Thursday, June 4, 2009

Yikes The Weather Has Changed

Hello my friends, another good day today in the life of Bernie....the arthritis is acting up a bit but not bad enough to start complaining ...... yet! I think it has something to do with our weather as it has really cooled down with a few showers tonight and rain on the way for tomorrow.

I slept in again this morning, got up at 9 and had my breakfast. As I was reading my paper and drinking coffee my neighbour called to see if I wanted to go out for lunch. Of course, I love going out to share a meal with a friend. We stayed in town and it was fun as we hadn't seen each other for awhile. We talk on the phone quite regularly but it's better visiting in person. The new Tea House in town is beginning to use my first name when I walk in as I am there so often. I do enjoy going there very much, they use china and silver cutlery, some patterns are really old and many times the settings do not even match but with their starched linen tablecloths and lacy doilies it all seems to fit so nicely with their old fashion decor. ...not luxurious just cozy and the food is really good.

After lunch I went to Curves. I am beginning to enjoy exercising each day and for me that is something. I am down 2 pounds, perhaps that is where the motivation is coming from. Anyway I am getting faster on the machines and the stretching machine is still my favorite. I still cannot believe the energy it creates, that may come from being with the other ladies who are always telling stories about their lives and so full of life and laughter. I seem to get so much more done when I get home.

Terry had called and left a message to call her, her brother in law is back in ICU and is not doing very well. I could tell she is really worried about her sister. I am going to ask you all to say a prayer for them, Terry's sister's name is Peg and she is exhausted from spending so much time at the hospital these past few weeks, her husband's name is Allan and he has been through so much, fighting so hard to live. He has had 2 surgeries already and may need another one. So prayers for Allan and Peg will be greatly appreciated.

This afternoon I did a load of laundry, cleaned my bathrooms and polished living room furniture. I also made a meatloaf for supper and had fresh green beans and salad with it. Oh it tasted good, I enjoy eating out but prefer home cooked meals, (sounds like I like my own cooking) but after going out to dinner last night and lunch today I was ready for something from my kitchen.

After supper I put my deck cushions away before the showers began. I also vacuumed downstairs. My feet and back were beginning to ache a bit so I put off vacuuming upstairs until tomorrow. It will wait and the cleaning lady is coming in on Tuesday anyway. She only comes in for a couple of hours every 3 weeks but it makes such a difference just having her do my floors as I don't have a problem doing other things. I know I am a bit fussy but I like my home to be clean especially when I never know who might stop in for a coffee.

I tried to upload a picture my sister sent me from Scotland (of the two of us) to my home page. It uploads okay but it is too big for the page and it only shows a piece of the room we are in. I have to find a way to crop it, I'll figure it out somehow.

I had another full day today, one of good food, laughing with friends and cleaning my home. Life is good people......I truly am blessed and you, my blogging friends are one of my blessings I am so thankful for.

Am off to read post and comments......Good Night and God Bless

.....:-) Hugs

Just came back in to say I was finally able to upload my sister's and my picture. It feels good to have both of my sisters on my blog with me. Sheila is from Scotland and I get really lonesome for her at times. Night...


  1. How about some heating pads for the arthritis Bernie? Some warmth should help I think..

    Exercise it's said release Endorphins which are the feel good hormones :) So even though it takes something to prepare yourself to go to the gym, it is all "Worth it" :D

    I really hope and pray Allan gets better soon! May God be with him and heal him

    Please don't overdo the work. You don't want to regret it later! Take care :)

  2. Stillness, thank you sweetie and would you believe I woke up just a few minutes ago to heat my magic bag. In fact I am lying on it now and thought I'd check my blog while I am waiting for it to kick in. I agree exercise makes us all feel better (endorphins) and that is why we are all so happy together. Thanks for the prayers for Allan, they are a special family. Have a great day and thanks for caring......:-) Hugs

  3. I was going to say also that a hot water bottle ( as we call them over here) is my standby when my back starts. I hope you feel better soon, I think you are amazing Bernie, how you get out and about and keep your home so nicely.
    Hope Terry's brother in law isn't critical, and he soon is on the mend.
    Love Granny

  4. Good morning Bernie...I noticed the photo of you and your sister first thing...are there just 2 sisters?...that's what I have.

    Well, you are having the same weather we had...rain the day before...then yesterday was almost cold...sweaters were needed.

    I spent the afternoon with Little Miss Alivia...doing a little bit of everything...painted, did some exploring, she climbed a few trees, made hot chocolate and picked flowers...We met on the drive about noon and I walked her home about 6...

    I don't go to a gym, but exercise is rewarding Bernie...hiking up and down the hills in our woods makes me not only feel close to God and nature...but helps keep my
    weight where it needs to be...and exercise helps bones retain calcium, helps regulate sugar & insulin, and good for the joints...not to mention the endorphins Stillness spoke of...I have small weights I lift too...everything helps in different ways to keep us feeling our best.

    Take care Bernie and have another joyful day!

  5. Praying for Allan and Peg. And for you too, it's hard to see people you care about suffer or have to carry around such heartaches.

    I think the exercise routine will actually help the arthritis, I know that's what happened with my Aunt, she suffered very bad with it, and then she realized that the less she gave into it, the better she did. And you obviously don't seem like the type of person to give into it anyway, but I think the new exercise routine will help you even more.
    And isn't it amazing what it does for your outlook too?
    'Very happy for you, Bernie!

    Thanks for your comments on my blog, and thanks for your suggestions.

  6. Hey Bernie, Have been a bit too busy to blog but wanted to read everyone's at least. I will remember Peg and Allen in my prayers.And I'm right there with you on the arthritis front. My hips and back have been pretty bad. We too have had cooler weather (which I love) but still makes it hurt. Oh well I'll get over it! Enjoy your Friday Bernie, Take Care.

  7. Hi Bernie, I will be writing Alan into my prayer journal, I pray he gets well soon, and I will also keep your friend Terry in prayer. I am glad you are enjoying Curves, I knew you would like it.

    My knees are hurting again too Bernie, it must be the damp cold weather. Keep moving.
    (((HUGS)))) T

  8. Hi Granny, hot bottles work well over here as well. I am doing just fine Granny, am off to Curves in an hour. Arthitis is a bummer for sure and our damp weather, which we are having right now doesn't help very much. This too shall pass. Hope you are doing well my friend, see you tonight...:-)Hugs

  9. Good Morning Wanda, yes I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers, my oldest brother passed away almost 2 years ago. I love them all very much.
    We are having a wet day again today but I am off to Curves shortly anyway. We really do need the rain so am thankful for it just not the pain it brings.
    It's wonderful you are able to get your exercise from the land, such a blessing my friend....:-)Hugs

  10. Hi Eileen, thank you for your prayers, they are the most wonderful of families. I am doing well and I wish you and your family a wonderful weekend...Hugs

  11. Good Morning Eileen, thank you for your prayers, if you knew this family you would love them. They have been a part of my life since I was a child.
    Oh yeah arthitis is bad today but I am off to Curves shortly. We are having a wet day which the ground badly needs but I don't. It will pass, I hope you are not to stiff or swollen. It seems age brings us many gifts and more surprises.
    Have a great weekend....:-) Hugs

  12. Good Morning Terry, thank you for all your prayers, the greatest gift in the world. Oh yeah this weather doesn't help much but we badly need this rain.
    I am off to Curves shortly, have a great weekend Terri....:-) Hugs

  13. Hi Bernie,
    I was happy to hear from you this morning - yes, Breckenridge was in the news with a bear walking down the center of town (where I took last weekend's pictures!). We were in Denver for a few days, but my husband saw it on our local news. Funny that it made news in Canada!
    I'm busy with 3 Grands this weekend - so fun to have them but tiring They're napping now (Lucinda is with Amanda), and Grammy may have to lie down,too!

    Keep exercising - it will help you in so many ways. I like the new photo of you & Sis!

  14. Isn't it weird that the arthritis acts up when the weather fronts come in? My fibromyalagia acts up then too.
    Must have to do with pressure or something?!!

  15. Bernie, it sounds like your endorphins are really being stimulated, good friends,good food and great exercise.
    And I will add Peg and Allan to my prayer list.
    You sound happy and healthier, which is wonderful!!! =D(new smiley face)and warm fuzzies.

  16. Joan, I really believe the weather has a lot to do with my body aches, my doctor says their is no scientific evidence of this but says many of his patient's say the same things as I do.
    Have a great weekend.....:-) Hugs

  17. Hello my deerfriend, thanks for your kind words, I am really enjoying going to Curves, I cannot believe how much energy exercise has created. Life is good my friend.......:-) Hugs

  18. Hi Barb, oh yes it certainly made the news and I felt so proud that I knew about your town. See how informative your post are! Enjoy the grandchildren.....:-) Hugs
