Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Canada

WOW it's July 1st.....Happy Birthday Canada...Love my Country

Hello my friends, can you believe June is gone and we are half way through our year. It's mind boggling to me how fast the time goes by. Our weather today was a little bit of everything, cool, cloudy and rain then warm and sunny.

My day was spent doing laundry, cleaning my house, buying groceries and going to Curves. I am happy to say when I was weighed and measured today.....drum roll please, I made my goal weight and have lost a total of 8 inches. I don't look much better but I really do feel better. I never thought I would work out a half hour a day five days a week and enjoy it as much as I do. No matter how stiff I am in the morning the exercise and stretches make me feel like a normal human being.

I have friends coming over for a BBQ tomorrow, so I am very much looking forward
to seeing everyone. Everyone is bringing something so it will be pot luck. I am making a potato salad, tossed salad and brownies. Should be fun, I'll take some pictures.

Can someone tell me the name of this bush I planted a few years ago out front. It has just begun to blossom but I'm not sure what kind of bush it is or when I should prune it into a better shape. Sure will appreciate any information you guys have.

I want to thank everyone for the awards I received these past two days, I received four yesterday and another one today. As much as I love everyone for giving them to me I am afraid I would have a hard time saying 35 things about myself. Trust me, I am just not that interesting. I love reading about each of you receiving awards and reading all your tags and lists. I sincerely do, I love hearing your laughter and feeling your joy as you participate in the awards, I'm just not that good at it. In fact I have had so much fun as we try and guess Marcy's job ("in another lifetime I'm sure") that I prefer playing games than receiving awards so before you start booing me please understand that I don't mean to be rude, I am just uncomfortable. I am going to say Thank You right now as I know as my fiends you are understanding....I hope.

Before I close tonight I want to acknowledge our friend Terri, who has decided to take a break from blogging right now. She is a lovely person and I know you are all praying for her and hopping she will soon return to us. We will all miss her but in my heart I know she will be back soon. She had told me a while back that she really enjoys blogging and I know she feels close to all of you. I will try and keep in touch with her but I don't want to intrude on her privacy, I am hoping she knows I am here for her. Terri, you really, really will be missed.

Am off to check blogs and read comments, Good Night my Friends and God Bless..Hugs


  1. Happy Canada Day Bernie !

    I was thinking just that. It seems that New Year's wasn't too long ago and here we are bang in the 7th month already!

    Bernie, it just struck me. You can choose to disagree and ignore, but just a suggestion. How about trying Homeopathy to treat arthritis? It does take longer to show a pronounced effect, but it corrects conditions which allopathy couldn't.

    Congratulations on the weight loss :-) Keep working out. Don't stop!

    I would definitely look forward to the barbeque pictures :-)

  2. Hello Miss Stillness, oh yes I am happy about my weight, just didn't want to sound boastful. I won't even mind having my picture taken tomorrow. Stillness, I am not sure what you mean by homopathy as I am taking some health food tablets and drinking cherry juice now plus my exercise regime. Thank you for caring my young friend and I care as well......:-) Hugs

  3. Bernie, I'm so happy for you....reaching your weight loss goal...and losing inches!! I'm glad that you feel better. That's what's important.
    Have a fun day.....
    Hugs from Jackie

  4. Hi Jackie, it's great hearing from you. I have left your blog only moments ago, I hope you are having a wonderful time and thank you for your kind words about my weight. I am very happy about it....:-) Hugs

  5. Bernie, Homeopathy is a branch of alternative medicine. It treats the cause and not the symptoms of the problem. You can trust me when I say it is effective. Read more about it by following the link.

    Here is a list of Homeopathic Clinics in Alberta Canada

  6. Hi Still...did you get my e-mail. Sorry but I think I have spelled that word wrong....I know you are a perfectionist...LOL Talk with you tomorrow....:-) Hugs

  7. Good morning Bernie...The calendar months do seem to come and go a little too quickly...everyone I know...young and old have stated the same...
    Good news from Curves...8 inches...
    that's a big deal!
    I can't be sure about your bush, but it may be a "mock orange"...does it have a wonderful fragrance? You would prune it soon after it has finished blooming...
    Hope Teresa stays in touch with you.
    Take care Bernie and enjoy your BBQ

  8. Congratulations on your goal weight and Happy Canada Day! Two things to celebrate!
    Enjoy your barbecue!

    I don't know what your flower bush is but I love it! And I love it's wild, natural growth, I wouldn't touch it (unless someone who knows about gardening recommends it for it's health or new growth, or whatever miracles they all know about), my husband learned a long time ago not to give our hedges those 'crew cuts' or any 'design', I like a more free-flowing natural look to a manicured landscaping any day! (Sorry if anyone enjoys the manicured look, no insult intended).

    I was so glad to hear from Teresa last night because I was getting worried, but she alleviated my fears. I will miss her and look forward to her return.

    Thanks for sharing your day, Bernie.
    I enjoy reading here!

  9. Happy Canada Day to you, Happy Canada Day to you...can you do this to the birthday song?

    Stillness Speaks is on to something with homeopathy as I have used it successfully too.

    A BIG pat on the back for your weight loss...that is so terrific and even better to know that you feel good too!

    I am looking forward to your barbeque pictures...think you can sneak in a photo fo your veggies growing in the pots or yard?

    blessings and hugs,


  10. Bernie, you are such a sweet sweet lady. I enjoy reading your posts, its like spending a wonderful afternoon with a dear friend.

    Happy Canada Day, dear.


  11. Happy Holiday!!!! We will be spending the 4th of July on the road to my Mom's in MT. So excited!! My best to you!!! Cathy

  12. Hi Bernie,

    It's me again...just asking a little favor. Would you mind dropping in on Ann of Green Cables and leaving a little comment. I was hoping some people would hop over there after I gave her the award but nobody did. She's also from Canada and she's only ever had two measly followers and the other one never comments!

    blessings and hugs,


  13. Wonderful that you have lost the weight and the inches to boot, must be wonderful. Wish I could do the exercises required, dieting alone isn't working. Well done to you dear Bernie.
    Love Granny

  14. Good Morning Wanda, yes I am happy about my weight but I think maybe I should loose 5 more pounds but its okay if I don't. I am not obese anymore.....
    No, my bush doesn't have any fragnance that I have noticed anyway but I will check that out better later.
    Have a great day my friend...Hugs

  15. Hi Eileen, you are really special my friend. I love how you think.
    I, too am pleased about my weight. Now let's hope it stays off. I was really pleased to see Terri had commented on your post and now that I know her reason for withdrawal I am going to give her some space. I hope you have a great day....;-) Hugs

  16. Hi Marcy, a gas station owner eh, now why didn't I think of that?
    I am going to check on the Homeopathy thing tomorrow, just to check it out even as it can only help. I do think the exercise has helped very much and the weight loss has taken pressure off so I am happy for the relief I am having now. I will take lots of pictures today...just for you.
    Have a great day my friend...Hugs

  17. Silver, thank you for your kind words and I hope you keep coming back to visit often. Have a great day my friend,
    .......:-) Hugs

  18. Cathy, have a wonderful safe trip and enjoy every moment of it. I always look forward to your 4th of July as I love how you all celebrate it, now I watch Wimbledon Tennis....Have a great day and an even better holiday.
    ......:-) Hugs

  19. Marcy, I am organized and ready for my friends so I am off to visit your friend. I love how you look out for everyone Marcy, that is one of your special gifts.
    ......:-) Hugs

  20. Granny, I don't think diet alone works, as a matter of fact I didn't really diet just practiced portion control and ate the same foods I always have. It must of been a combination as I have only been doing this since May. I also think if you are happy that is much more important than how much you weigh.....:-) Hugs

  21. Hi: I put a link to your blog on my blog. I am so grateful to Marcy for giving me a 'heads up' to other blogs. I enjoyed reading your comments for today. Keep up the good work on your health. Your family will be pleased with the 'new you' when you visit. (((HUGS)))

  22. Bernie,
    A few months back I did the same thing about the awards...I just announced on my blog that I was honored, thrilled and humbled by getting so many that from then on, I wasn't going to forward them or participate in them any longer...it was just taking the joy out of spontaneously posting what I wanted on my blog.
    Those that read you will understand.
    A lot of us stopped participating in the awards and tags already...
    so do so without guilt!

  23. Ann of Green Cables, thanks to Marcy I did pop over and I really enjoyed myself while there. Glad you found me and hope you visit again soon.....:-) Hugs

  24. Joan, thank you for the advice. I do feel a bit guilty but found it important that I be honest about it. I did enjoy receiving them, very much but I did not like to choose one over another to pass them on. If I had one for everbody then it probably wouldn't have bothered me. I only have so much time I can donate to blogging as well. I am enjoying it though.
    Have a great day my friend, will be over shortly.....:-) Hugs
