newspaper well enough to read it. It was a massive storm and I lit a couple of candles to at least have some light.

It finally stopped raining around 8:30 but the humidity was still high and I don't think the air cooled off much either. It is now a lovely evening with everything looking clean and smelling so fresh. A really strange weather day for sure, it just couldn't make up it's mind what kind of day it wanted to be.

Am off to bed early as I have to get up at 7 am. I have to see my rheumatoid arthritis specialist tomorrow morning at 9 and it is a 45 minute drive from here. I'm not sure why I am even going, except I only see her every 3 months and she wants to go over my x-rays of my jaw. So I will go and have it over with for another 3 months.....I so dislike having to get up early as I am stiff and slow moving the first part of the day. I like to ease myself into my day with a nice cup of coffee as I read my newspaper. Oh well, I should be thankful that I have a doctor who cares and stop my complaining.

I wish you all a wonderful Wednesday, until tomorrow....Good Night and God Bless and as always....many, many hugs.....:-)


  1. Good luck with the appointment Bernie! I'd pray all goes well and you come back hale, hearty and healthy!

    The weather sure was strange, but on the flip side the crops really need the rains. Here many parts of my country are trying to cope with drought!

  2. I have had the pleasure of enjoying your lovely music, as I was off to IM with a friend while on your site...I Love It! :) Great selection!

  3. I know exactly what you mean with the weather, every time I tried to do anything it was sprinkling and then thunder, lightning, rain with sun shining, but by the sounds of things lucky because we had no hail. Anyway good luck tomorrow, remember once you get there you will be fine. Take care bernie.

  4. Good morning Bernie...
    Hope your doctor's appointment goes well today.

    You had a productive day yesterday. At least you had a few breaks in between the storms...you know, we have had days like that too...with very sudden changes and down pours...usually this time of year we would have cracks in the ground from long spells of no rain...not this year...almost too much rain!

    It's 6:30 here..Dylan stayed all night and is going shopping with me later and I like to get an early start and be back by lunch time.
    Enjoy your day Bernie,

  5. Your weather sounds like it suited my mood yesterday! I couldn't make up my mind what I wanted to be either! Sad, happy, thankful, melancholy, joyful, longing, peaceful, yearning, it was just one of those days! My older sister called and we both cried and laughed, and our phone call went much like your weather too!
    I'm glad you got a lot accomplished even with your crazy weather, it makes me tired just listening to all that you and Diana too accomplish in one day!
    And thank you so much for coming back a second time to visit me, I saw your comment this morning and it made my heart happy.

    I think it's wonderful too that you keep up with your doctor appointments, I probably wouldn't as I'm like you in that I don't relish going, but if you are on maintenance you know you really don't have much of a choice.
    Hope all goes well there today and you don't have too much trouble getting up and out early.

    Good luck with your blog maintenance too! You are a brave woman! If I didn't have Ray and the kids to help me out I don't think I'd be able to change a thing! Maybe just the 'header' picture, but for sure not the background. And Ray and the kids are so good because I can see a picture anywhere on the computer and if I just remember to save it to our computer they can usually turn it into a background for me. I'm not nuts about my background now, but it took a bit of work for Ray to change it, so I'll love it!
    You are lucky to have Stillness to help you! Friends are the best!

    Take care, Bernie.
    Thank you for being such a good friend to me.
    I enjoyed reading about your day again!
    Love, Eileen

  6. Good Morning Bernie,
    Well between the wild weather and the cleaning you did it certainly didn't sound like a boring day!
    I know what you mean about moving slow in the morning. My hips have been hurting really bad as we have all of these weather fronts coming in! They kill me. I really need to go to the ortho. Doctor but I just keep putting it off!
    I have to clean house tomorrow so I will just take it easy today. Good luck at the doc today!
    Love Di

  7. Thanks Stillness, I am anxious to hear what she has to say. I know everything will be okay and it will be a relief to get it over with.
    You are right the farmers really needed that rain for their crops but it may be too late as they have seem to taken quite a beating this year and our growing season is just about over.
    Have a wonderful day my friend.
    ......:-) Hugs

  8. Hi Kay, so glad you enjoyed the music as so many don't like blogs that have playlist. I too enjoy music very much of all genre's.
    Have a great day my friend, will talk with you soon.....:-) Hugs

  9. Hi cinner, our weather did sound much the same, the hail really beat down many people's flowers. It has been a strange summer here, too short, cold then hot, rain then no rain. Hard to follow really. Yes I will be glad when my appointment is done with, from now on I am not making any morning appointments only afternoons. This getting up early and rushing around is getting harder as I get older. Have a great day my friend, sending you hugs, :-)

  10. Wanda, good morning my friend. So nice that Dylan is with you and going shopping together will be nice.
    No more morning appointments for me, do not do well with early mornings.
    I have been thinking a lot about you and your family, hope all is going well, will e-mail you later on okay........:-) Hugs

  11. Hi Eileen, I hope you have a better day today, those up and down days can be pretty rough.
    Stillness has e-mailed me step by step on how to change my blog, it won't be her fault if I make a mess of it. She is very kind to me.
    I noticed all my spelling errors when I visited you last night, must slow down my typing or at least check what I type. Sorry about that, makes me wonder how many other errors I have made when commenting.
    Now you take care and try to enjoy today, will check in on you when I get home....:-) Hugs

  12. Hello Di, gosh I understand when you say your hips ache, arthritis is not an easy disease to live with. I think most people get arthritis as they get older, sad really as we have more time to do things and our bodies won't
    co-operate. I think there are worse things to have but when we are in pain, it's hard to remember that.
    Be careful cleaning today, Di as I think that must be difficult for you. Sometimes I think you do to much but then sometimes we just don't have the choices we would like to have.
    Have a good day my friend....Hugs

  13. Hi Bernie

    wow, amazing weather for sure. Your day was unpredictable. I admire your perseverance to get your chores done.
    I hope all goes well with your doctor visi today. I have to go for my MRI at 2- ugh, then we will go for drinks and apps at a favorite pub of ours. :-)

    Love to you

  14. Hope all went well with your appointment. We have had our share of rain so could you keep it your side a bit longer... smiles.

  15. Hope your DR visit went well, Bernie. I, too, am a little "creaky" first thing. Though I don't have your RA problems, I know what you mean about a slow, quiet start to the day! Leaving for Denver soon. It's lovely - sunny and breezy - here in Breckenridge.

  16. Hi Gail, our weather is much better today and I am home safe and sound.
    How did your MRI go? I hope you had fun at the pub after, can't beat enjoying a cold drink with the one you love.......:-) Hugs

  17. Hi Val, sun is out today and it's really nice, far different than yesterday for sure. I hope the sun heads your way soon.....:-) Hugs

  18. Hi Barb, enjoy your trip to Denver, I know you will enjoy the grandchildren.......:-) Hugs

  19. Our weather here turns on a dime, too...I think it has to do with being so close to the Great Lakes. The local saying here is: "Don't like our weather? Wait 5 minutes, it will change!".
    We find that if it looks too rough out on our lake, if we wait until later in the day, we can go out because it gets still later. Or, if we go out when it is sunny and clear and still, we keep a close eye on the skies and read the weather report, because we don't want to get caught out there in bad weather. But thats what makes life so interesting. You sound like me...when you get a warm gorgeous day, we literally embrace it. Sights, sounds, and smells.

  20. power cuts?

    what's it about them that i actually love? for the life of me i can't think....

    except except, when i was a child we suffered intermittent power cuts and it always seemed so cosy and fun

    sigh, the innocent pleasures....

  21. Hello Miss Muddle, so nice you stopped by. I too find a storm whether it be snow, rain or thunder/lightning, I find myself snuggling up like a cocoon, cozy by the fire. It's refreshing at times knowing I can't go out nor can anyone come in....a good book, candles and I am in heaven.
    Come again my friend....:-) Hugs
