Thursday, June 18, 2009

Everything Happens In Threes

Hello everyone, I do hope you all enjoyed your day, I did, well most of it anyway. Our weather started out really nice. I got back from Curves, as usual I went out to play with my flowers and plants. I loosened the dirt, watered and tidied up their little pots. I then swept the deck and dusted the deck furniture (yes, I even dust out there) when the wind suddenly came up and the sky turned so very dark. I immediately put my cushions in the deck box and just in time as oh did we have a storm. At first it was just wind, thunder and lightening but then the hail came down, they were huge and bounced off my deck, and oh my poor flowers. As soon as the hail stopped the rain started and it absolutely poured down. Now as horrid as this storm was it only lasted for twenty minutes or so. I went out to check and every plant and flower were spread and lying flat, I was devastated. I tried to help them but to no avail. When I went out to light the BBQ, a couple of hours later, I couldn't believe my eyes. Now the sun had come out immediately after the storm, the deck and furniture were completely dry and my flowers were fine. Everything about them was as they were before almost. My deck was covered in petals and greenery and I am still amazed at how well everything survived. Thank you God for this blessing. I then had to sweep and dust all over again but I did so happily as my flowers looked and smelled fresh and wonderful. Our power went out just long enough for me to have to reset all the clocks, stove, microwave and anything else electrical but the rain was badly needed for the farmers and I know they could use more but the ground must of got a good soaking as it rained so hard for a short time and then lightly for a while longer. Let's pray it helped them some.

Now, for the best part of my day... I want to thank Eddie from Clouds and Silvery Linings for the Uplifting Blogger award he presented me today. If any of you love story telling poems I highly recommend you read all about the Ramsbottom's on his other blog Plato's Procrastinations, Thank you Eddie so very much. I am so blessed as I have received 2 more awards tonight,The Honest Scrap Award. It is presented for plesant, inspiring, full of facts and funny. Now, for me, it's not just the awards, it's the people who have passed them on to me that makes them so special. I have grown to know and love them as if we met and had coffee each day. Every morning I wake up I reach for my computer to read their comments and check to see if they have recently posted. So to Eileen of Umma's World and Wanda of Moments of Mine I thank you both from the bottom of my heart, I am so humbled by these awards today. It's wonderful to have you both and Eddie in my blogger's world which I enjoy so very much.

You all know me well enough so I will follow "most" of the rules and I will post 10 honest things about myself....this may be hard but here goes:

1) I am a night person...I enjoy the evenings as I find them so quiet, calm and peaceful. I love reflecting on my day and as a journal I blog about it.

2) I am addicted to almost all sports on TV. (I was so disappointed when the US Open was rained out today.) The only sports I don't like are boxing and wrestling.

3) When I go out I like to dress for the occasion and everything has to match (one day when a group of girlfriends and I went golfing I asked if anyone had a Kleenex and one of them said "I do, but it doesn't match your outfit" We still laugh about that.

4) My family calls me by my nickname, "Babe". I had this name long before it became over used as it is today. I am the youngest of six but we are like Irish Twins, just add 10 or 11 months on to the next one's age and you will know how old we all are.

5) I love storms, be it snow, rain, thunder/lightening. I have been known to sit in the car with a cup of coffee and watch the lightening. Okay so I'm a bit weird.

6) I am outgoing, love people and don't believe I have a shy bone in my body, I truly love meeting new people and my volunteer work gives me this opportunity.

7) I am an optimist, I have always been able to see the glass half full and can find something good in any situation. I have to admit I have to look very deep sometimes but the good always shows through.

8) I tell the truth, sometimes this gets me into trouble but if I didn't not only would my heart know but my face would show it. I have never been good at being dishonest.(nor do I want to be)

9) I sometimes get frustrated when I see people do the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. I pray each day on this one as I make mistakes like anyone else.

10) I do not like the "word verification" when I post comments on my favorite blogs. Sometimes it takes me longer to type those little letters than type my comment...could be I need reading glasses...ya think?

Have you noticed I have put my faults last....LOL

Okay now I have told you all my secrets I wish you all a Good Night, a wonderful Friday and as always God Bless......:-) Hugs


  1. I love this honesty thing, it really tells us all a little more about each other, things that we most likely would not ordinarily blog about. I really enjoy coming here each day, it feels serene to hear how you've spent your time. Your words are like Wanda's pictures.

    Okay, I'm going to say goodnight now because it's 2:12 AM! And I am tired. I will come and reread here tomorrow.
    All the best,

  2. First of all- Congrats ! You certainly deserve the Award for being an Uplifting Blog. No doubts abt that!

    Second of all- i can relate to No 4. My sis calls me, "Babe" too. The irony is, she used to bully me big time when we were little.. now, i think, it's definately an affectionate thing when she calls me that. ;)

  3. Good morning Bernie...3 awards in one day...that has to be a record of some kind...I always felt you were an open, honest, wise, optomistic, well dressed, out going, friendly, sports minded, storm loving night person who may need glasses! :)

    Isn't it amazing how plants bounce back...We have some tall ornamental grasses that were left leaning with their tops touching the ground after a heavy rain...It took a few hours but they picked themselves up...

    I told you about a black bear being spotted some 15 miles from here...well, now it's been seen even closer...they think it crossed the Ohio River somehow to get here from's a big deal for our area...I may have to wear a bear bell like Barb in the future :)

    I couldn't pass the award on without including you Bernie...
    my favorite early morning friend!...I read most of the others later in the day.

    Smile and take care Bernie.

  4. Such a nice post, but then it always is and it's also so nice to read the things we share in common.
    Have enjoyed all your posts since I first 'discovered' you.

    I knew that I was safe in leaving the passing on of this award to those I did and knew that it would get to you that way!

    There are some 'overlooked' people in blogger land and Tamara's Treasures is one of them...hers are always short and with a nice little meditation, so I had no problem giving the award to her.

    So tickled about your concern for your flowers...I am that way too, but God made them pretty resilient, knowing that the ones in the fields needed stamina!

    I had/have a sweet friend I used to work with who color coordinated everything and we used to (very sweetly)tease her and we all laughed.

    You deserve all the awards you get and more, Bernie, as I said when you got your first one a while back!

    blessings and hugs,


  5. Good Morning Bernie, You forgot to let us know what you grilled last night! Silly I know but when you said that you lit the BBQ, all I could think of was "I wonder what she grilled?".
    I enjoyed reading your ten things Bernie and I knew you were a night owl!
    Congratulations on both of your awards Bernie, you deserve it!

  6. I couldn't get to my computer last night because of a storm (several in a row)...but am glad to get here to read your blog this morning. Congratulations on your awards!! I love coming here...

  7. Eileen, I so agree, it's so nice to learn about our new blogger friends isn't it. I am so pleased you enjoy coming here as I don't feel I have any talent whatsoever to offer anyone, others take just beautiful pictures or write poems and jokes and I just share my day but it's what I do and I love it and all my blogger friends..:-)hugs

  8. Hi Silver, Thank you and I'm glad you can relate to "Babe". I was the youngest and was a bit spoiled as my brothers and sisters always looked out for me or so I thought, when we grew up you wouldn't believe the stories they told me as they were jealous, they thought I got nicer dolls or got away with too much. We laugh about it now.
    Have a great day...:-) Hugs

  9. Good Morning Wanda...get a bear bell my friend. I am not sure why but they are having problems with bears in the Jasper and Banff area as well. Just a couple of days ago a little girl had to be saved by her mum closer to our area.
    Oh yes I love getting the awards but don't put them on my home page just because, oh you know why. Thank you for sharing with me Wanda, it really means so much to me. Have a great day my friend.
    as always......:-) Hugs

  10. Oh Marcy, thank you, I do love the awards and I just love all the bloggers I much I can't choose one over the other, that is the only reason I don't paste them to my home page as I don't think it's fair if I don't follow all the rules.
    Really happy about my flowers too.
    As we blog together I can see a thread making it's way connecting all of us with the things we have in common, and I love connecting with all of you. Have a great day my friend.....:-) Hugs

  11. Diana, thank you and congratulations on your award as well my friend. I grilled a T bone steak (a real treat as they are so expensive so I don't have it very often) for my supper and made a salad to go with was really good.
    Have a great day....:-) Hugs

  12. Hi Jackie, I love your coming here just as much, I also love your photos and look forward to seeing them each time you post.
    Thank you and congratulations to you as well.....:-) Hugs

  13. Stillness, I am worried about you. I am unable to access your page and am concerned as my reader shows me just a bit of your post. If you no longer are blogging sweetie that's okay but please e-mail me and let me know your okay.
    I do hope you can read this my young friend.
    Love you.......:-) Hugs

  14. It felt so good to know that you had a day that you like so much. There is a lot of fragility even in nature's fury. It's nice that it rained in your part of the world. The farmers need it like you rightly said. It's yet to start raining here :(

    And Bernie, it is SO nice to be optimistic, no matter what life throws at you. Another something I must learn from you!

    (word verification to avoid computer generated spam -a necessary pain :)

  15. Oh Bernie, I am still here, still blogging. I did write something this morning, but scrapped it by evening (hence the incomplete post maybe in your reader). It was way too depressing and I didn't want anyone to be sad because of me. I shall come up with something bright and happy soon :) I'm good. Don't worry about me! You are such a sweetheart Bernie :D

  16. The storms must have been very wide spread! We got ours early this morning. I talked to my father in NW Ohio and he said he couldn't remember more thunder and lightening then they had last night! The sky is dark again here at 4:00....I need to walk to complete my 5 out of 7 days of walking (guess I could put it off for tomorrow and still be OK).

    I have observed the "web" we're weaving, too! Isn't it comforting? And you are not alone with the challenge of trying to copy those letters correctly the first time!

    I think you go to bed about the time I am waking up! :) Blessings on your evening, friend.

  17. Bernie, I too was worried about Stillness. I went to her site, and something was going on with it this morning, I guess. She did leave a message on mine commenting on my 10 Honest Statements About Myself (an award requirement thing).....mine are all basically one-liners. She did post after hopefully all is well.

  18. Stillness, I am so happy to hear you are okay, thank you so much for responding so quickly....Hope all is well my friend and that your sister is doing better.
    Thinking of you with love and prayers my friend....:-) Hugs

  19. Hi Rebecca, it did sound like I was a night hound didn't it, I go to bed with Larry King every night, LOL and usually am asleep between 11 & 12....I am slow in the mornings as I take my time reading my newspaper and having my coffee. I am quite content really. I love the friendships that are growing between us all as blogging friends...Stay warm and dry my friend....:-) Hugs

  20. Jackie, Stillness e-mailed me and is okay. I feel so much better since I heard from her as I have become quite attached to my young blogging friend. Thank you for caring my friend and I know Stillness appreciates it as well.
    Have a great day....:-) Hugs

  21. I was the youngest too! And same thing my sis told me- she thought i was plain evil to grab all the attention away from her when i came along.. (younger always cuter..hehhe)

    have a great weekend, Bernie!

  22. Thanks Bernie for your prayers. My sister is coping better than I thought she would. Your prayers sure are working :)

  23. Silver, are you sure you didn't live at my house.....sounds like we shared the same experiences.
    Have a great weekend...:-) Hugs

  24. Stillness, so happy your sister is coping well. How are you?
    Take care my friend....Hugs
