Sunday, July 12, 2009

Up And Running

Hello everyone, I think my blog is fixed as I have been able to post comments the past here is hoping the gremlins have left the building.

Hope you all had a good day. I had a wonderful day today, it was sunny, hot and we had a breeze. I was up early and went to Mass then started on my packing. WOW, I had purchased "space bags" and I only wish I had known about them earlier. The amount I have packed in my big suitcase is more than enough with these bags. You just place everything in them, then they seal like a zip lock, after that you use your vacuum cleaner to suck all the air out of them and that's it, your finished. My big suitcase is packed and sitting downstairs....I only have to pack my overnight case with my creams and make up and what I will need at the hotel and I am done. I have never been ready for a trip this early in my life.....I don't leave here until Tuesday.

I then changed my bedding and made up my bed fresh and tidied the house, I like to come home to a clean house.

This afternoon I played with my flowers, and Wanda you are right. I was worried the cages I bought for my tomato plants were too big but they are almost to the top already and I can see tiny tomatoes....I was so excited. I only hope the girl I have asked to water everything when I am gone will keep everything moist. I have let her use my extra parking space all winter (all year actually) so think she will do this for me. She parks her car right beside my plants and flowers anyway so she won't have far to walk. I am putting everything up on the deck and the hose is there so it won't cause her to much work. The only reason I am a bit concerned is that it is suppose to be really hot weather when I am away.

I used my glider today for 30 minutes, I find if I don't do an exercise daily I am sluggish, I love how I feel after I work out. Energy creates energy and I believe it.

Has anyone heard from Marcy, its not like her to be away from her blog this long. I am saying a prayer that all is well with her and we hear from her real soon.

Until tomorrow my friends, Good Night and God Bless........:-) Hugs


  1. Yea!!! Glad your blog problem has been solved.
    I'm putting out an APB on Marcy.
    Let's hope all is well with her.
    Take care, Bernie.

  2. Nice post, Bernie. And you sound happy and excited about your trip home, and I think that's great that you are just about ready!
    And it's good you have someone set up to take care of your flowers and plants.

    I'm worried about Marcy too, she usually lets us know if she's going to be away from blogging. I emailed her but I haven't heard anything back yet.
    'Hope we hear something soon.

    Take care, Bernie!
    It won't be long now and you'll be on your way!
    All the best,

  3. Hi Jackie, I have been following you around all night as I see your comments just before mine. I love seeing how you have caught on to blogging so fast and you are so kind and caring with all your comments. I am glad you are a part of my blogging family....:-) Hugs

  4. Hi Eileen, oh yes I am very excited about going home, I am this way every looking forward to swimming in the ocean again and BBQ's with my family and friends. I thank God I am able to go home each summer.
    Please let me know if you hear from Marcy, I am a bit worried. She is so loyal to her followers and is always looking out for others who may be alone or upset. I will feel much better when she is back online.
    Have a great day sweetie...:-) Hugs

  5. Some other bloglings have mentioned problems yesterday with their blogs. Glad yours seems to be behaving now. Those space-bags are terrific, I know... whoever invented them has my vote. I keep all my spare bedding in the ones I have.
    Won't be long now till you are off on your trip home. Excitement and anticipation are part of the enjoyment of a trip!!!
    Love Granny

  6. Granny, blog has worked well this evening but was really bad this morning, everything was posting twice or not at all....was frustrated at first but then just put it away for awhile.
    I am going to use my space bags for bedding when I get back, the huge ones can hold my winter comforter and then I'll put my summer set in one when I change over. I love these bags Granny, I really wished I had bought them sooner......:-) Hugs

  7. Good morning Bernie...
    Oh no, early withdrawal symptoms...what will I do in the mornings while drinking my coffee...reread your older posts maybe! I will miss you Bernie! You were my very "first" friend to comment with...then along came Teresa right behind you :)
    I was wondering about Marcy too...I left her a 2 line poem in a comment at her last post...hope all is well!

    Yesterday, I didn't have any trouble posting, but just after publishing, while looking it over for any left out words, it suddenly vanished before my eyes and I was staring at the blackberry crisp post...I left blogger...came right back...and there it was, like it never left...whew!
    Do you know the exact day you will return to your blogging family?Hope your visit home passes slowly for you Bernie, and fills you up with their love to last another year till you see them again.

    Smile and take care!

  8. Will we hear from you while you're away? And how long will you be gone? I'm pretty sure you're right about energy stimulating energy - (I like the way you said it better, but can't remember it precisely.) I hope you will be able to keep up your energy to enjoy all the good times while you are with family. Your tomatoes will miss you, but I'm sure they'll be well cared for!

  9. Good Morning Wanda, we have become such good friends these past months, and for that I am very thankful. We think so much alike and our attitudes are similar. We know with age comes such valuable experience and that family, nature and friends are everything in life. We are so blessed Wanda....I will be back late evening of July 29th and if its to late to post that evening I will post for sure on the 30th. Stay well my friend and you and all my blogging friends will be with me on my vacation.....if I have a chance to say hi, I will but am not sure if they have internet at the beach.
    Hugs to Annette and to you....Hugs

  10. I am so excited about your trip it's ridiculous! I am pretty sure it's because you are so good at expressing your self Bernie! Don't worry too much about your tomatoes, they handle the heat just fine even when they aren't watered everyday. Better then the flowers. I also laughed about your house being clean when you come home. I am that way even when I go to the store. Must just be a woman thing!

  11. Hi Rebecca, I'm not sure if they have internet at the beach, if I do get online while home I will say hello. I will be gone for 2 weeks and am so looking forward to it.
    I hope my energy holds up as well and I hope to do lots of swimming, and walking while I am home for exercise as I know I will be eating more although I will try and use moderation, its hard with family...they fill up plates like there is no tomorrow.
    I, too hope my tomatoes will be with you soon my friend......:-) Hugs

  12. Hi Diana, I hope you are feeling better my friend....thanks for the tip on tomatoes....Diana I am so looking forward to seeing my brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews and old friends, I am already booked for 2 suppers and 1 breakfast with old friends. Its going to be hard to fit everyone in 2 weeks but will do the best I can. Will miss you and will be back blogging July 30th for sure.
    Any word from Marcy, would love to hear from her before I go.
    Have a great day Diana.....:-) Hugs

  13. I'm here, I'm here, Bernie...can you see me all the way in the back waving my hand like crazy??

    So sorry to worry everyone...should have posted a two line thingy, but there were even a couple of family problems to resolve.

    Very happy about your upcoming trip...very sad to not get your daily, loving report!! Maybe you coulod make up for it when you get back by doing a fourteen day blog post? What do you think? And all in rhyme form? With favorites too? (Maybe I'm pushing it a little too much?) But you're such a doll, I know you can handle it!

    Did you ever get your camera?

    You could always paint a BIG tomato on that girl's (which is yours) parking spot, to remind her to water them!

    blessings and lots of hugs,


  14. Hi Bernie, I have been wondering about Marcy too, and I also had a hard time posting and sending comments, it was a bit frustrating, but perhaps, that is the problem Marcy is having. I am so excited for you and your visiting your family, for I remember how excited I was to visit my family and friends in California. You will have a wonderful time.

  15. Hi Bernie - just popped over to wish you a great vacation

  16. Not sure if you'll be posting again before you leave, and even if you do I don't want to take the chance I miss sending you best wishes on your trip! Have a wonderful, safe journey!
    Enjoy your vacation! Enjoy your family!
    Your blog family will be missing you and looking forward to your return!

    Happy Trails to you, until we meet again!
    Love and Prayers,

  17. Hi Bernie,
    WOW, love the color scheme of your blog!
    Have a blessed and safe journey. I look forward to hearing all about your trip.
    And when you get home, your tomatoes should be almost ready to eat.
    Warm fuzzies and gentle journey.=D

  18. Hi Bernie....
    Marcy is at Mass tonight (as per a post on her blog)...and was cleaning refrig. etc. I posted her and told her that I had an All Points Bulletin out on her...but it didn't show up on her blog.
    Perhaps I'm having blog trouble now....I spoke too soon about not having any trouble....sigh.
    I am so happy that you are going to be with your family. How very exciting for you. Keep a journal/diary/notes/etc. I'll miss you. Be careful and have a wonderful time.
    Smiles from Jackie

  19. You may post later...but just wanted to say I'll be thinking of you while you're away.
    Have a safe and wonderful trip Bernie.

    Take care

  20. Just had to say one more time that I will miss you, Bernie and also to wish you the happiest of times and good weather on this highly anticipated and wonderful vacation!

    hugs, bleesings and prayers,


  21. I don't know your friend Marcy.I hope you find there are no real problems. Maybe her computer is down or she is just very busy this time of the year. Oh, you are right. Energy does begat energy. I hope I soon get some.*s*

  22. Hi Marcy, I am so happy you are doing okay and back on blogland, we all missed you....Thank you for your blessings and prayers my friend.....:-) Hugs

  23. Thank you Terri, I always have a wonderful time with family and old friends, so looking forward to it. Hope your blog is fixed, I know I had a bad time yesterday morning but by evening it was working great........:-) Hugs

  24. Thank you catsmum, see you in two weeks......:-) Hugs

  25. Eileen you are so sweet, I will post later tonight, thank you for your kind wishes....:-) Hugs

  26. Deerfriend, thank you for your kind words....I think we all should pray for my tomatoes...this young woman is 22 going on 12 so heres hoping all will be well.
    See you in a couple of weeks..Hugs

  27. Wanda, thank you for thinking of me, I have e-mailed you. Lots of love my friend......:-) Hugs

  28. Marcy, thank you again, now promise me you will pray for my flowers and tomatoes....or even better for the young woman/child who has promised to care for them.
    Luv ya......:-) Hugs

  29. Hi Garnet, Jackie put an APB out on Marcy and we found her, she is fine (Thank you God). I do hope you are feeling better, I will talk to you in a couple of weeks and I know your knee will be so much better then......:-) Hugs

  30. Hi Jackie, so glad our Marcy is well and was only cleaning up. We do worry about each other don't we, love my friends in Blogville! See you in two weeks....:-) Hugs

  31. The space bag concept is super cool!

    Happy Journey Bernie! (Rhymes huh :D) I wish you a safe trip back and forth and much enjoyment with your family. Come back with loads of happy memories and don't feel alone, because all of us who read you, will be right here waiting for you patiently :D

  32. Oh Stillnes, what a nice thing to you have given me a great reason to look forward to coming back to Alberta...luv you for that...see you in two weeks my friend, enjoy your new job and be a good girl......:-) Hugs
