Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Mad Monday

Hello my friends, hope you all had a wonderful day. Our weather started out cloudy this morning and a bit on the cool side but by late afternoon it had warmed up tremendously and the sun was shinning.

I started my day early..........for me that is. I arrived at Curves at 8 am and could not wrap my head around all those women being up so early. The place was packed. Marj, the trainer took me from machine too machine and showed me how to use them. I only did each machine once today as she instructed. I loved the automated voice that calls out "change stations" as believe me I was always ready to change by that time. At the end of using each machine I went to the stretch machine, and I loved this the best. It loosen's up the tight muscles in my neck, shoulders and legs. I really should of done the stretching first and plan on using that first tomorrow. I don't plan on going as early tomorrow as I did today, when I wake up I will go.

I really enjoyed the ladies today, and I am wondering if they will be the same group tomorrow, or if the same group today goes at 8 am every day. I will ask them tomorrow.

When I got home I had toast and coffee, called my friend Terry in Bonnyville, and read the newspaper. By this time it was 10:30 and I already felt I had a full day. How pathetic is that? I then made my bed up fresh, put my dishwasher through, made a spaghetti sauce for supper and dusted downstairs. By this time I was ready for lunch so settled for an ice tea and a sandwich.

I finished planting my flowers today, I had more marigolds and petunia's to plant. I have to go out tomorrow to get a couple of cages for my tomato plants as they need a bit of support. I must say the deck looks lovely so far, and I am really enjoying working with earth and getting my finger nails dirty. (If you knew me you wouldn't believe I said that)

Tonight I watched Wayne Dyer on PBS. Now I don't always agree with all his philosophy, (although mostly I do), I really enjoyed his presentation tonight. He said and I agree, we could find an excuse for anything but to be happy we must go beyond excuses. He had a young man Dan on his show who had been badly burnt as a child and he was such an inspiration. He had no hands, and just one thumb the doctors had made for him during one of his many surgeries. His face was disfigured and his hair would only grow on certain parts of his head, (although I think he was bald anyway.) It took him 7 years to learn to tie his shoes, and to this day that is what he is most proud of. He also played the drums and played them well I must say. He never complained and felt his life was a blessing and uses his life story to inspire others. His parents were in the audience and they must of been so proud of their son. He has managed to persevere and become independent. So many of us have so much and yet we complain, but when we see someone like this young man we realize our burdens are not that heavy at all. If you get a chance to watch this program I highly recommend it. Truly inspirational.

Am off to read my favorite blogs and comments.....Good Night and God Bless


  1. iGood morning Bernie...So 8:00 is toooo early for you...8:30 is when I come back in for a snack!...I'm teasing Bernie...we all have our own internal body clock rhythms...I'm a morning person...Herhusband is a night person...

    That stretching machine sounds great...can you do it first thing 'and' last thing? How often are you going?

    Blogging, Curves, and Dirt under your nails...what more could a girl ask for!...Blogging, hiking, and gardening are my favorite things to do...and reading good books and using the camera...well anyway...working and enjoying life is good for one's soul and attitude...inpirational programs help also...plus friends like you.

    Enjoy your time at Curves and the rest of your day as well Bernie...Smile and take care.

  2. Beautiful post!
    And a beautiful reminder to all of taking time out to be thankful for all we have.
    It's easy to get wallowed down in 'nothing' problems sometimes, it takes a wake-up call such as your post to put things in perspective.
    Thank you, Bernie!

  3. Oh, Bernie, I'm sorry, I was so taken with your story of the program that I forgot to wish you much luck with Curves!
    I used to go with my sister and sister-in-law, we went for two years and I did feel better when I exercised like that, we went five days a week, it was great! We didn't have a stretching machine there then, I think that's a great idea.
    It was probably crowded at that time because a lot of women like to go before work. We used to go at around 10:00 AM and it wasn't crowded at all.
    You've got me thinking of joining again!

  4. Hi Bernie
    I managed to find the story of Ben Caro on the Internet, what a wonderful young man, remarkable with his outlook on life.
    Saw some video of him as well. makes me swell with emotion.
    Love Granny

  5. I was hoping your "mad" would just mean busy or crazy, so I'm glad you weren't angry!
    You're inspiring me to get into an exercise routine.
    How sweet that you are enjoying getting into God's good earth...'playing in mud' can be fun.
    Don't forget to treat us with some more pictures of your hard work.

    blessings and hugs,


  6. Hi Bernie, At our Curves it is the same group of ladies every morning which is why I go at 8:00, they have all become friends and I really enjoy their company.Summer time I usually go later as I sleep in a little later and I miss them all but they all know why I'm not there and get to see them again in the fall! I'm happy that you are going for it Bernie, good luck and have fun!

  7. Good Morning Wanda, I think my internal body clock is broke, I could nap everyday. I come to bed early but then get on my computer and a couple of hours later I am still reading or doing something. I think it's because I nap early evening.....I am off to Curves after my shower.
    Have a great day my friend.......:-)Hugs

  8. Thank you Eileen, I am going t Curves after my shower. I like the stretching and the ladies.
    Have a great day my friend..Hugs

  9. Thanks Granny, so that is his name, I wasn't sure. Wasn't he marvellous! Do you enjoy Wayne Dyer as well? Have a great day my friend.....-:) Hugs

  10. Hi Marcy, I seldom get mad, in fact I don't remember the last time I was even angry. I think this is a blessing as many years ago I use to get myself worked up into a lather at least once a week. I realized it didn't solve anything and the only one it upset was me so why bother.
    I will take more pictures as everything blooms. Have a great day my friend......:-) Hugs

  11. Yes Diana, but 8am is to early for me. I am going a bit later in the day and hope those ladies will be as nice as the morning ones. I think I am going too enjoy Curves. Are you enjoying your quiet time?
    .......:-) Hugs

  12. 8:00 A.M in the morning!! Wow!! And that too into a Gym!! I have to literally drag myself there, but once it becomes a habit it would be easier I'd like to think!! :-)

    An eventful day :-) Have a nice day tomorrow :-)

  13. I am rushing off to responsibilitis, but wanted to make sure I thanked you for visiting my blog. I read a little and will be back later for more. It's nice to meet you, Bernie.


  14. hey Bernie
    wow.. u actually working out.. impressive... keep at it :) have a fab time... i love ur spirit... take care lady..

  15. Your story of Dan's incredible spirit reminded me of a young woman featured in a program I watched the other night on the Discovery Health Channel. It was called 'the woman with giant legs', or something like that. She is the only known case with her condition, and it's frightful. She's a tiny little thing from the waist up, but her legs weigh over 100lbs each. As you can imagine, she looks anything but normal.

    She had, however, the most amazing spirit. She's independent, drives, lives alone, and volunteers in a school for physically challenged kids (I think that's what it was). She wasn't the least bit sorry for herself. You should have seen her struggling to walk, or even strap on the ($3500) special made shoes she had to wear. She had to hold each 100lb leg up in the air while she did so. It was heartbreaking to watch, and yet so very inspiring to hear her talk. She had such courage, and such a positive attitude. You couldn't help but love her.

    When you see and hear about people like Dan and Mandi (the girl in the show), it really brings your own problems into perspective.

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  18. Hi Stillness, oh yes yesterday was too early for me for sure, went a bit later today and I am happy to say I am really enjoying the exercise. I have to take control of this weight now as I have gained approx. 15 pounds since Thanksgiving. My goal is to have it off by July 15th. Have a great day my friend.....:-) Hugs

  19. MizLily, so nice to meet you as well and thank you for visiting. Come back soon .....:-) Bernie

  20. Nups, welcome back, oh yeah I am working hard on my exercises, have to, I need to loose weight. Have a great day my friend...:-) Hugs

  21. Hi Terri, I am enjoying Curves very much. Hope you are doing well my friend.....:-) Hugs

  22. Renna, the story of Mandy sounds so sad but so inspirational. You know Renna it's the Dan's and the Mandy's of this world that gives us a bit of their courage through their inspirational stories. I think they are wonderful people, blessed by so much and so giving of all and everything they have and are. I truly love these people yet have never met them.
    Have a great day....:-) Hugs
