Friday, August 7, 2009

Short Post Tonight My Friends

Hello my friends, hope you all had a great day and I hope some of you had summer weather, it was cool here in Alberta today and tonight. I am not ready to give up on summer yet, way too soon.

I managed to go to Curves early this morning and I really had to push myself, am really tired today.

I was invaded this morning by my house cleaner, she was training two girls and boy did they do a great job in a short time....the house was sparkling which put me in a great mood. I do love a clean house.....which it isn't always.

I had a quiet day after the girls left, watched t.v. and read not to mention I slept off and on all afternoon. Just one of those wonderful days.

My girlfriend stopped in after work and brought us Tim's coffee, it was great to see her as I haven't since I was on vacation. She is getting tired of working but realizes she has a good job which are pretty hard to come by right now so she knows it is the right thing to do by staying put until the administrator changes this Fall. Surprising how one person can make so many people unhappy.....I think she must be very unhappy herself as it would be very hard to be happy and contented to do so many things that upset so many people. I tried to explain this to my friend, but she wasn't having any of it, thinks this person not only enjoys but actually plans on making everyone miserable. I couldn't help it, I had to laugh then we both were laughing about the situation. I am hoping she has a better day tomorrow.

My post is short tonight as I am off to dreamland.....this is awful as I slept earlier this evening. I am fine, just tired and I think it could be all the antibiotics I am on. I was actually thinking of coming off them but was feeling better today so am going to try and get through the next few days. I don't tolerate medications very well, I never have and my poor doctor tries so hard to find meds to help me but we have yet to find anything that I can take for my RA. Somehow I always manage just fine without them.

Until tomorrow......Good Night and God Bless.....:-) Hugs


  1. Hope you are feeling more rested now Bernie. May be it is the humid weather, but we also feel very lethargic and sleepy.
    Thank you for your award in the previous post... how kind of you. I shall treasure it, but won't pass it on as so many people are anti it seems.
    Love to you

  2. Good morning Bernie...
    Our bodies do know when we need extra rest you were in a different time zone for 2 week...that on top of the infection is the culprit probably...not to mention your very busy last few days.

    As for the's starting to feel like fall here too...I've even noticed a few orange and red leaves falling...things are changing...though I enjoy the actual change of the seasons; each has it's own appeal to look forward to...but, at the same time there's a sadness for everyone when summer ends...I think it's left over from our childhood and the anxiety of school starting. :)

    Keep Smiling!

  3. You did a great job and I don't feel it was too short, so I did get my Bernie 'fix' had me worried with the 'short post'. I thought it might be something like "Hi all and Bye all...have a wonderful day, Bernie"!

    I sure wish they could find medicines that you could take and that would help you, Bernie. Does anyone else in your family have these medical problems?

    blessings with hugs,


  4. Hi Granny, am awake early this morning after a good night's sleep so will see how long I last today....I totally understand about not passing the award on, perhaps the awards have run their course.....Have a wonderful weekend Granny.......:-) Hugs

  5. Good Morning Wanda, I too love all the season changes but I am holding on tightly too summer for a few more weeks.
    The anitbiotics are playing havoc with me, I am suppose to get my car back tomorrow and have to return the car rental, am hoping I am okay for that.
    I can't believe school starts so early in the US, we don't start here until the day after Labor Day and the kids are beginning to look forward to it already and yes Sara, the little girl next door is a bit anxious about it. I love seeing the little children with their new clothes and shoes on the first day of school, they always look so cute. Please say hello to Annette from me, I hope she is doing well Wanda, I think of her often.
    Have a great weekend my friend....:-) Hugs

  6. Eileen, I so understand how your dad felt on these medications. Believe me they are very hard to take and leave you feeling terrible, I am not sure that so many antibiotics should be given to anyone anyway.
    I am hoping for more energy today but have kind of cleared my day, just in case.... very foggy here this morning but I am hoping for a nice day when it burns off.
    Have a great day my friend.....
    and w/k ....:-) Hugs

  7. Hi Marcy, oh boy taking these antibiotics has been rough, and Marcy we are all diabetics in my family, we all suffer from arthritis and have many other similar issues and I am the only one who is unable to take tablets. I was dreadfully sick through my chemo, doctor even wanted to stop it but I wouldn't let him but seriously the cure was almost worse than the disease. Oh well, we all have our burdens to carry and this is one of mine. I always use my 5 word prayer for this one Marcy, "Hide me in your wounds" I find these 5 words always calms me whatever I am going through.
    Have a great w/k my friend.....Hugs

  8. Sweet Bernie..Continue to get your rest. Your body knows what it needs, and I am glad that you are in tune with it and listen and obey! :)) Your posts are always wonderful....and I enjoy visiting you so much. Since I've begun reading your blog, I have been inspired by you...your selflessness. Please, take care of YOU.

  9. Jackie, believe me I have no choice but to rest when my body cries out for it. All is pretty well today.....thank you God.
    How is it going with you? I didn't realize you were still teaching and school has started so early where you are...... have a great weekend my friend....:-) Hugs

  10. Hello Bernie,
    Just came inside from "gardening" in Denver. I have mostly containers here but also a few tiny beds. I go out early - the temp is already climbing. I'm used to cool days in the Mts - heat kind of zaps me. My husband is off on a bike ride - no heat worries for him! I am often tired after a vacation - plus, you have the added body strain of infection and the many antibiotics. I'll be glad when you finish with them. Keep taking yogurt - be careful about the sugar content, though. Have you ever tried Greek yogurt? My favorite! Rest and get better, Bernie.

  11. Hi Barb, the yogurt I have been eating contains no sugar....its a no no for me. Your days sound like heaven and I love how you enjoy each and every one of them. I find myself going on every hike and bike ride with you...have a great weekend my friend....:-) Hugs

  12. Hello Bernie
    Thank you for your visit & kind words!
    It's nice being here & getting caught up with you.
    You seem to be such a contented person & appreciate all that life brings to you...that is wonderful!

    Must have been fantastic to have such a great trip & spend such lovely times with your family!

    Hope you feel better soon!
    Take good care!

    Hope you have some more of those warm summer days!
    It's a gorgeous day here!


  13. Hi Bernie,
    I thought I would stop by to say hello. You days are always filled with so much. I can tell you that you have good life and enjoy your life.
    It has been very warm here, I will send you some warmth.
    Take care.

  14. Choices, thank you so much for your visit. I am blessed with a happy many it may be boring but to me it has its ups and downs but I wouldn't change a thing. Hope you come back soon as I love meeting and sharing my life with new people .... blogland friends are absolutely the best. I wish you a happy weekend..:-) hugs

  15. Glad you had such a terrific day!!!!
    Don't ever apologize for sleeping...I am convinced that when our body needs it, it tells us and you should always listen to your body talking!

  16. Hi Joan, no I don't apologize for sleeping as a matter of fact I really enjoy my naps. I have worked many years to be able to have the opportunity to do this and I am so pleased I live a life of choices.....Thanks my friend.
    Have a great w/k ..... :-) Hugs

  17. Hi Margie so nice to have you back for a visit....I am still enjoying your poems very much albeit from come back soon my friend. Have a great weekend my and keep your wonderful words flowing......:-) Hugs

  18. It felt so good to read this post :) Don't stop the antibiotics until you are advised to. The shooting pain might come back soon after. But see if there is something that can put you to sleep, like maybe a glass of warm milk, so you don't feel the pain or discomfort. I would again suggest you try homeopathy

  19. Hi Bernie! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    I love the glider... I need to do something more in the winter months...
    love to walk in the spring, summer & fall...but weather is tough in the northeast for year round exercise...
    Our treadmill is noisy... the glider looks nice & quiet!
    I also see you like Dr. Dyer! He is a favorite of one of my work friends... She loves his teachings!
    Nice to meet you ~ All the best!

  20. Hi Maria, so nice you stopped by and I invite you back anytime.
    Yes I like Wayne Dyer's books, I am the "Queen" of self help books.
    I enjoyed your site very much Maria and look forward to reading more of your post.....:-) Hugs

  21. Hi Stillness, now you are busy catching up on post...don't overdo it okay....but it is wonderful to have you back in the village again.
    Have a great day....:-) Hugs
