Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day to All You Father's Out There

Hello my friends, I just know you all had a great spite of all the rain which seems to be covering all of North America these past couple of days.
This damp, humid weather is not helping my arthritis very much, I have had much pain in my hands, feet and back today. My hands are quite swollen tonight so this will be a short post. It will pass when rain and the threat of rain passes.

I managed to go grocery shopping this afternoon cleaned my three bedrooms and one bathroom this morning. I had 3 loads of laundry to do as well and though it's all folded I have yet to put any of it away. I also did 20 minutes on my glider early this morning, gave me so much energy. Actually it wasn't until late afternoon that I realized I was in a bit of trouble with my arthritis.

My friend, Helen called me today to go to Red Deer tomorrow. It's about 2 and half hours south west of here and I would of enjoyed the drive very much. Her brother is visiting his son and we were invited down for a BBQ. I had to call her tonight and felt really bad not being able to go with her. No one likes a long drive on their own so I felt like I let her down. I knew I needed a full day of the magic bag and unfortunately my medication to help control the inflammation.

Thank you all for the prayers for Kathy, I was talking to home this morning and she is doing well considering but is in much pain. She had reconstruction surgery the same time as her mastectomy. I, somehow feel good about her situation as I feel they caught it early, she is young and in time will be pain free and healed. God Willing all will be well and she will be with her beautiful children a very long time.

I have already read my favorite blogs and comments, so to all you father's out there I wish you a Happy Father's Day filled with family and love.....Good Night my friends and God Bless.....:-)


  1. I am sorry to hear that the weather is giving you a hard time. Keep yourself as warm as possible and eat and drink stuff that is considered warm like lots of nuts, and dark chocolate. Take care Bernie. I hope by the time you wake up, you shall be well again!

    I am sure Kathy will recover and very very soon at that. Amen! :)

  2. I ache with you. Wish I could ache FOR you! DO take care of yourself - sounds like you know what you need to do. I'm sure your friend understands. The humidity is NOT pleasant at all. We didn't notice it quite as much when we were young, did we? I hope you notice great improvement and are able to be back at Curves next week.

    Even the US Open got rained out yesterday!

  3. Good morning Bernie...I'm sorry to hear your arthritis is acting up...your friend may be disappointed for the lack of your company...but I'm sure she's not a case of you letting her down...but a case of preventing a more serious painful condition for yourself to deal with...remember a few weeks back...that was not fun! :(

    Rest well today Bernie and pamper yourself...don't find any reason not to be lazy...we all need down time once in a while...I think I will follow my advice and read under the gazebo myself today...:)

    Please take care.

  4. Good Morning Bernie, I do hope that you are getting a good nights sleep as I write this. Maybe the arthritis won't be as bad today for you.
    I said a prayer for Kathy last night and hope that she continues to get better.
    I was up with the birds this morning ! I posted and went straight to your blog. I do believe that I am the only one up in blogland right now! Take care of yourself Bernie!

  5. I hope you feel better soon, Bernie. And I think you made two wise choices, to try and keep up with as much exercise as is possible, and to cancel the long drive tomorrow.
    I know it must be disappointing for both you and your friend.

    I think it's great that you don't give in fully to the arthritis. A friend of mine has her mother and her aunt both suffering from the same type of arthritis (I didn't realize there were different types), but it's the kind if you don't push yourself and keep active you will end up incapacitating yourself. Well, my friend's mother is still very active (and after two hip replacements too!), and her aunt is in very bad shape.
    Her Mom had your attitude while her aunt did not.

    You are an inspiration, Bernie!
    Hope you enjoy the golf!
    All the best,

  6. Hi Stillness, The weather here is still very damp and cloudy, more rain expected. Quite stiff this morning but am moving a little bit. Have a great day my friend..
    ..:-) Hugs

  7. Hi Rebecca, yes my friend understands, it's me who dislikes making plans with someone and then have to cancel. Can't be helped today though. I am okay my friend.
    ....:-) Hugs

  8. Oh yes Wanda, I do remember a few weeks ago, having a hard time trying to forget it. Oh well, will nurse myself today and hope for the best tomorrow.
    Hope you enjoy your good book and the gazebo today and am happy you have the weather for it. It is still wet and damp here. Take care my friend....:-) Hugs

  9. Hi Diana, my you were up early weren't you. Thank you for the prayers for Kathy, we all appreciate them. Hope you are well and will have a wonderful day today my friend, you deserve it.
    .......:-) Hugs

  10. Hi Eileen, it is tempting at times to give in to the arthitis but then I wouldn't be the true me, I enjoy getting and doing and am happy when I do. I am taking it easy today though, don't have much choice really but am looking forward to tomorrow. Enjoy your day my friend....:-) Hugs

  11. Okay, Dr. Marcy 9this is scary, isn't it?) is back again and I can't believe that I forgot to suggest what my friend Mimi (chronologically 78 yrs old, energy wise 38!) takes for her arthritis...natural cherry juice (for the pain) and alfalfa tablets (two a day) and her arhtritis stays under control. Must say that since I tried the alfalfa tablets, my thumb has not acted up at all...the only side affect seems to be that I moooooooo :0) alot!

    blessings and hugs,


  12. Marcy, thank you, right now I will try anything. Can I get natural cherry juice in grocery store or will I find it the health food store where I get the tablets. Thanks for caring...:-) Hugs
